
The snmp-group-entry element is used by an SNMPv3 agent to create a group of users that belong to a particular security model who can read, write, and add SNMP objects and receive trap notifications.


This element must be configured in order for an SNMPv3 agent to work.


Use this required parameter to enter the SNMPv3 group name.
  • Default: none
  • Values: <group-name-string> that is 1 to 24 characters.
Use this required parameter to enter the SNMP security model.
  • Values:
    • v1v2—The SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 security model.
    • v3—The SNMPv3 security model (default).
Use this required parameter to enter the security level of the SNMP group.
  • Values:
    • noAuthNoPriv—This value specifies that the user group is authenticated by a string match of the user name and requires no authorization and no privacy similar to SNMPv1 and SNMPv2. This value is specified with the sec-model parameter and its v1v2 value and can only be used with the community-string parameter not specified.
    • authNoPriv—This value specifies that the user group is authenticated by using either the HMAC-SHA2-256 or HMAC-SHA2-512 authentication protocols without privacy.


      If the sec-model parameter is specified to the v1v2 value, the community-string parameter (not configured) defines a coexistence configuration where SNMP version 1 and 2 messages with the community string from the hosts indicated by the user-list parameter and the corresponding snmp-user-entry and snmp-address-entry elements are accepted.
    • authPriv—This default value specifies that the user group is authenticated by using either the HMAC-SHA2-256 or HMAC-SHA2-512 authentication protocols and provided privacy by using AES128 authentication. This value is specified with the SNMP sec-model parameter and its v3 value.
Use this optional parameter to allow the co-existence of multiple SNMP message version types for this security group.
  • Value: <community-string> that is 1 to 24 characters.


    If a community-string is configured, the sec-model parameter value can be only v1v2.
Use this required parameter to configure host names.
  • Value: <string> that is 1 to 24 characters and must match the name of the user-name parameter of the snmp-user-entry element.


    This parameter is configured with the sec-model and sec-level parameters.

    If the user-list value does not match an existing user name, the snmp-group-entry element configuration is invalid when verifying your configuration.

Use this required parameter to specify a name for the SNMP group's read view for a collection of MIB subtrees.
  • Value: <group-read-view-string> that is 1 to 24 characters.
Use this required parameter to specify a name for the SNMP group's notification view for a collection of MIB subtrees.
  • Value: <group-notify-view-string> that is 1 to 24 characters.


snmp-view-entry is an element under the system path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is: configure terminal > system > snmp-group-entry.