Integration Layer Processes and Web Services

Purpose: This topic provides a master listing of integration layer processes and their characteristics, including whether they process inbound or outbound messages, require queues, or must be stopped and started. This topic also includes a listing of web services that do not use integration layer processes, and provides troubleshooting information for XML messages.

In this topic:

Integration Layer Processes

Web Services without Integration Layer Processes

Troubleshooting XML Messages and Integration Layer Processes

For more information: See:

Generic Web Services describes how to use the CWMessageIn Web Service to process XML messages for integration layer or e-commerce jobs that ordinarily use WebSphereMQ or HornetQ. This topic also describes how to use the CWServiceIn Web Service, which does not require an integration layer job or e-commerce job to process the message.

Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT) describes the screens you use to work with and configure the e-commerce jobs, and includes a listing of the related XML messages.

XML Messages provides a master list of CWSerenade XML messages, including links to the DTDs, schemas, sample messages, and descriptions of message layouts.

Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) describes the screens you use to work with and configure integration layer jobs.

JMS (Java Message Service) Providers for CWSerenade for more information on using IBM WebSphere MQ or HornetQ to send messages between CWSerenade and an external system.

Working with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) describes how to define which CWSerenade web service endpoints require basic web service authentication.

Integration Layer Processes

This table describes:

• the integration layer processes

• their functions

• the jobs they initiate

• the messages they handle

• whether they require a queue

• whether they need to be active

• their communication type setting.



Submitted Job(s) (outbound) or program (inbound)


Needs Queue?

Needs to be Active?

Comm type?

A/R batch payments

CWSerenade receives batch A/R payments against open items. See Uploading A/R Batch Payments for an overview.


ARPayment (to CWSerenade)



message queue or CWMessageIn web service

Billing Updates

At periodic intervals, processes deferred billing updates for records in the Invoice Header table whose Process Date field is 0. The Outbound delay time defines how often the job processes the deferred billing updates. Example: If the Outbound delay time is 60, the system looks for deferred billing updates to process every 60 seconds. See Delay Billing Updates (K85) for processing details.


This job does not generate or receive any messages and is used only to submit the Delay Billing Update Process at defined intervals.



message queue (but does not process any messages)

Order Broker integration

CWSerenade sends and receives order information and updates. See the Order Broker Integration for an overview.


Sends and receives information using Locate’s message formats; see Sample Order Broker Messages for examples.



web service

CC Token Process (outbound / inbound)

CWSerenade sends credit card token requests to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to the tokenization service. The tokenization service sends a credit card token response to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to CWSerenade. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide.

Note: This process is an interactive job; you cannot change, start or stop this process.

Related SCV: Enter this job in the Tokenization IJCT Job (L41) system control value.


RegisterToken Request (from CWSerenade)


RegisterToken Response (to CWSerenade)


Note: The system uses the CWAuthorization Request and CWAuthorization Response to generate the RegisterToken Request and Response.


this is an interactive job

message queue

Batch CC authorization



CWSerenade sends batch authorization requests for credit cards, debit (Switch) cards, stored value cards, and Bill Me Later transactions to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to the service bureau. The service bureau sends an authorization response to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to CWSerenade. See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using CWIntegrate.



CWAuthorization Request (from CWSerenade)


CWAuthorization Response (to CWSerenade)



message queue

On-line CC authorization



CWSerenade sends on-line authorization requests for credit cards, debit (Switch) cards, stored value cards, and Bill Me Later transactions to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to the service bureau. The service bureau sends an authorization response to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to CWSerenade. See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using CWIntegrate.



CWAuthorization Request (from CWSerenade)


CWAuthorization Response (to CWSerenade)



message queue

Customer history, order inquiry (inbound/


CWSerenade receives a CustHistRequest for customer order history or information on a specific order, and generates a response (CWCUSTHISTOUT or CWORDEROUT). See Generic Customer History API for an overview.


CustHistRequest (to CWSerenade)




CWORDEROUT (from CWSerenade)

no (if passing target of CUSTHISTIN)

no (if passing target of CUSTHISTIN)

message queue or CWMessageIn web service

Customer download (outbound)

CWSerenade generates an outbound CWCustomerDownload XML message when you create, change, or delete a customer. See Generic Customer Download API for an overview.


CWCustomerDownload (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Customer inquiry/ search (inbound/


CWSerenade receives a CWCustomerInqRequest for information on one or more customers matching specific search criteria, and generates a CWCustomerInqResponse. See Generic Customer Inquiry (Search) API for an overview.



