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Setting Up a Company

Use this procedure to set up multiple profit centers for private vendors and sub-contractors. Inventory locations tagged with the same company ID report sales revenue together.

You must first obtain consent from a company representative prior to storing a company’s personal data in the system.

If a company is no longer used, assign a new company to all inventory locations that apply, but do not delete that company from SimVen.

Figure 1-7 Company Setup

This figure displays the Company Profit Center Maintenance window.
  1. On the toolbar, click Setup, click Master Files, and then click Company.
  2. Enter a unique Company ID, and then enter the Company Name (optional) and contact details (optional).

    The company name and address appear on the credit card receipt header of each inventory location assigned to the company.

  3. Select the appropriate Default General Ledger Account Numbers.

    If you are not using the General Ledger Accounting function, enter 0 (zero) for all the fields.

  4. In the Privacy Policy section, select Acknowledgement to opt in or provide your consent to the processing of personal data (when processed through the API). After you check this option, the Acknowledgement Date field automatically updates using the current date.

    If the company owner is not the person who is entering the personal data, the application end-user can do so on behalf of the company.

  5. Click Save.