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Creating an Order Item for Products

You can use the Order pages to create and update order items for products so that you can track what products have been purchased by the customer as part of the order.

NOTE: You can also use the Sample Request pages to link sample request information to calls, see Linking Sample Request Information to Calls. Note that if you customize the Order Detail page by adding a new field, then the new field will also be available on Sample Request pages.

Before you begin. To work with orders and order items for products, the Order Usage value on the company profile page must be set to CRM On Demand Order Management, and your user role must include the Enable Order Access privilege.

To create or update an order item for products

  1. On the Order Homepage, select the order that you want.

    For information on selecting orders, see Finding Records.

  2. On the Order Detail page:
    • Click New in the Order Items section to add an order line item to the order.

      NOTE: You might want to add the Order Items section to your layout. For more information on changing the layout, see Changing Your Detail Page Layout.

    • Click Edit next to an existing order line item to update that order item.
  3. On the Order Item Detail or Edit page, complete the fields described in the following table, and then save the record.



    Order Item Number

    (Read-only) The unique number for this order line item.


    The currency in which this order item will be processed. Use the Lookup selector to choose the currency.

    Discount Amount

    This field is not applicable to the current release of Oracle CRM On Demand.

    Discount Percent

    This field is not applicable to the current release of Oracle CRM On Demand.


    (Required) The product that is being ordered.


    (Required) The quantity of product that is being ordered. The value in this field cannot be negative.


    (Read-only) The parent order to which this order line item is linked.

    Order: External Unique ID

    (Read-only) The unique external ID of the parent order to which this order line item is linked.


    This field is not applicable to the current release of Oracle CRM On Demand.

    Price after Discount

    This field is not applicable to the current release of Oracle CRM On Demand.


    (Required) The value in this field is In Progress by default.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information about orders:

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.