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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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RMS page elements

The RMS page contains Table 5-3 and Table 5-4 elements.

Table 5-3 Tab elements on the RMS page

Component Description
Hardware Displays hardware information, including an LED state indicator and the ability to refresh table data and toggle the LEDs on or off
Software Displays information about the operating system and application installed on the RMS
Firmware Displays firmware information about the server and its components, including interfaces, controllers, and drives.
Network Displays a content pane with information pertaining to network interfaces and MAC addresses of the RMS
VM Info Displays information about guest virtual machines

The RMS page contains these button elements:

Table 5-4 Button elements on the RMS page

Component Description
Tasks Button in the toolbar that displays a floating window containing the Background task table with the background tasks of actions initiated from this work area.
Update Firmware Button that lets you update the firmware on a server. Clicking this button opens the Firmware Update - Select Image page.
Install OS Button that lets you install the operating system (TPD) on the RMS you are on. Clicking this button opens the Software - Select Image page.
Upgrade Button that lets you install or upgrade the application software on the RMS you are on. Clicking this button opens the Software Upgrade - Select Image page.
Accept Upgrade Button that lets you accept an upgrade on the RMS.
Reject Upgrade Button that lets you reject an upgrade on the RMS.
Patch Button that lets you patch the RMS.
Accept Patch Button that lets you accept a patch on the RMS.
Reject Patch Button that lets you reject a patch on the RMS.
Reset Button that lets you remove any configuration data applied to the RMS.