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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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A GPL is the software that is loaded onto a card that allows the various features in the EAGLE to work. The EAGLE currently uses the following GPLs:

Managing GPLs

Managing these GPLs consists of loading them onto the EAGLE from a removable media, downloading these GPLs to the appropriate cards in the EAGLE, then allowing the cards to run these GPLs. The GPLs can be in one of two states, trial and approved.


Refer to the Maintenance and Administration Subsystem section for more information about the control cards.

A trial GPL is a GPL that has not been approved for use and does not match the version number in the system release ID table. The trial GPL is the GPL that the EAGLE is not running.

The approved GPL is the GPL that the EAGLE should be running and has been approved for use. The approved GPL version number should match the version number of the GPL contained in the system release ID table.

The system release ID table contains the version numbers of the approved GPLs that the EAGLE should be running. The system release ID table is contained on the E5-TDMs (Terminal Disk Modules) and on the removable media containing the GPLs that are being loaded onto the EAGLE. The GPLs are loaded onto the EAGLE from a removable media. To get the GPLs from the removable media onto the EAGLE in the approved state, two commands are used, chg-gpl and act-gpl.

CHG-GPL Command

The chg-gpl command copies a GPL from the removable media to the E5-TDMs. The new GPL becomes the trial version on each of the E5-TDMs. This command also copies the system release ID table from the removable media to the E5-TDMs. The chg-gpl command uses these parameters.

gpl – the GPL being loaded onto the EAGLE

ver – the version number of the GPL

audit – Specifies whether the active MASP system release version is to be audited every 90 seconds.

src – Specifies the source drive containing the GPL that is being copied. This parameter has two values.
  • remove – the removable media flash drive on the E5-MCAP card.
  • usb – This parameter is to be used by Oracle personnel only and cannot be used with the chg-gpl command.

If you are loading a GPL onto the EAGLE, the gpl and ver parameters must be specified with the chg-gpl command and a removable media containing the GPL being loaded must be in the removable media drive on the E5-MCAP card of the active MASP.

The audit parameter is required only when turning the GPL auditing on or off.

ACT-GPL Command

The act-gpl command changes the state of the trial GPL from “trial” to “approved.” This is also referred to as activating the GPL. The state of the previously approved GPL is changed from “approved” to “trial.”

The version of the GPL shown in the RELEASE column of the rtrv-gpl output (the GPL version in the system release ID table) is updated to the new approved version when this command is performed.

The act-gpl command uses these parameters:

gpl – the GPL being loaded onto the EAGLE

ver – the version number of the GPL

Displaying GPL Information

Two commands can be used to display the GPL information in the database, rept-stat-gpl and rtrv-gpl. The rept-stat-gpl command shows the versions of the GPLs that are running on the cards in the EAGLE. The rtrv-gpl command shows the versions of the GPLs contained on the fixed disks.


The rept-stat-gpl command output contains these five columns and displays this information.

  • GPL – The GPLs contained on the TDMs (Terminal Disk Modules). The TDMs contain the fixed disks.
  • CARD – The cards that are running the GPLs
  • RUNNING – The version number of the GPLs the cards are running
  • APPROVED – The version numbers of the approved GPLs
  • TRIAL – The version numbers of the trial GPLs

The following is an example of the rept-stat-gpl command output.

    tklc9010801 16-09-07 00:21:39 EST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
    SS7HC      1103      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
           BLMCAP         139-010-000        139-010-000   085-009-009

    Command Completed.

The example rept-stat-gpl output shows that the card in slot 1103 is running the SS7HC GPL, version number 139-010-000, which is also the approved version of the SS7HC GPL. The trial version number of the SS7HC GPL is also 139-010-000.

You can display all the GPLs used by all the cards in the EAGLE except the flash (or communication) GPLs, a specific GPL, or all application and flash GPLs used by all the cards in the EAGLE. The flash GPLs are the BLMCAP, BLDC32, BLDC64, BLSLC32, BLSLC64, BLSLC932, and HIPR2 GPLs. The application GPLs are the other GPLs in the EAGLE.