Request (to CWSerenade)



Response (from CWSerenade)

no (if passing target of CWCUSTSRCH)

no (if passing target of CWCUSTSRCH)

message queue or CWMessageIn web service

Customer API


CWSerenade receives a new customer or a change to an existing customer. See Generic Customer API for an overview.

Note: If using the CWCustomer web service, the CUSTOMR_IN IJCT job is not used.



CWCustomerIn (to CWSerenade)



CWCustomer web service or CWMessageIn web service

Batch deposits / settlement



CWSerenade sends batch deposit requests for credit cards, debit (Switch) cards, stored value cards, and Bill Me Later transactions to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to the service bureau. The service bureau sends a deposit response to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to CWSerenade. See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using CWIntegrate.

Note: The Paymentech Point-to-Point Integration does not use this job to process deposits and instead uses Paymentech Deposit files to send the deposit transactions directly to the Paymentech system for processing.



CWDepositRequest (from CWSerenade)


CWDepositResponse (to CWSerenade)



message queue



CWSerenade receives email messages and creates Correspondence History and Correspondence History Detail records; attempts to assign the emails to customers; flags the emails as being in error if they cannot be assigned, or include inconsistent or invalid information. See Email Repository Overview.



CWEmail (to CWSerenade)



message queue or CWMessageIn web service

Email (outbound)

CWSerenade generates the a generic outbound XML message rather than an actual email, so that you can you can use the information to produce a reformatted HTML email that includes promotional material. See Outbound Email API.


CWEmailOut (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Inventory download (outbound)

CWSerenade sends inventory availability information to another system in the CWInventoryDownload message. See Generic Inventory Download API for an overview.



Download (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Inventory inquiry (inbound/


CWSerenade receives a CWInventoryInquiryRequest for inventory availability on a specific item/SKU and generates a CWInventoryInquiryResponse. See Generic Inventory Inquiry API for an overview.


CWInventoryInquiry (to CWSerenade)


CWInventoryInquiryResponse (from CWSerenade)



message queue or CWMessageIn web service

Invoice Outbound


CWSerenade sends invoice information in the CWInvoiceOut message to another system, such as a retail store, financial system, or warehouse management system. See Generic Invoice Download API for an overview.


CWInvoiceOut (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Inventory transaction processor


CWSerenade receives inventory transactions in the inCreateInvXaction message and updates inventory information, such as in the Item Location and Item Warehouse tables. Any errors create Item Transaction Error records. See Generic Inventory Transaction Upload for an overview.


inCreateInvXaction (to CWSerenade)



message queue or CWMessageIn web service

Item Outbound


CWSerenade sends item and SKU information in the CWItemOut message to another system, such as a retail store or warehouse management system. See Generic Item Download API.


CWItemOut (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Merchandise locator (outbound/


CWSerenade sends a request for inventory information to an external system, such as Locate, and receives a response listing external warehouse and store locations where the specified item is available. See Merchandise Locator API for an overview.


LocateItems request (from CWSerenade)


LocateItems response (to CWSerenade)


Note: The CWMerchLoc request and response messages are used only to support processing the LocateItems request and response messages and the merchandise locator API, and are not themselves generic API messages.



web service

Order processor



CWSerenade receives new orders through a generic order interface and optionally generates detailed or simple acknowledgments, as requested in the inbound order message. See Generic Order Interface (Order API) for an overview.


If the ORDER_IN job uses a web service and does not read from or write to queues (the default setting in CWSerenade 1.1 or higher), there is no need to start or stop the job.

CWOrderIn (to CWSerenade)


CWOrderOut (from CWSerenade)



CWOrderIn web service (but can specify message queue or use CWMessageIn web service)

Paymentech Online Auth

Generates a Paymentech Heartbeat Response each time a Heartbeat Request is received from Paymentech for the Paymentech Point-to-Point Integration.


Paymentech Heartbeat Response (from CWSerenade)



message queue (but does not require a queue since the message uses a direct connection to Paymentech)

Pick Outbound

CWSerenade sends a Pick Message from CWSerenade (CWPickOut) for each pick slip generated. See Generic Pick Out API for an overview.



CWPickOut (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Purchase Order Outbound

CWSerenade sends a CWPurchaseOrderOut message to a warehouse management system or an EDI vendor. See Generic Outbound Purchase Order API.



CWPurchaseOrderOut (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Return Inbound

CWSerenade receives an Return Request Message (CWReturnIn) to create and process a return against a specified order line. Optionally, the process sends an Return Response Message (CWReturnOut) to the external system, indicating if the return processed successfully or if an error occurred. See Inbound Return API for an overview.


