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Oracle® Communications EAGLE SIGTRAN User's Guide
Release 46.6
E97352 Revision 1
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Verify IPGWx configuration

  1. Is there an IPGWx application in the system?


  2. Is the IP-LNK table data filled properly? Duplex? 10 or 100 Mbps? Auto=no? IP address Correct? Subnet Mask Correct?
  3. Is the IP-CARD table correct? Def router?
  4. Is the IP-HOST table data filled? Local hosts specified? Remote hosts specified?
  5. Are the signaling links built?

    rtrv-card:loc=<IP Card location>

    rtrv-slk:loc=<ip card location>:port=<SS7 port>

  6. Is the IPGWx linkset built? Does it have sufficient TPS?

    pass:loc=<IP card location>:cmd="assocrtt <association>"

  7. Is the virtual adjacent point code built in the destination and route table?

    rtrv-dstn:dpc=<virtual adjacent point code>

    rtrv-rte:dpc=<virtual adjacent point code>

  8. Are the far-end point codes built in the destination and route table?

    rtrv-dstn:dpc=<far-end point code>

    rtrv-rte:dpc=<far-end point code>

  9. Are there associations using the IPGWx application?
  10. Is an Application Server using the associations?
  11. Is routing built in the APPL-RTKEY table for the far end nodes? SI of 0 is not necessary.
  12. What is the status of the associations?


  13. What is the status of the Application Servers?


    Having associations from two different IPGWx linksets in the same Application Server is an unsupported configuration.
  14. What is the status of the linkset?

    rept-stat-ls:lsn=<IPLIM linkset>

  15. What is the status of the adjacent point code?

    rept-stat-rte:mode=full:dpc=<adjacent point code

  16. What is the status of the far-end point code?

    rept-stat-rte:mode=full:dpc=<far-end point code>