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Generating the Family Group Sales and Per Cap By Contract Report

This Family Group Sales and Per Cap By Contract Report shows inventory sales by family group for the event that you select. It is subcategorized by contract and lists sales tax and per cap figures.

Figure 1-120 Generating the Family Group Sales and Per Cap by Contract Report

This figure displays the Family Group Sales and Per Cap — by Contract window.
  1. On the toolbar, click Post-Event, click Post-Event Reports, click Contract Reports, and then click Family Group Sales And Per Cap By Contract.
  2. Select the company range, select the Event, and then to distribute a portion of the over/short figure to each family group, select Prorate overshort.

    To generate the report for all companies, leave the company selection fields empty.

  3. Select the contract range, enter the number of attendees in the Attendance field, and then select the Weather (optional).
  4. Select the Output Destination, and then click Print.