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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Establishing a Secure Telnet Connection to the EAGLE using Windows OpenSSH

To establish a secure telnet connection to the EAGLE using OpenSSH, perform these steps.

  1. Open two DOS windows.
  2. In DOS window 1, go to the bin folder in the folder where the OpenSSH software was installed.

    For this example, enter this command

    cd C:\OpenSSH\bin

  3. In DOS window 1, enter the ssh command with these options and values.
    • -N - once the authentication is complete, the ssh program executes in the background, meaning the prompt should be returned so that the telnet command can be entered.
    • -f
    • -L
    • the local/forwarding port number, for this example, 23000
    • the local loopback address, Port 23 is reserved for ssh.
    • The IP address of the EAGLE IPSM. For this example, 10:253.104.36.

    For this example, enter this command.

    ssh -N -f -L 23000: 10:253.104.36


    1. When issuing the ssh command, if the IPSM on the EAGLE has undergone a hard reset, the ssh key stored in the local_host file must be purged.
    2. If you are making the connection to the EAGLE for the first time, and you are prompted to accept the ssh key, accept the ssh key and proceed to 4
  4. In DOS window 2, enter the telnet command with the the local loopback address, without the port number, the local/forwarding port number specified in 3. for this example, enter this command.

    telnet 23000

  5. When the Eagle prompt is received in DOS window 2, choose an EAGLE terminal and login with your EAGLE username and password.
  6. If you wish to establish another secure telnet connection to the EAGLE, perform 3 with a different local/forwarding port number, then perform 4 using the local/forwarding port number specified in 3.
  7. To logout of the EAGLE and close the secure telnet connection, perform these actions.
    • At the EAGLE, enter the logout command.
    • Press the Ctrl+] keys to receive the telnet prompt.
    • Enter quit.
    • The prompt in DOS window 2 goes to C:\.
    • The ssh command in DOS window 1 goes away and the prompt returns to \C:.