Management Commands for the Web Server

The following commands allow you to display information for managing the Web server used for accessing the GUI.

Command Description
show ip connections Displays information about the server connections.
show users Displays information about users logged into a session on the server.
kill <index> Terminates a session on the server.

Show ip connections Command

The show ip connections command allows you to display information about active server Transport Control Protocol (TCP) and/or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connections. For example, this command can show the sockets tied to an HTTPS connection. The following is an example of the show ip connections command output.

ACMEPACKET# show ip connections
Active Internet connections (including servers)
PCB      Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address         Foreign Address       (state)
-------- ----- ------ ------  --------------------- --------------------- -------
75059a0  TCP        0      0     TIME_WAIT
7506420  TCP        0      0      TIME_WAIT
75044a0  TCP        0      0      TIME_WAIT
7504f20  TCP        0      0      TIME_WAIT
7503f60  TCP        0      0        ESTABLISHED
7503a20  TCP        0      0        ESTABLISHED
75034e0  TCP        0      0        ESTABLISHED
7502fa0  TCP        0      0        ESTABLISHED
7502a60  TCP        0      0        ESTABLISHED
7502520  TCP        0      0        ESTABLISHED
7501fe0  TCP        0      0        ESTABLISHED
7501aa0  TCP        0      0        ESTABLISHED

The following table describes each column in the above output.

Column Heading Description
PCB Printed circuit board in the server that is active on the connection.
Proto Protocol used on this connection. Valid values are:

TCP - Transport Control Protocol

UDP - User Datagram Protocol

Recv-Q Receiving queue - pertains to the queue on the server that receives packets from the Internet. This column should always display a zero (0). Packets should not be piling up in this queue.
Send-Q Sending queue - pertains to the queue on the server that sends out packets to the Internet. This column should always display a zero (0). Packets should not be piling up in this queue.
Local Address Local server’s IP address and port number, or IP address and the name of a service.
Foreign Address Hostname and service, or IP address and port number to which you are connected. The asterisk is a placeholder for IP addresses, which of course cannot be known until a remote host connects.
(state) Current state of the TCP or UDP connection. TCP states can be:

LISTEN waiting to receive a connection

ESTABLISHED a connection is active

TIME_WAIT a recently terminated connection; this should last only a minute or two, then change back to LISTEN. The socket pair cannot be re-used as long the TIME_WAIT state persists.

UDP is stateless, so the "State" column is always blank.

Show users Command

The show users command displays information about users currently logged into a session on the server. Each user is indicated by an index number. The following is an example of the show users command output.


The index number for Web sessions always begins at 31.
ACMEPACKET# show users
Index task-id    remote-address        IdNum duration type    state     User
----- ---------- --------------------- ----- -------- ------- ------ ----------
    0 0x33a4c394                           0 00:01:20 console  user * console
   31     NA    31 00:00:55    http  user  user
   32     NA      32 00:00:29   https  user  user

The following table describes each column in the above output.

Column Heading Description
Index Number that the server assigns to the user as an identification of that user.

Note: The index for Web sessions always begins at index 31.

Task-id Alpha-numeric number that the server assigns to the task currently being performed. This is the session ID assigned to the task at log-in time. This field is not applicable to the Web server.
Remote-address IP address and port number for which the server is connected.
IdNum Identification number of the user currently logged into the server. This number is the same as the Index number.
Duration Amount of time, in hours, minutes, and seconds, that the user has currently been logged into a session on the server. Format is HH:MM:SS.
Type Type of service that the user is currently using for connection to the server. Valid values can be:

Console User is connected to the server via a local console.

HTTP User is connected to the server using a Web HTTP service.

HTTPS User is connected to the server using a secure Web HTTPS service.

State Current state of the connection on the server. Valid values are:



Note: An “*’ indicates a current connection.

User Current user type logged into the server. Valid values are:




Kill <index> Command

The kill <index> command terminates a session on the server. The following example uses the “show users” command to display the index number to use with the kill <index> command.

ACMEPACKET# show users
Index task-id    remote-address        IdNum duration type    state     User
----- ---------- --------------------- ----- -------- ------- ------ ----------
    0 0x33a4c394                           0 00:01:20 console  user * console
   31     NA    31 00:00:55    http  user  user
   32     NA      32 00:00:29   https  user  user


The kill 31 command terminates the Web server session number 31.

After setting the Web server configuration, you can view the stored monitored data from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (E-SBC) using the GUI through an Internet browser. For more information about the GUI, see Configuring TLS on the Web Server.