If you specify the rept-stat-gpl command with no parameters, all the GPLs on all the cards in the EAGLE are displayed except for the communication GPLs, as shown in this example.

tklc9010801 16-09-07 00:22:18 EST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
    OAMHC      1113      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000   
    OAMHC      1115      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000    
    SS7HC      1103      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1104      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1107      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1108      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1203      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1207      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1208      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1213      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1303      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1304      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1307      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1308      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1313      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1314      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    GLSHC      1102      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPLHC      1205      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPLHC      1206      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPGHC      2311      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPGHC      5102      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SCCPHC     1215      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SCCPHC     1217      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SLANHC     1202      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SLANHC     2312      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SLANHC     5108      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SLANHC     5202      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SLANHC     5303      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SLANHC     5304      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSHC      1302      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    ATMHC      2102      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    ATMHC      3306      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    ATMHC      6101      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    ATMHC      6102      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSG       1101      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSG       1105      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSG       1106      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSG       1201      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSG       1211      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSG       1301      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSG       1305      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    IPSG       1306      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    MCPHC      1212      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    MCPHC      5302      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    ENUMHC     2305      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    ENUMHC     3105      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    ENUMHC     3115      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    ENUMHC     3117      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    DEIR64     3215      139-010-000        139-010-000   042-010-003
    DEIR64     3217      139-010-000        139-010-000   042-010-003
    DEIR64     3315      139-010-000        139-010-000   042-010-003

    Command Completed.

If a specific GPL, including the communication GPLs, is specified, then all the cards running that GPL are displayed. For example, if the rept-stat-gpl:gpl=ss7hc command is entered, then all cards running the SS7HC GPL are displayed as shown in the following example.

tklc9010801 16-09-07 00:22:40 EST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
    SS7HC      1103      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1104      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1107      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1108      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1203      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1207      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1208      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1213      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1303      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1304      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1307      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1308      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1313      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000
    SS7HC      1314      139-010-000        139-010-000   139-010-000

    Command Completed.

If a communication GPL (BLMCAP ) is specified with the rept-stat-gpl command, for example, rept-stat-gpl:gpl=blmcap, then all cards running the communication GPL are displayed. In the following example, all the cards running the BLMCAP GPL are displayed as the output for the rept-stat-gpl:gpl=blmcap command.

    eagle1 16-09-09 18:53:40 MST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
    BLMCAP      1101      138-022-000 ALM    139-002-000   139-002-000
    BLMCAP      1102      138-011-000 ALM    139-002-000   139-002-000
    BLMCAP      1112      139-001-000 ALM    139-002-000   139-002-000
    BLMCAP      1205      138-011-000 ALM    139-002-000   139-002-000
    BLMCAP      1206      138-011-000 ALM    139-002-000   139-002-000
    BLMCAP      1207      139-010-000 ALM    139-002-000   139-002-000

    Command Completed.

If the display=all parameter is specified with the rept-stat-gpl command, then all GPLs, application and communication GPLs used by all the cards in the EAGLE are displayed as shown in these examples.

This example shows the output when the display=all parameter is specified. IMT and application GPL information is shown.:

tekelecstp 18-01-18 21:30:11 EST  EAGLE
    Command entered at terminal #18.

Command Accepted - Processing
    tekelecstp 18-01-18 21:30:11 EST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
    OAMHC      1113      033-010-001        033-010-001   -----------  *
           BLMCAP        033-010-001        033-010-001   033-010-001
    OAMHC      1115      033-010-001        033-010-001   -----------  *
           BLMCAP        033-010-001        033-010-001   033-010-001
    HIPR2      1109      141-003-000 ALM    143-005-000   143-005-000
    HIPR2      1110      141-003-000 ALM    143-005-000   143-005-000
    SFAPP      1103      009-011-001        009-011-001   033-010-000
           BLDC64        143-006-000 ALM    000-000-000   033-010-001
    SS7HC      1106      033-010-000        033-010-000   033-010-000
           BLMCAP        077-005-000 ALM    033-010-001   033-010-001
    IPSHC      1112      033-010-000        033-010-000   033-010-000
           BLIXP         077-005-000 ALM    033-010-001   033-010-001
    SCCP64     1107      033-010-000        033-010-000   033-010-000
           BLDC64        064-011-000 ALM    000-000-000   033-010-001

    Command Completed.
Command Executed

If the loc parameter is specified with the rept-stat-gpl command, all the GPLs running on the specified card are displayed. For HC MIMs, this includes all non-activated flash GPLs, as shown in the following example.

eagle1 16-09-09 18:52:13 MST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
    SS7HC      1102      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
    BLMCAP                139-002-000 +      139-002-000   139-002-000

    Command Completed.


The display=all, gpl, and loc parameters cannot be specified in the same command.

If GPL auditing is on, a minor alarm is generated, and ALM is displayed for each GPL in the RUNNING column whose version does not match the version of the GPL shown in the system release ID table. The GPL versions in the system release ID table are shown in the RELEASE column of the rtrv-gpl command output.

