9Analytical Reports for UPT and UPT with IRM Intersection

Analytical Reports for UPT and UPT with IRM Intersection

This chapter includes information about how to view the usage pattern tracking (UPT) and incremental repository merge (IRM) data on the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) environment. It includes the following topics:

Analytical Reports for UPT and UPT with IRM Intersect Data

Siebel CRM consists of preconfigured reports that cover analysis of data collected by UPT. In addition, the reports also cover UPT-IRM intersection data and its analysis. Both sets of reports are listed in the following table.

Table Analytical reports on UPT and UPT with IRM intersect data

Report Description

UPT - Build wise trending report

This is a dashboard of preconfigured trending reports across various builds and executions of UPT. It helps analyze the increase in or change to test coverage in every build for any given artifact. The trending reports provide analysis on certain metrics captured by UPT and the reports can be enhanced to include other trending data as well. Each report can be drilled down further. You can also filter to compare two or more builds or filter on Build Number or Event Method.

UPT Dashboard

This is the main dashboard displaying analytic reports in a single view. You can filter the dashboard on one or more build numbers and drill down each report. Some of the salient reports are:

  • Application User View. Displays count of a given user against any application such as number of times user SADMIN was used to log in to Siebel Communications Application for the test cases for a given build.

  • Application Access. Displays count of web login versus number of times a view was activated for various applications.

  • Login Across Apps. Displays count of various logins used for running the test cases across various applications.

  • Applet Record Action. Displays count of various artifacts such as applications, applet, or views used to run a set of test cases for a given QA execution of test cases.

UPT Graphical Reports

This dashboard contains graphical reports that can be filtered on build number. Some salient reports are:

  • Applet Access. Displays the number of times a given applet was accessed across test cases.

  • Applet Displayed. Displays the number of times a given applet was displayed and limits the report to applets that were displayed more than 500 times.

  • Applet with Invoke Method. Displays count of the number of times the invoke method for applets was used along with names of applets.

UPT - IRM Intersection

This dashboard is the intersection of IRM with UPT. It provides details on:

  • Repository artifacts that are new or modified and also used by a customer. This report can be filtered on the applications used by the customer.

  • Schema changes and workflow processes that are new or modified for a given upgrade path. These two artifacts are for the complete set of applications that Siebel supports and are not limited to any one application.

Process of Configuring Reports

This process helps you obtain prebuilt reports on uploaded UPT data and UPT-IRM intersected data. You can also create your own custom reports. The main benefit of projecting the uploaded data as reports is to aid in decision making on the objects that need to be further tested or developed.

For information on how the data is uploaded, see Upload of UPT and UPT-IRM Intersect Data

To view the UPT and IRM data uploaded to the Siebel CRM database (see Upload of UPT and UPT-IRM Intersect Data) on the OBIEE environment, perform the following tasks:

  1. Installing OBIEE

  2. Creating a Data Source Name (DSN)

  3. Generating the Report from the RPD File

  4. Viewing the UPT Reports

    Installing OBIEE

    To view the pre-built reports based on the .csv files in the database, you must install OBIEE. For more information, see Installing Oracle Business Intelligence.

    Note: You can also run custom reports using OBIEE or any other tool.

      Creating a Data Source Name (DSN)

      Create a DSN for the database chosen for UPT reports.

      Note: The 64-bit DSN driver compatible with OBIEE is DataDirect 7.1.4 Oracle Wire Protocol.

        Generating the Report from the RPD File

        Use this procedure to generate the report.

        To generate the report from the RPD file

        1. Download the catalog and rpd files.

          1. Download UPT.catalog and UPT.rpd from the server common folder packaged with Siebel CRM to any folder on your local or remote machine.

          2. Run the admintool.cmd utility from:

            Note: For UNIX, the utility is admintool.sh

        2. Edit the rpd file.

          1. Navigate to File, Open, and then the Offline menu item to open UPT.rpd.
            Note: The temporary password to open the file is Siebel@123. Please change the password after initial login.
          2. Expand UPT in the Physical window.

          3. Right-click Connection Pool and select Properties.

          4. Update DSN, User Name, and Password.

          5. Click OK.

            If you want to verify if your setting is correct, right-click the S_USER_EVENT table and then click Update Row Count.

            If this update today’s date, the connection is successful.

          6. Save your changes upon exit.

            Note: Fix errors, if any, upon exit. You can ignore warnings.
          7. Run the data-model-cmd.cmd utility, located in the OBIEE server, at:

            Note: For UNIX, the utility is data-model-cmd.sh
        3. Upload UPT.rpd from the command prompt by entering the following command:

          data-model-cmd.cmd uploadrpd -I <RPD location> -W <RPD password> -SI ssi -U <OBIEE 
          user login> -P <OBIEE user password> -S <OBIEE server name> -N 9502

          For example:

          data-model-cmd.cmd uploadrpd -I C:\UPT.rpd -W Siebel@123 -SI ssi -U weblogic -P 
          welcome1 -S xyz01mrc.us.abc.com -N 9502
          Note: Ensure the Java path is set before you start upload.

          Viewing the UPT Reports

          The report reflects values such as the direct and indirect changes to repository objects to aid in analytics and decision making. For more information on these changes, see . You can view other prebuilt report or create custom reports as well. To improve OBIEE performance and refresh of data, read about caching in Installing Oracle Business Intelligence.

          Use this procedure to view the reports.

          To view the UPT reports

          1. Log in to OBIEE as Administrator.

          2. Navigate to Catalog, My Folder, and then the Task menu item.

          3. Click Unarchive.

          4. Select UPT.catalog and then click OK to upload the file.

          5. This creates the UPT folder under My Folder.

          6. Navigate to the UPT-IRM Intersection report.