
Global parameters for tunneled services control function.


Tthe maximum idle time (defined as no transmission activity within the tunnel) before the TSCF server transitions a stream-based (TCP) tunnel from the active to the persistent state.
  • Default: 300
  • Values: 0, 30 -660
The maximum idle time (defined as no transmission activity within the tunnel) before the TSCF server transitions a datagram-based (UDP) tunnel from the active to the persistent state.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: 0, 30 -660
The additional idle time tolerated before the TSCF server transitions an idle tunnel from the persistent to the closed state and tears down the tunnel.
  • Default: 330
  • Values: 0, 10 - 700
The UDP port number that supports TSCF synchronization message exchanges in HA configurations.
  • Default: 2004
  • Values: 0 (disabled), 1025 - 65535
The maximum number of retained TSCF synchronization messages.
  • Default: 10000
  • Values: 0 - 999999999
The maximum period of time (in milliseconds) that the standby Oracle Communications Session Border Controller waits for a heartbeat signal from the active SBC before assuming the active role.
  • Default: 5000
  • Values: 0 - 999999999
The interval between synchronization attempts after the completion of a TSCF redundancy check.
  • Default: 1000
  • Values: 0 - 999999999
In topologies that contain multiple TSCF servers, each server must be assigned a unique network-wide identifier, provided by this parameter. This parameter can be ignored within network topologies that contain a single TSCF server.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: 0 - 1023
In topologies that contain multiple TSCF servers, each server must be assigned a unique network-wide identifier, provided by this parameter. This parameter can be ignored within network topologies that contain a single TSCF server.
  • Default: 0
  • Values: 0 - 1023
When enabled, causes the system to generate a NOTICE-level log message containing inner, outer and listening socket IP information, including address, port and realm for each tunnel opened.
  • Default: Disabled
  • Values: Enabled | Disabled


tscf-config is an element within the security > tscf path. The full path from the topmost ACLI prompt is security > tscf > tscf-config