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Removing Users From Activities

To remove users from an activity, at least one of the following conditions must be true:

  • You are the owner of the activity.
  • Your name appears in the Delegated By field on the activity.

Otherwise, the Remove links are not available in the Users section of the Appointment Detail page or the Task Detail page and you cannot remove users from the activity. You can manually update the Delegated By field on the activity so that it shows your name. Then, after you refresh the activity Detail page, a Remove link is available for each of the users except the owner of the activity. For more information about the Delegated By field, see Activity Fields.

To remove a user from an activity

  1. In the Appointment Detail page or the Task Detail page, scroll to the Users section.
  2. If the user that you want to remove does not appear in the list, then click Show Full List to expand the list.
  3. Find the user that you want to remove, then click the Remove link for the user, and then confirm that you want to remove the user.

NOTE: The Remove links are also available in the multiassociation window that opens when you click Add in the Users section of the page, if you are the owner of the activity or your name appears in the Delegated By field on the activity.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.