If GPL auditing is off, the minor alarm is not generated, but ALM is displayed for each GPL whose version does not match the version of the GPL shown in the system release ID table. The detection, marking, and reporting of corrupt GPLs continues to be performed and is not affected by turning GPL auditing off.

If a GPL is not found, a version of “-----------” is displayed.

If a card is inhibited, “-----------” is displayed in the RUNNING column.

A plus (+) symbol appears in the output when any of the communication or flash GPLs are specified for the rept-stat-gpl command. The plus symbol indicates that the specified GPL currently running on the card has not yet been activated on the card.

RTRV-GPL Command

The rtrv-gpl command output contains these six columns and displays this information.

  • GPL – The GPLs contained on the TDMs.
  • CARD – The card location of the TDMs, either card locations 1114 or 1116
  • RELEASE – The version number of the GPL contained in the system release ID table.
  • APPROVED – The version numbers of the approved GPLs
  • TRIAL – The version numbers of the trial GPLs
  • REMOVE TRIAL – The version number of the GPLs contained on the removable media. Entries in the REMOVE TRIAL column are shown only if the removable media is inserted into the removable media drive. If the removable media is not inserted in an E5-MCAP card, dashes are shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column. Dashes are displayed in the RELEASE, APPROVED, and TRIAL columns.

For E5-based control cards installed in the EAGLE installed in the E5-MCAP card of the active MASP (card location 1113), the following is an example of the rtrv-gpl command output. In this example, removable media is installed in the E5-MCAP card of the active MASP (card location 1113), shown by the GPL version number in the REMOVE TRIAL column for card location 1114. Removable media is not installed in the E5-MCAP card of the standby MASP (card location 1115), shown by the dashes in the REMOVE TRIAL column for card location 1116.

tklc9010801 16-09-07 00:26:49 EST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    SS7HC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SS7HC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  -----------
    SS7HC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------

You can display all the GPLs in the EAGLE or a specific GPL in the EAGLE.

If you specify the rtrv-gpl command with no parameters, all the GPLs in the EAGLE are displayed as shown in this example. This is an example of the rtrv-gpl output when E5-based control cards are installed in the EAGLE.

tklc9010801 16-09-07 00:28:42 EST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    BLMCAP    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      085-009-012  085-009-012
    BLMCAP    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      085-009-012  085-009-012
    BLMCAP    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    OAMHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    OAMHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    OAMHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    HIPR2     1114  139-009-000  139-009-000      139-009-000  139-009-000
    HIPR2     1116  139-009-000  139-009-000      139-009-000  139-009-000
    HIPR2     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    SS7HC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SS7HC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SS7HC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    GLSHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    GLSHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    GLSHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    IPLHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    IPLHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    IPLHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    IPGHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    IPGHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    IPGHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    SCCPHC    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SCCPHC    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SCCPHC    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    SLANHC    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SLANHC    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SLANHC    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    ERTHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    ERTHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    ERTHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    IPSHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    IPSHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    IPSHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    ATMHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    ATMHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    ATMHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    IPSG      1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    IPSG      1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    IPSG      1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    PKTGHC    1114  169-010-000  169-010-000      169-010-000  169-010-000
    PKTGHC    1116  169-010-000  169-010-000      169-010-000  169-010-000
    PKTGHC    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    BLMCAP     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      085-009-009  139-010-000
    BLMCAP     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      085-009-009  139-010-000
    BLMCAP     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    MCPHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    MCPHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    MCPHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    SIPHC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SIPHC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SIPHC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    DEIRHC    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    DEIRHC    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    DEIRHC    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    ENUMHC    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    ENUMHC    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    ENUMHC    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    PKTG64    1114  169-010-000  169-010-000      169-010-000  169-010-000
    PKTG64    1116  169-010-000  169-010-000      169-010-000  169-010-000
    PKTG64    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    BLDC64    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      085-009-006  139-010-000
    BLDC64    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      085-009-006  139-010-000
    BLDC64    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    SCCP64    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SCCP64    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SCCP64    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    BLSLC32   1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      085-009-009  139-010-000
    BLSLC32   1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      085-009-009  139-010-000
    BLSLC32   1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    BLSLC64   1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      042-010-003  139-010-000
    BLSLC64   1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      042-010-003  139-010-000
    BLSLC64   1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    SIP64     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SIP64     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SIP64     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    DEIR64    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      042-010-003  139-010-000
    DEIR64    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      042-010-003  139-010-000
    DEIR64    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    ENUM64    1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    ENUM64    1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    ENUM64    1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
Command Executed

In this example, removable media is installed in both MASPs.

