Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Integration Event Queue Configuration Data >

Elements and Sections in the Integration Event Queue XML Output File

Table 53 describes the elements and sections in the integration event queue XML output file.

Table 53. Elements and Sections in the Integration Event Queue XML File
Element or Section

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The <IntegrationEventQueue> section contains all of the information for a single integration event queue.

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<QueueName> contains the name of the integration event queue.

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<Description> contains the description of the integration event queue.

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<Disabled> specifies whether the integration event queue is disabled (true) or is not disabled (false).

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  <data:Created>SysAdmin, 05/21/2017   04:40:52</data:Created>
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<Created> contains the user name of the user who created the integration event queue, with the date and time that the queue was created. This element is read-only and is ignored for upsert requests.

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  <data:Modified>SysAdmin, 06/19/2017   06:26:52</data:Modified>
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<Modified> contains the user name of the user who last modified the integration event queue configuration, with the date and time that the queue configuration was last modified. This element is read-only and is ignored for upsert requests.

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<FileLimit> shows the total number of events that your company can store for all queues. If the combined size of the existing queues matches this number, then you cannot create a new queue. This element is read-only and is ignored for upsert requests.

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<UnassignedQueueCapacity> shows the remaining capacity for all integration event queues. This element is read-only and is ignored for upsert requests.

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<QueueSize> specifies the size of the queue. When you create a new queue, the size of the queue cannot exceed the remaining capacity, which is shown in the <UnassignedQueueCapacity> element.

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<NumberOfTransactions> shows the number of transactions currently in the queue. This element is read-only and is ignored for upsert requests.

NOTE:  For information about clearing integration events from queues, see About Clearing Transactions from Integration Event Queues.

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<NotificationEmailAddress> is the email address to which a warning email is to be sent when the queue is full or when the queue reaches a certain size, if a warning email is to be sent.

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<WarningMailQueueSize> specifies the size that the queue is allowed to reach before a warning email is sent to the address specified in the <NotificationEmailAddress> element.

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  <data:TimeZone>User Time Zone

<TimeZone> specifies how the dates and times are recorded in the integration events. The valid values are:

  • UTC Format. If this value is specified, then the date and time in the GMT time zone are recorded, in the format specified by the W3C standard for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), as follows:


    For example, 2017-06-12T09:44:15Z, which corresponds to June 12th 2017, 9:44:15 GMT.

NOTE:  Fractions of seconds are not recorded.

  • UTC. If this value is specified, then the date and time in the GMT time zone are recorded, in the following format:


    For example, 06/12/2017 09:44:15, which corresponds to June 12th 2017, 9:44:15 GMT.

  • User Time Zone. If this value is specified, then the date and time in the time zone of the user who updated the record are recorded, in the following format:


    For example, 06/12/2017 09:44:15, which corresponds to June 12th 2017, 9:44:15, in the user's time zone.

NOTE:  You can set the Time Zone field for the Default Queue only. All other queues inherit the setting that is selected for the Default Queue.

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  <data:PicklistFormat>User Language
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<PicklistFormat> specifies the format for recording picklist field values in the integration events, as follows:

  • LIC. If this value is specified, then the picklist values are recorded as language-independent code (LIC) values.

    NOTE:  The LIC values in picklists are usually the same as the values in the English-United States (ENU) locale.

  • User Language. If this value is specified, then the picklist values are recorded in the language of the user whose action causes the integration event to be created.

    NOTE:  After a queue is created, the Picklist Format field becomes read-only and you cannot change it, either in the UI or through an upsert operation. If you want to change the picklist format of an integration event queue, then contact Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care, and ask them to change it for you.

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