Oracle Web Services On Demand Troubleshooting Guide > Overview of Error Code Information >

Format of Error Codes

An error code returned by Oracle CRM On Demand has the following format:



  • MessageFacility represents the message facility that is returning the error. A message facility is the area in Oracle CRM On Demand Web services where the error occurs.
  • ErrorNumber is an integer between 1 and 49,999 that identifies the error. For example: 04127.

The SOAP fault element returned in the SOAP response contains the child elements shown in Table 2 according to the specification for World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) SOAP version 1.1. For sample SOAP responses, see SOAP Fault Response <ErrorCode> and <Error Message> Elements and SOAP Fault Response Containing the <siebelf:siebdetail> Element.

Table 2. Child Elements of the <soap:Fault> Element


A code for identifying the fault, for example, whether the fault was caused by an error on the server side or client side.


An explanation of the fault.


Application-specific error details. This element contains different child elements depending on the level of details available for the error. It has one of the following:

  • The <ErrorCode> and <ErrorMessage> child elements
  • The <siebelf:siebdetail> element

Table 3 describes the child elements of the <detail> element with <ErrorCode> and <ErrorMessage> subelements.

Table 3. Child Elements of the <detail> Element with <ErrorCode> and <ErrorMessage> subelements


The error code, which follows the Oracle CRM On Demand error-code format.


The text of the error message.

SOAP Fault Response <ErrorCode> and <Error Message> Elements

The following is an example of a SOAP fault response containing <ErrorCode> and <ErrorMessage> elements:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">







            <ErrorMessage>The server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.</ErrorMessage>





The <siebelf:siebdetail> element is returned in the <detail> element of the SOAP fault and contains the log file name and the error stack elements, as described in Table 4.

Table 4. Child Elements of the <siebelf:siebdetail> Element


The log file on the server where the error is logged.


The error stack, containing one or more <error> child elements. It represents the chain of errors that occurred.


The specific error information that is contained in the following child elements: <errorcode>, <errorsymbol> and <errormsg>.


The error code for the error, which follows Oracle CRM On Demand error-code format.


The language-independent identifier for an error message.


The text of the error message.

SOAP Fault Response Containing the <siebelf:siebdetail> Element

The following is an example of a SOAP Fault Response containing the <siebelf:siebdetail> element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">




         <faultstring>Error while processing argument urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/contact/:ListOfContact for operation ContactInsert(SBL-EAI-04316)</faultstring>


            <siebelf:siebdetail xmlns:siebelf="">





                     <siebelf:errorsymbol />

                     <siebelf:errormsg>Error while processing argument urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/contact/:ListOfContact for operation ContactInsert(SBL-EAI-04316)</siebelf:errormsg>




                     <siebelf:errorsymbol> IDS_EAI_ERR_INTOBJHIER_ELEM_UNKN</siebelf:errorsymbol>

                      <siebelf:errormsg> Element with XML tag 'ContactFirstNamee' is not found in the definition of EAI Integration Component 'Contact'(SBL-EAI-04127)</siebelf:errormsg>








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