If a specific GPL is specified, then only that GPL is displayed. For example, if the rtrv-gpl:gpl=ss7hc command is entered, then only the SS7HC GPL is displayed as shown in the following example.

eagle1 16-09-12 12:03:53 MST  EAGLE
    GPL Auditing  ON

    SS7HC     1114  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SS7HC     1116  139-010-000  139-010-000      139-010-000  139-010-000
    SS7HC     1113  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------

If GPL auditing is on, a minor alarm is generated, and ALM is displayed for each approved GPL version that does not match the GPL version shown in the RELEASE column. If GPL auditing is off, the minor alarm is not generated, but ALM is displayed for each GPL version that does not match the GPL version shown in the RELEASE column. The detection, marking, and reporting of corrupt GPLs continues to be performed and is not affected by turning GPL auditing off. The GPL version shown in the RELEASE column is updated when the act-gpl command is performed.

If a GPL is not found, a version of “-----------” is displayed.

Loading a GPL onto the System

This section gives a general overview as to how a GPL is loaded onto the EAGLE to be used by the applicable cards. The requirements and steps for each GPL are different and are detailed in the procedures contained in this chapter. The rtrv-gpl examples shown in this section are examples that are shown when E5-based control cards are installed in the EAGLE.

  1. A removable media is inserted into the removable media drive on the E5-MCAP card of the active MASP. If a specific GPL is displayed with the rtrv-gpl command, for example the SS7HC GPL, the following would be displayed.

        eagle1 16-09-09 18:30:48 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL       CARD  RELEASE      APPROVED         TRIAL        REMOVE TRIAL
        SS7HC     1114  139-006-000  139-006-000      139-004-000  -----------
        SS7HC     1116  139-006-000  139-006-000      139-004-000  139-008-000
        SS7HC     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
    Command Executed

    Displaying the SS7HC GPL with the rept-stat-gpl command would display all the cards running the SS7HC GPL, as shown in this example.

    eagle1 16-09-09 18:31:17 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
        SS7HC      1102      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-004-000
        SS7HC      1205      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-004-000
        SS7HC      1206      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-004-000
        SS7HC      1207      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-004-000
        Command Completed
  2. When the chg-gpl command is executed, the specific GPL is copied from the removable media to the fixed disks. The specific GPL and the version number of the GPL on the removable media must be specified with the chg-gpl command. The version number is found in the REMOVE TRIAL column of the rtrv-gpl output. For this example the chg-gpl :gpl:SS7HC:ver=139-008-000 command would be entered at the EAGLE terminal.
  3. The new version of the GPL is now the trial version of the GPL as shown in the examples of the rtrv-gpl and rept-stat-gpl outputs.


    eagle1 16-09-09 18:33:48 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL       CARD  RELEASE      APPROVED         TRIAL        REMOVE TRIAL
        SS7HC     1114  139-006-000  139-006-000      139-008-000  -----------
        SS7HC     1116  139-006-000  139-006-000      139-008-000  139-008-000
        SS7HC     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  ----------- 


    eagle1 16-09-09 18:34:26 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
        SS7HC      1102      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1205      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1206      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1207      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        Command Completed.
  4. To make the trial version of the GPL the approved version, the act-gpl command is executed after the GPL has been copied from the removable media with the chg-gpl command (steps 1 to 3). The trial and approved versions of the specific GPL are swapped as shown in these rtrv-gpl and rept-stat-gpl output examples.


    eagle1 16-09-09 18:35:31 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL       CARD  RELEASE      APPROVED         TRIAL        REMOVE TRIAL
        SS7HC     1114  139-008-000  139-008-000      139-006-000  -----------
        SS7HC     1116  139-008-000  139-008-000      139-006-000  139-008-000
        SS7HC     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  ----------- 

    The system release ID table is updated with the version of the GPL specified with the act-gpl command. This GPL version is shown in the RELEASE column of the rtrv-gpl output after the act-gpl command is performed.

    The ALM indicator is not displayed in the rtrv-gpl output because the approved version of the GPL matches the version in the system release ID table.


        eagle1 16-09-09 18:35:52 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
        SS7HC      1102      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1205      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1206      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1207      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        Command Completed.

    The ALM indicator is displayed for the cards that are running the version of the GPL that does not match the version in the system release ID table (shown in the RELEASE column of the rtrv-gpl output). In this example, the cards are running the trial version which does not match the version in the system release ID table.

  5. To load the card with the new version of the application GPL, the card must be inhibited with the inh-card command, then placed back into service with the alw-card command. To load the approved version of the GPL onto the card, the code=appr parameter can be specified with the alw-card command. It is not necessary to specify the code=appr parameter to load the approved version of the GPL. Entering the alw-card command without the code parameter loads the approved version of the GPL onto the card.