CWReturnIn (to CWSerenade)


CWReturnOut (from CWSerenade)

no (if passing target of CWRETURNIN)

no (if passing target of CWRETURNIN)

message queue or CWMessageIn web service

Return Authorization Outbound

CWSerenade sends a Return Authorization Outbound XML Message (CWReturnRAOut) when a return authorization is created, changed, or deleted. See Outbound Return API for an overview.



AuthorizationOut (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (outbound/


CWSerenade sends a Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry Request to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to the service bureau. The service bureau sends a Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry Response to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to CWSerenade. See Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB).



If the Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations (J19) system control value is selected in any company, this process is not an interactive job; if it is, you should not change, start or stop this process.

CWAuthorization Request (from CWSerenade)


CWAuthorization Response (to CWSerenade)



message queue

Stored Value Card Activation (outbound/


CWSerenade sends a Stored Value Card Activation Request to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to the service bureau. The service bureau sends a Stored Value Card Activation Response to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to CWSerenade. See Stored Value Card Purchase and Activation.


(inbound: AAO0001) (outbound: SVCACT_OUT, ILR0022)

CWAuthorization Request (from CWSerenade)


CWAuthorization Response (to CWSerenade)



message queue

Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal (outbound/ inbound)

CWSerenade sends a Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to the service bureau. The service bureau sends a Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal Response to CWIntegrate; CWIntegrate translates and transmits the message to CWSerenade. See Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal.

SVC_REVRSL (Inbound: AAO0001)


(outbound: SVCREV_OUT, ILR0022)

CWAuthorization Request (from CWSerenade)


CWAuthorization Response (to CWSerenade)



message queue


Note: You cannot create multiple Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal jobs; CWSerenade always uses the job named SVC_REVRSL to process authorization reversals.

In addition, the Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal job uses the outbound XML version defined for the Stored Value Card Activation job for the service bureau.






Tax Request (inbound / outbound)

CWSerenade sends a request for tax information for an order to an external system, and then receives the response. See Use Generic Tax XML Interface (J10) and the CWSerenade/Vertex Interface.


This process does not submit a job; it is used to determine the XML message format and the queue used to transmit the message. You do not need to start or end this job.

CWTaxRequest (from CWSerenade)


CWTaxResponse (to CWSerenade)



web service

Table download trigger (customer merge)


CWSerenade sends an e-commerce customer merge message to the web storefront indicating customers have been merged in CWSerenade and the customer information on the web may now be inaccurate. It is the web storefront’s responsibility to retrieve the records in the EC Customer Sold To Merge Staging table, EC Customer Bill To Merge Staging table, and EC Customer Individual Merge Staging table. These tables are updated when you process a merge/purge if the Generate E-Commerce Customer Merge Staging Files (H86) system control value is selected. See E-Commerce File Download Trigger Process (TRIGGER_DL).


This process does not submit a job; it is used to determine the XML message format and the queue used to transmit the message. You do not need to start or end this job.

CW Table Transfer (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Vendor Outbound


CWSerenade sends a CWVendorOut message to another system, such as a retail store or warehouse management system.


CWVendorOut (from CWSerenade)



message queue

Workflow processing


CWSerenade receives the CWWorkflow XML message from an outside source and creates a tickler, based on the information in the message. This process does not process any message other than CWWorkflow. See Workflow Management Overview and Setup and WF (Remote Workflow) Event Processing.


CWWorkflow (to CWSerenade)



message queue or CWMessageIn web service

XML File Processor (inbound)

Checks a specified folder for files containing XML messages, and submits the messages for processing. See Using the XML File Feed (WinRetail Integration).


CWOrderIn, CWReceiptIn, and inCreateInvXaction)



message queue

Web Services without Integration Layer Processes

The following web services allow you to process XML messages directly without using a process at the Work with Integration Layer Process Screen.

Web Service

Inbound Message

Outbound Message

For More Information


Email Request Message (CWEmailRequest)


Store Pickup Confirmation Email Program (L48)


Manifest Pick Request Message (CWManifestPickRequest)

Pick Message from CWSerenade (CWPickOut)

PC Manifesting Interface


Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN)

Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT), or

Order Acknowledgement XML Message (CWORDEROUT)

Generic Order Interface (Order API)


Inbound Customer Message (CWCustomerIn)

Outbound Customer Response Message (CWCustomerOut)

Generic Customer API


PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn)


Purchase Order Receipt In API


CWPickIn XML Message


Generic Pick In API (Shipments, Voids, and Backorders)


Order Transaction History Message (CWOrderTransactionHistory)


Generic Order Transaction History API

Order Line History In Message (CWOrdLnHstIn)


