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Creating Interactive Dashboards in Analytics

This topic describes how to create a new interactive dashboard.

Before you begin. To create and edit interactive dashboards, your role must include the Manage Dashboards privilege.

To create an interactive dashboard

  1. Click the Analytics tab.
  2. On the Home page under Create, click Dashboard.
  3. On the New Dashboards page, enter the name (maximum of 512 characters), description, and file location for the dashboard.
  4. Select Add content now and then click OK.

    NOTE: Newly created dashboards contain one blank page. Dashboards that contain only one page do not display the page name as a tab at the top of the dashboard. Dashboard page names appear at the top of a dashboard only when the dashboard contains multiple pages.

    NOTE: The maximum number of dashboards that can be displayed on the Dashboards drop-down menu is 300.

When you have created your dashboard, you can add content to the dashboard. For information on how to manage dashboard content, control the appearance of dashboards, and add pages to dashboards, see the following topics:

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.