Anonymize Sensitive Data in SIP Messages

When you allow people to examine SIP INVITE messages in the Oracle Communications Operations Monitor (OCOM), you might want to hide certain sensitive information from their view for security and confidentiality reasons. For example, you might want to hide the SUBJECT header in the message and in the CPIM body, as well as the MIME content of the CPIM body. Oracle's solution is to provide an option to anonymize such information for display in OCOM.

When you enable the anonymize-invite option, the system makes a copy of the inbound SIP INVITE and allows the original to continue on its way. In the copy, the system parses the body of the INVITE and replaces the SUBJECT header and MIME content with a hyphen (-). No other message content is affected, and the full functionality of the OCOM remains available. When the troubleshooter views the SIP INVITE message, OCOM displays the anonymized copy of the SIP INVITE.

The default setting for the anonymize-invite option is disabled. Use the options parameter in the comm-monitor configuration to enable anonymize-invite.


Enabling the anonymize-invite option adds an additional CPU load to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (E-SBC). Contact Oracle Customer Support for more information.