Order Line History In API

Item Availability Request XML Message (CWItemAvailabilityWeb)

Item Availability Response XML Message (CWItemAvailabilityResponseWeb)

Item Availability API

CWProcessIn Message


Using the CWProcessIn Message to Start a Periodic Process


this web service works with any of the integration layer processes set up through Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT), including the e-commerce processes (available through the E-Commerce Jobs function at the Work with Integration Layer Process Screen; see CWMessageIn Web Service for more information

Inbound A/R Payment XML Message (ARPayment)


Uploading A/R Batch Payments

Inbound Customer Search Message (CWCustomerInqRequest)

Outbound Customer Search Response (CWCustomerInqResponse)

queue not required if target is CWCUSTSRCH; see Generic Customer Inquiry (Search) API

Inbound Customer Message (CWCustomerIn)

Outbound Customer Response Message (CWCustomerOut)

queue not required if type is CWCustomerIn; see Generic Customer API

Customer History Request XML Message (CWCustHistIn)

Customer History Response XML Message (CWCustHistOut) or

Detailed Order Inquiry Response XML Message (CWORDEROUT)

queue not required if target is CUSTHISTIN; see Generic Customer History API

Email XML Message (CWEmail)


Email Repository Overview

Inventory Inquiry Request XML Message (CWInventoryInquiry)

Inventory Inquiry Response XML Message (CWInventoryInquiryResponse)

Generic Inventory Inquiry API

Inventory Transaction Upload XML Message (inCreateInvXaction)


Generic Inventory Transaction Upload

CWMessageIn continued

Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN)

Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT) or

Order Acknowledgement XML Message (CWORDEROUT)

Generic Order Interface (Order API)

Return Request Message (CWReturnIn)

Return Response Message (CWReturnOut)

queue not required if target is CWRETURNIN; see Inbound Return API

Generic Workflow XML Message (CWWorkflow)


Workflow Management Overview and Setup and WF (Remote Workflow) Event Processing

E-Commerce Cancel Request Message (CWCancel)


the target must be cancel

E-Commerce Catalog Request Message (CWCatRequest)

E-Commerce Catalog Request Response Message (CWCatreqResponse)

the target must be catrequest

E-Commerce Return Request Message (CWReturn)

E-Commerce Return Response Message (CWReturnResponse)

the target must be return

E-Commerce Order Status Message (CWOrderStatus)

E-Commerce Order Status Response Message (CWStatusResponse)

the target must be orderstatus

Troubleshooting XML Messages and Integration Layer Processes


Possible Solution

What are some reasons why inbound messages might not be processed?

If the process uses a JMS provider (WebSphereMQ or HornetQ):

• Is the queue name correct? (Note: Queue names are case-sensitive.)

• Is the Enabled flag selected for the process queue at the Integration Layer Process Queue Screen?

• Did the server end unexpectedly while the process was active? If so, the Work with Integration Layer Process Screen might display a Status of Active even if the process is no longer running. See Changing Process Status for information on how to reset the status.

Do you need to use a JMS provider (WebSphere MQ or HornetQ) for integration layer processes or e-commerce?

You can use the Generic Web Services to send XML messages if you prefer not to use WebSphereMQ or HornetQ.

What is the purpose of an integration layer job that doesn’t need to be stopped or started?

Some possible purposes:

• To specify the version of an outbound XML message

• To specify the queue where an interactive process writes an outbound message

Are all integration layer processes listed at the Work with Integration Layer Process Screen?

If you have hidden a process, it is not listed. See Hiding an Integration Layer Process. Also, e-commerce jobs are available in a separate menu option; see Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT).

How can I track the messages processed?

See CWSerenade Application Logs for information on the logs you can use to track XML messages.

How can the version number of an XML message be higher than the CWSerenade release number?

XML version numbers do not increase in sync with the current CWSerenade release number; instead, the XML version number increases each time new elements or attributes are added to the message, which can occur multiple times between major CWSerenade releases. See XML Versions for a discussion.

Does the inbound XML version number matter?

The inbound XML version number is informational, indicating when new elements or attributes are added. Even if the inbound XML version number is lower than the one in which the new elements or attributes were added, the integration layer job can still process the inbound message if the elements or attributes were added prior to the current CWSerenade release. See XML Versions for a discussion.

Is it necessary to start and stop a process manually?

See Scheduling Jobs and Additional Interface (INT) Periodic Functions for more information on how to schedule a periodic function and for a list of the periodic functions used to start and stop the integration layer jobs.

Where can I find DTDs, schemas, and sample XML messages?

See XML Messages.

SO01_10r Serenade 5.0 March 2015