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Designing a Dashboard Prompt

A prompt that is created at the dashboard level is called a dashboard prompt because the prompt is created outside of a specific dashboard and is stored in the catalog as an object, which can then be added to any dashboard or dashboard page that contains the columns that are specified in the prompt. Dashboard prompts allow the end users to specify the data values that determine the content of all of the analyses and scorecard objects contained on the dashboard. A dashboard prompt can be a column prompt, variable prompt, image prompt, or currency prompt. Dashboard prompts are reusable, because you can create one prompt and use it many times. When the prompt object is updated and saved, those updates are immediately displayed in all dashboards where the prompt is used. A dashboard prompt is a specific kind of filter that, when created, saved, and applied to a dashboard or dashboard pages, can filter all or some of the analyses and scorecard objects that are embedded in a dashboard or analyses and scorecard objects that are embedded on the same dashboard page. A dashboard prompt is interactive and is always displayed on the dashboard page so that the user can prompt for different values without having to re-run the dashboard. Users can create and save dashboard prompts to either a private folder or to a shared folder.

To create a dashboard prompt:

  1. In the Analytics tab, pull down the New menu and choose Dashboard Prompt.
  2. From the Select Subject Area menu, select the subject area for which you want to create a prompt.
  3. In the Definition Pane, Ccick the New button to access the prompt type selection list. From the list, select Column Prompt. The Select Column dialog is displayed.
  4. Select a column and click OK. The New Prompt dialog displays.
    1. If your repository is configured for double columns, then ensure that you select the correct display column.
    2. The number of columns that you include in a prompt can affect performance. In general, you should limit the number of columns to as few as possible.
    3. If you are creating a dashboard prompt and want to add or remove related subject areas, then click the Select subject area button in the Select Column dialog to display the Add/Remove Subject Areas dialog.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.