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Purging SimVen Event, PO, and Receiving Data

  1. Browse to and open the [Drive Letter]:\SimVen\Conc\Programs folder.
  2. Double-click TanPurgeEvent.exe, and then log on to the utility using your SimVen administrator credentials.
  3. To delete only event data, select Event ID (Events related), select one or more event IDs, and then click Purge.
  4. To delete event, PO, and receiving data:
    1. Select Date Range (Events, PO, Recv.), and then select a date range using the To and From date editors.
    2. Select the information to delete, and then click Purge:
      • Delete Event related data: Select this option to purge event data.

      • Delete PO related data: Select this option to purge purchase order data.

      • Delete Receiving related data: Select this option to purge receiving related data.