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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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This chapter contains procedures for creating database backups or backups of the system data, and restoring the database or system data. The term “database” refers to all data that can be administered by the user including shelves, cards, links, routes, global title translation tables, and gateway screening tables. The term “system data” refers to data that cannot be administered by the user including maintenance software and generic program loads (GPLs).

These procedures are to be used as they are presented in this chapter. If these procedures are not followed, and a database backup or restore is attempted, a system failure could result.

The procedures shown in this chapter use a variety of commands. If more information on these commands is needed, go to Commands User's Guide to find the necessary information.

The database management procedures are used to perform these functions:

The procedures for performing database backups to the FTP server and restoring the database from the FTP server are in Remote Database Backup and Restore Procedures.

The procedures in this chapter refer to the Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP), Terminal Disk Module (TDM) and the Maintenance Disk and Alarm Card (MDAL), and E5-MCAP cards.

The TDM is associated with a specific E5-MCAP card. For example, the TDM in location 1114 is associated with the E5-MCAP card in location 1113 and the combination of these two cards is designated as MASP A. The TDM in location 1116 is associated with the E5-MCAP card in location 1115 and the combination of these two cards designated as MASP B. When MASP A is active, the E5-MCAP card in location 1113 and TDM in location 1114 are active. When MASP A is standby, the E5-MCAP card in location 1113 and TDM in location 1114 are standby. One MASP is always active and the other MASP is always standby.

To determine which MASP is active, enter the rept-stat-db command, the rept-stat-card command.

The output of the rept-stat-db command shows which MASP is active with the indicator ( ACTV ) following the TDM card location. The indicator ( STDBY) following the TDM card location shows which MASP is standby.

The output of the rept-stat-card command shows which MASP is active with the entry ACTIVE in the SST field for the E5-MCAP card. The entry STANDBY in the SST field for the E5-MCAP card shows which MASP is standby.

The database commands, such as rept-stat-db, refer to the TDM because the TDM contains the fixed disk drive for the MASP.

Refer to Maintenance and Administration Subsystem for more information about the Maintenance and Administration Subsystem.

Refer to Hardware Guide for more information about the cards that make up the Maintenance and Administration Subsystem.