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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Install the Windows OpenSSH Software

To install the software on a Windows machine, perform these steps.

  1. Go to this site: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id103886&package_id=111688.
  2. Select the setupssh381-20040709.zip file and download the file.
  3. After the file has been downloaded, run the installer and install all the components.

    The recommended folder for installing the components is C:\OpenSSH.

    After installing the software, this warning may be displayed.

    Figure C-1 OpenSSH Warning Window

    Click the OK button and perform the Establishing a Secure Telnet Connection to the EAGLE using Windows OpenSSH procedure.