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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Software Upgrade - Select Image page

You have accessed this page through the Upgrade or Patch button of either the Hardware Inventory, Software Inventory, or VM Management page.

The Software Upgrade - Select Image page lets you start the process to install an application, or to upgrade an application or the operating system (OS) to a newer version, or to patch the OS or application, by selecting an ISO image, providing upgrade arguments (if any), and clicking the Start Software Upgrade button.


This procedure is not intended for general customer use and should be used only as directed by Customer Access Support (see My Oracle Support).
The Software Upgrade - Select Image page has these elements:
  • A Targets pane that lists the server(s) to be upgraded.

    The Status column of the Targets pane shows the Task IDs of upgrades started on this page. You can follow their progress on the Task Monitoring page.

  • A Software Upgrade or Patch - Select Image table that allows you to select one image from the software repository.
  • An optional Supply Software Upgrade Arguments text box to provide arguments for the upgrade to be performed.
  • An optional Supply Patch Arguments group of checkboxes to provide arguments for the patch to be performed.
  • The Start Software Upgrade button that starts the upgrade. This button is disabled until an image is selected.

For details of the various elements, refer to Table 7-3 and Table 7-4.

Table 7-3 Software Upgrade - Select Image Page elements

Element Description
Targets A target pane that informs the user which servers will be receiving the upgrade. The information includes Entity identification and status information. The Status column of the Targets pane shows the Task IDs of upgrades started on this page. Their progress can be followed on the Task Monitoring page.
Software Upgrade Select Image table See Table 7-4.
Supply Software Upgrade Arguments

A text box that supplies arguments for the action to be performed. Each argument must be of the form key=value and supported by the TPD version that also supports the software being acted on. Multiple arguments must be separated by spaces or entered on new lines. If no arguments need to be supplied, leave the arguments text box empty.


PMAC does not validate the supplied arguments.
Supply Patch Arguments A group of checkboxes controlling the behavior of the patching process.
  • Reboot will reboot the server after the patch has been applied when checked.
  • No runlevel change required will not shutdown applications on the server during the patch when checked.
  • Modify runlevel timeout allows for specifying a number of minutes to wait for application shutdown before the patch times out.


Reboot and No runlevel change required cannot both be checked. Additionally, Reboot and Modify runlevel timeout cannot both be checked.
Start Software Upgrade button A button that begins the installation or upgrade.

Table 7-4 Software Upgrade - Select Image Table elements

Element Description
Image Name Name of the available image. Note: you can select only one image at a time.

Bootable, Upgrade, Patch

OS upgrades use bootable images.

Application images are of type Upgrade.

OS or Application patch images are of type Patch.

Architecture Each image's application is optimized for either 32 (i386) or 64 (x86_64) bit architecture.
Description Optional field that is filled in by the user when the image is uploaded to the PMAC image repository.