Acme Packet Diameter MIB (ap-diameter.mib)

The Diameter MIB (ap-diameter.mib) contains one table (apDiamClfErrorStatsTable: and 6 traps. There are numerous objects that are included within the traps, and these objects are not accessible from outside of the traps.

The apDiamClfErrorStatsTable lists Diameter Clf error status.

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: + Description
apDiamClfErrorStatsEntry .1 N/A
apDiamClfExtPolSvrIndex .1.1 An integer for the sole purpose of indexing the external policy servers.
apDiamClfExtPolSvrName .1.2 External policy server name
apDiamClfErrorsRecent .1.3 Number of diameter errors in recent period received on e2 interface with the CLF.
apDiamClfErrorsTotal .1.4 Total number of diameter errors in life time received on e2 interface with the CLF.
apDiamClfErrorsPerMax .1.5 PerMax count of diameter errors in life time received on e2 interface with the CLF.

The following objects in the ap-diameter MIB are only available in the trap notifications:

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: + Description
apDiamAcctSrvrHostName .1 The Diameter Accounting Server host name.
apDiamAcctSrvrIPPort .2

The Diameter Accounting Server IP address and port number:


apDiamAcctSrvrOriginRealm .3 The Diameter Accounting Server Origin Realm.
apDiamAcctSrvrOriginHost .4 The Diameter Accounting Server Origin Host.
apDiamAcctSrvrTransportType .5 The Diameter Accounting Server Transport Type.
apAcctMsgQueueAvailCurrent .6 The current measured percentage value of space available
apAcctMsgQueueMinorThreshold .7 The current configured minor threshold value.
apAcctMsgQueueMajorThreshold .8 The current configured major threshold value.
apAcctMsgQueueCriticalThreshold .9 The current configured critical threshold value.
apDiameterResultCode 10

The Result-Code AVP (268) value RFC 3588, 7.1. Result-Code AVP