Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Custom Web Applets > Elements and Sections in the Web Applet XML Output File >

Homepage Custom Web Applets

Table 27 describes the elements and sections in the homepage custom Web applet XML output file.

Table 27. Elements and Sections in the Homepage Custom Web Applet XML File
Element or Section


<ObjectName> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.

<data:DisplayName>My Account Homepage Applet

<DisplayName> contains the name of the custom Web applet.

<data:Description>This is my Account Homepage applet

<Description> contains the description of the custom Web applet.

<data:DisplayNameCurrentUserLang>My Account Homepage Applet</data:DisplayNameCurrentUserLang>

<DisplayNameCurrentUserLang> contains the name of the custom Web applet in the language of the currently-logged in user.


<Width> specifies the column width of the custom Web applet, as follows:

  • 1. Specifies single-column width.
  • 2. Specifies double-column width.


<Height> specifies the height of the custom Web applet, in pixels.


If the custom Web applet is an HTML applet, then the details appear in the <HTMLType> section, as follows:

  • <HTMLHeader> contains the HTML code used in an <iframe> element within the HTML header of the page to which the custom Web applet is added.
  • <HTMLBody> contains the HTML code used in an <iframe> element within the HTML body of the page to which the custom Web applet is added.

  <data:TargetWindow>New Window</data:TargetWindow>

If the custom Web applet is an RSS feed applet, then the details appear in the <FeedType> section, as follows:

  • <URL> contains the URL that is invoked when the user clicks the hyperlink.
  • <OverrideURLFlag> determines whether the user can override the URL (true) or the user cannot override the URL (false).
  • <TargetWindow> specifies the window in which the custom Web applet opens. The valid values are as follows:
    • Current Window. The custom Web applet opens in the current window.
    • New Window. The custom Web applet opens in a new window.


If the custom Web applet is a URL applet, then the details appear in the <URLType> section.

<URL> contains the URL that is invoked when the user clicks the hyperlink.

NOTE:  Although it is possible to update or insert a custom Web applet of the URL type that contains a URL for an analysis or dashboard, this functionality is not fully supported, and the URL might not work after an upgrade.


If the custom Web applet is a record-type homepage custom report, then the details appear in the <ReportType> section, as follows:

  • <ReportPath> is the path for a report in the V2 catalog, for example:

    Company Wide Shared Folder : Service : Service Analysis

  • <ReportFlag> specifies whether the report will run automatically (true) or if users will have to click a link to refresh the report (false).

NOTE:  You cannot extract, update, or insert record-type homepage custom reports that contain links to analyses or dashboards in the V3 catalog. In addition, although you can update or insert a record-type homepage custom report that contains a link to a report from the V2 catalog in an environment that is running Release 37 of Oracle CRM On Demand, the custom report configuration will be read-only in the user interface in that environment, and the report will not display on a homepage even if the custom report is added to a homepage layout.

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The <ListOfTranslation> section contains the translation values for the custom Web applet.

    <data:DisplayName>My Account Homepage Applet
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The <Translation> section contains the translation values for one language:

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