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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Background Task Monitoring elements

Background Task Monitoring page

Background tasks might consist of multiple steps, which are shown in the Status column. The display is updated periodically to show the task progress.

The Background Task Monitoring page contains these elements:

Table 6-8 Elements on the Background Task Monitoring Page

Field Description
Task step details (Notepad icon) Displays a floating window showing the steps constituting the selected task. Each step in this window includes a description and its completion time in seconds since the task started.


This is the leftmost column in the Task Monitoring grid. This column does not have a column heading.
ID Identifies a unique ID for each task.
Task Identifies the process or procedure such as installing an operating system or adding an enclosure.
Target Identifies the server affected by the task. The format of this field varies depending on the information known about the affected target. For example:
  • Enc:1215 Bay:2F refers to the server blade located in enclosure number 1215, bay 2F (Front).
  • Enc:1215 Bay:2F Guest:test refers to the VM guest named "test" running on that blade.
  • Host IP: …99ff:fec1:58a0 Guest: main refers to the VM guest named "main" running on a server with the given IP address.
Status Describes the progress made, thus far, toward completing the background task.
State Describes the current state of the background task (COMPLETE, IN_PROGRESS, IN_PROGRESS_WITH_ISSUE, CANCELLED).
Start Time Denotes the task's start time.
Running Time Denotes the amount of time (hh:mm:ss) that has passed since the previous status update for the background task. For example, an Running Time entry of 2:9:4 would indicate that 2 hours, 9 minutes, and 4 seconds has elapsed since the previous status update.
Progress of a background task Conveys the progress a background task.
Delete Completed Deletes completed background tasks from the task history.


The deleted tasks will not appear in any other Background task table.
Delete Failed Deletes all failed background tasks from the task history


The deleted tasks will not appear in any other Background task table.
Delete Selected Deletes all selected background tasks from the task history.


The deleted tasks will not appear in any other Background task table.
Color codes indicate the status of the background task:
Indicates failure.
Indicates success.
Indicates in progress.

Additional background task information

You can view additional background task information in the Status column. Select a task and Hover over the text in the Status field to display:
Field Description
Task ID The task's ID value as shown in the main Task Monitoring grid.
State Stage of completion; for example, COMPLETE, IN_PROGRESS, or CANCELLED.
In step n of m The latest step to have started execution. If the task's state is FAILED, this indicates the step that was in progress when the failure occurred.
Elapsed The time that has elapsed since the task was started.

Background task monitoring show details view

You can select the view details icon in the left-most column of the page to view additional details about the selected task.

This shows the following elements:

Table 6-9 Elements on the Background Task details view

Field Description
step A field that indicates where one step is stored in the database.
description Description of the step being performed.
state Describes the state of the step (COMPLETE, IN_PROGRESS, IN_PROGRESS_WITH_ISSUE, CANCELLED).
time The amount of time the step took to execute.