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Custom Objects and Opportunity Historical Analytics Subject Area

This topic covers the following historical analytics subject areas:

  • Custom Object 1 and Opportunity History
  • Custom Object 2 and Opportunity History


This subject area is available in all editions of Oracle CRM On Demand.

Business Purpose

This subject area allows you to report on the many-to-many relationship between Custom Objects 01, 02 and Opportunity History. The Opportunity historical analytics subject area is replicated and added with the Custom Objects 1, and 2 dimensions. Often companies redesign Custom Objects 1 and 2 and want to report on these redesigned objects with opportunities. Because this subject area represents the many-to-many relationship between opportunities and Custom Objects 1, and 2, the opportunities that do not have an association with at least one instance of Custom Objects 1, and 2 cannot be reported using these subject areas.

Relationship Type



This subject area has the following dimensions:

  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Custom Object
  • Date
  • Opportunity
  • Owned By user
  • Primary Contact
  • Territory


  • Opportunity Metrics
    • Opportunity Custom Metrics
      • Average (Avg) Indexed Currency
      • Average (Avg) Indexed Number
      • Indexed Currency
      • Indexed Number
    • Opportunity Metrics by Open Date
      • Number (#) of Contacts with Opportunities (Optys)
      • Number (#) of Open Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Wins
      • Average (Avg) Number (#) of Days in Stage
      • Average (Avg) Deal Size
      • Average (Avg) Sales Cycle
      • Closed Revenue
      • Expected Revenue
      • Opportunity Loss Rate
      • Opportunity Win Rate
      • Revenue
    • Opportunity Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Contacts with Opportunities (Optys)
    • Number (#) of Open Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Wins
    • Average (Avg) Number (#) of Days in Stage
    • Average (Avg) Deal Size
    • Average (Avg) Sales Cycle
    • Closed Revenue
    • Closed Revenue (000)
    • Expected Revenue
    • Expected Revenue (000)
    • Opportunity Loss Rate
    • Opportunity Win Rate
    • Quarter Ago Closed Revenue
    • Quarter Ago Closed Revenue (000)
    • Quarter Ago Opportunity Revenue
    • Quarter Ago Opportunity Revenue (000)
    • Revenue
    • Revenue (000)

Usage Notes

The Account dimension includes a Book hierarchy, which enables you to analyze metrics and related attributes at any level.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.