    If you wish to load the trial version of the GPL onto the card, the code=trial parameter must be specified with the alw-card command.

    To load the card with the new version of the flash GPL, the card must be inhibited with the inh-card command and flashed with the init-flash command. The new flash GPL on the card should be activated with the act-flash command and then placed back into service with the alw-card command.

    The following examples show the outputs of the rtrv-gpl and rept-stat-gpl commands after the card has been reloaded. The outputs will vary depending on whether or not the new version of the GPL has been made the approved version with the act-gpl command, and which version (trial or approved) of the GPL is loaded onto the card.

    Example 1

    The new GPL is the APPROVED version and the card 1102 was reloaded with the APPROVED version of the GPL. Card 1102 is now running the APPROVED and RELEASE versions of the GPL. The ALM indicator is not shown in the rtrv-gpl output and is not shown for card 1102 in rept-stat-gpl output. The ALM indicator is shown for cards 1205, 1206, and 1207 because they are not running the RELEASE version of the GPL.

    RTRV-GPL Output

    eagle1 16-09-09 18:36:26 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL       CARD  RELEASE      APPROVED         TRIAL        REMOVE TRIAL
        SS7HC     1114  139-008-000  139-008-000      139-006-000  -----------
        SS7HC     1116  139-008-000  139-008-000      139-006-000  139-008-000
        SS7HC     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------

    REPT-STAT-GPL Output

        eagle1 16-09-09 18:38:34 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
        SS7HC      1102      139-008-000        139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1205      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1206      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1207      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        Command Completed. 

    Example 2

    The new GPL is the APPROVED version and the card 1102 was reloaded with the TRIAL version of the GPL. The card is now running the TRIAL version of the GPL which is not the RELEASE version of the GPL. The ALM indicator is not shown in the rtrv-gpl output, but is shown for all the cards in rept-stat-gpl output because they are not running the RELEASE version of the GPL.

    RTRV-GPL Output

        eagle1 16-09-09 18:41:06 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL       CARD  RELEASE      APPROVED         TRIAL        REMOVE TRIAL
        SS7HC     1114  139-008-000  139-008-000      139-006-000  -----------
        SS7HC     1116  139-008-000  139-008-000      139-006-000  139-008-000
        SS7HC     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------

    REPT-STAT-GPL Output

    eagle1 16-09-09 18:41:59 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
        SS7HC      1102      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1205      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1206      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        SS7HC      1207      139-006-000 ALM    139-008-000   139-006-000
        Command Completed.

    Example 3

    The new GPL is the TRIAL version and the card 1102 was reloaded with the TRIAL version of the GPL. Card 1102 is now running the TRIAL version of the GPL, but not the RELEASE version of the GPL. The ALM indicator is not shown in the rtrv-gpl output because the RELEASE version of the GPL has not changed. The ALM indicator is shown for card 1102 in the rept-stat-gpl output because card 1102 is not running the RELEASE version of the GPL.

    RTRV-GPL Output

    eagle1 16-09-09 18:43:39 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL       CARD  RELEASE      APPROVED         TRIAL        REMOVE TRIAL
        SS7HC     1114  139-006-000  139-006-000      139-008-000  -----------
        SS7HC     1116  139-006-000  139-006-000      139-008-000  139-008-000
        SS7HC     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  ----------- 

    REPT-STAT-GPL Output

        eagle1 16-09-09 18:44:12 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
        SS7HC      1102      139-008-000 ALM    139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1205      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1206      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1207      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        Command Completed.

    Example 4

    The new GPL is the TRIAL version and the card 1102 was reloaded with the APPROVED version of the GPL. Card 1102 is now running the APPROVED version of the GPL which is the RELEASE version of the GPL. The ALM indicator is not shown in the rtrv-gpl output, and for all the cards in rept-stat-gpl output because they are running the RELEASE version of the GPL.

    RTRV-GPL Output

        eagle1 16-09-09 18:46:20 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL       CARD  RELEASE      APPROVED         TRIAL        REMOVE TRIAL
        SS7HC     1114  139-006-000  139-006-000      139-008-000  -----------
        SS7HC     1116  139-006-000  139-006-000      139-008-000  139-008-000
        SS7HC     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  ----------- 

    REPT-STAT-GPL Output

        eagle1 16-09-09 18:46:41 MST  EAGLE
        GPL Auditing  ON
        GPL        CARD      RUNNING            APPROVED      TRIAL
        SS7HC      1102      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1205      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1206      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        SS7HC      1207      139-006-000        139-006-000   139-008-000
        Command Completed