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About Editing Private Lists Created by Other Users

If your user role has the Manage Private Lists privilege, then you can access and edit other users' private lists through the Manage Lists page for the record type. You can open the Manage Lists page by clicking the Manage Lists link in the Homepage for the record type, or by selecting Manage Lists from the Menu button in a List page for the record type. For more information about the Manage Lists page, see Manage Lists Page.

When editing the private lists that were created by other users, the following considerations apply:

  • In the Manage Lists page, you can access the private lists that other users created for the record type in your current user language. If you want to edit the private lists that other users created in a different language, then you must change to that language. For information about changing your language, see Changing Your Language Setting.
  • It is recommended that your user role is set up so that all of the search fields that are available to other users for the record type are also available to you. Otherwise, you might not be able to edit some lists successfully. If you attempt to edit a list that includes a search field that is unavailable to you, then the following happens:
    • The field is grayed out, and you cannot edit it.
    • When you save the list, Oracle CRM On Demand automatically removes the field from the search criteria.
  • If you intend to add a search field to a list definition, then make sure that the list owner has the necessary access permissions for that field. For information about how access to fields in lists is determined, see Creating and Refining Lists.
  • If you intend to select a book for the search, then make sure that the list owner has access to the book.
  • When you save and run the list, the list of records that is returned is determined by which records are visible to you, rather than by which records are visible to the list owner.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.