Siebel CRM Web Services Reference > Siebel CRM Primary Web Services >

Product Offer

Use this Web service to retrieve and apply product offer information.

Product Offer Operations

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 884.

Table 884. ProductOffer Operations


Retrieves a flat, nonhierarchical list of product offers.

This operation does not require any input data. Optional input is the offer ID, the offer name, or a search specification to retrieve a specific list of offers.

Output of this operation returns product offer header information such as Offer Id, Offer Name and Offer Description. When an offer ID not provided in the input message, the output will list all the product offers defined in the application.


Retrieves the detailed structure of a specific product offer.

The input message requires the offer ID.

The output message returns product offer definition data such as product offer responses, actions, workflow parameters, named parameters, recommendations, eligibility and compatibility rules, and messages.


Retrieves the recommended product offers for a specific account. It also retrieves recommended offers for a specific asset, open quote, or open order.

If the account ID is specified in the input message, then the output message will return all the recommended product offers for that account.

If the Account ID, Document ID, and Mode are specified in the input message, then the output message will return the recommended offers for that specific asset or open order or open quote

This operation only returns recommended product offers. It does not return recommend promotions as part of the response message. Also, this operation enforces response suppression, which means the same offer is not recommended for an account that has previously accepted the offer.


Applies a product offer to an account whose type is set to Residential.

The input message requires the account ID and offer ID. If the offer requires modification to the customer's asset, then the asset ID is also required.

The output message returns the complete order structure. The user has the option to retrieve just the order ID, or the order number without returning the full order structure.

For offers that require user interaction, in other words, offers with named parameters, the input message must be configured with run-time values. Values include attribute value, field value, base product, component product, or upgrade product.


Applies a product offer to an account of a type other than residential.

The input message requires the account ID, and offer ID.

The output message returns the complete quote structure. The user can retrieve just the quote ID or quote number without returning the full quote structure

For offers that require user interaction, in other words, offers with named parameters, the input message must be configured with run-time values. Values include attribute value, field value, base product, component product, or upgrade product.

Request Message Description: GetProductOffer

For a description of this request message, see Table 885.

Table 885. Request Message Description: GetProductOffer


Based on an integration object that is used for both the request and response messages.

The user can pass the offer ID to query relevant offer details.

Integration object

Response Message Description: GetProductOffer

For a description of this response message, see Table 886.

Table 886. Response Message Description: GetProductOffer


Based on an integration object that is used for both the request and response message.

Integration object

Request Message Description: GetProductOfferStructure

For a description of this request message, see Table 887.

Table 887. Request Message Description: GetProductOfferStructure


Identifies the objects that will be queried for the product offer ID or name. The input message required is offer ID or offer name

Integration object

Response Message Description: GetProductOfferStructure

For a description of this response message, see Table 888.

Table 888. Response Message Description: GetProductOfferStructure


The output message has a hierarchy that contains details from the product offer header and all child details of the specified offer. Child objects include:

  • Product Offer E and C
  • Product Offer Recommendations
  • Product Offer Responses
  • Product Offer Actions
  • Product Offer Parameters
  • Product Offer Messages

Integration object

Request Message Description: GetRecommendedOffers

For a description of this request message, see Table 889.

Table 889. Request Message Description: GetRecommendedOffers

Account Id

Required. The account ID of the offer that has been queried.



Optional. Values can be Asset ID, Open Order ID or Open Quote ID for the recommended offer that has been queried.



Value can be Asset, Order, or Quote. Mode is required when document ID is specified.


Response Message Description: GetRecommendedOffers

For a description of this response message, see Table 890.

Table 890. Response Message Description: GetRecommendedOffers


The output message contains a list of all the product offers recommended for the Account, or the document details that were part of the request message. The response message contains a hierarchy message which contains details of the product offer.

Integration object

Request Message Description: ApplyOfferToCreateOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 891.

Table 891. Request Message Description: ApplyOfferToCreateOrder

Offer Id

Required. The offer ID that has to be applied.



Required. Values can include, Accept, Reject and so on. You must provide the language independent code


Account Id

Required. The account on which the offer will be applied.


Document Id

Asset ID or order ID on which the offer will be applied.



The asset, or order. This supports the apply offer operations on an open order.



Possible values are Y or N. If set to Y, then the order is saved to the database. If set to N, then the order persists in memory. The default setting is Y.



NOTE:  Possible values are Y or N. If set to Y, then the detailed order structure is returned in the response message. If set to N, then only the order is returned. The default setting is Y.



Action List is required when the product offer includes user input details.

Run-time values that have user input information are provided in the request message. This includes the action details and parameters for that action.

Integration object

Response Message Description: ApplyOfferToCreateOrder

For a description of this response message, see Table 892.

Table 892. Response Message Description: ApplyOfferToCreateOrder


The order document structure that has been created. This field is populated when the ReturnFullInstanceFlag is set to Y.

Integration object

Order Id

The order ID after the offer has been applied. This field is populated when the SaveInstanceFlag is set to Y.


Order Number

The order number after the offer has been applied. This field is populated when the SaveInstanceFlag is set to Y.


Request Message Description: ApplyOfferToCreateQuote

For a description of this request message, see Table 893.

Table 893. Request Message Description: ApplyOfferToCreateQuote

Offer Id

Required. The offer ID that has to be applied.



Required. Values can include, Accept, Reject and so on. You must provide the language independent code.


Account Id

Required. The account on which the offer will be applied.


Document Id

Asset ID or order ID on which the offer will be applied.



The asset, or order. This supports the Apply Offer operations on an open order.



Possible values are Y or N. If set to Y, then the order is saved to the database. If set to N, then the order persists in memory. The default setting is Y.



NOTE:  Possible values are Y or N. If set to Y, then the detailed order structure is returned in the response message. If set to N, then only the order is returned. The default setting is Y.



Action list is required when the product offer includes user input details.

Run-time values that have user input information are provided in the request message. This includes the action details and parameters for that action.

Integration object

Response Message Description: ApplyOfferToCreateQuote

For a description of this response message, see Table 894.

Table 894. Response Message Description: ApplyOfferToCreateQuote


The quote document structure that has been created. This field is populated when the ReturnFullInstanceFlag is set to Y.

Integration object

Quote Id

The quote ID after the offer has been applied. This field is populated when the SaveInstanceFlag is set to Y.


Quote Number

The quote number after the offer has been applied. This field is populated when the SaveInstanceFlag is set to Y.


Product Offer Application Interface

This topic describes the application objects called by this Web service. For more information on application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 895.

Table 895. Product Offer Service Object
Boundary Object Type

GetProductOfferPort: RAF Product Offer Query Service

Business Service


GetProductOfferStructurePort: RAF Query Product Offer Structure Workflow


Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 896.

Table 896. Product Offer Data Object
Siebel Repository Name
External Name


RAF Product Offer


RAF Product Offer Structure


Product Offer Recommendation


RAF Action List

PDS Quote

PDS Simplified Quote

PDS Order

PDS Simplified Order

Example Package for Product Offer

To view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel Business Applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (ApplyOfferToCreateOrder)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ApplyOfferToCreateOrder)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ApplyOfferToCreateOrder_NamedParameter)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ApplyOfferToCreateOrder_NamedParameter)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ApplyOfferToCreateQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ApplyOfferToCreateQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ApplyOfferToCreateQuote_NamedParameter)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ApplyOfferToCreateQuote_NamedParameter)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetProductOffer)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetProductOffer)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetProductOfferStructure)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetProductOfferStructure)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetRecommendedProductOffers)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetRecommendedProductOffers)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Interface Description (WSDL) for Product Offer

To view the interface description for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel Business Applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


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