14Setting Up and Using the Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application for Siebel Clinical

Setting Up and Using the Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application for Siebel Clinical

This chapter covers setting up a Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical and describes the tasks that a user of the application can execute in online (connected) and offline (disconnected) mode. It includes the following topics:

About Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

Siebel Mobile applications allow you to access Siebel CRM information with your mobile device in real time by permitting you to access a browser-based version of the application (such as Siebel Clinical) on your mobile device (android or iOS tablet or smartphone).

Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications are Siebel applications (such as Siebel Clinical) accessed from a browser on a mobile device (android or iOS tablet or smartphone), which synchronizes data directly to the browser client without use of additional software or a network connection.

About the Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application for Siebel Clinical

Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) often work at clinical sites with limited or no internet facility. An ability to use Siebel Clinical in offline mode helps CRAs to capture real time data related to site visits such as monitoring trip reports, site accounts and contacts, and site findings.

Using the current version of the Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical, you can:

  • Perform a monitoring trip report in online (connected) and offline (disconnected) mode.

  • Manage My Site Visits and My Sites for Siebel Clinical.

    Note that Site Visit and Trip Report are separate entities. You can complete a clinical trip report by changing the Visit Status field to Done in offline mode. The Trip Report status field can only be changed in online mode.

  • Enter data in offline mode and later synchronize the data with the Siebel Clinical application over the internet.

Before starting to use the current version of the Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical, you must do the following:

  • Synchronize data in the Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical in online mode first, before going offline, so that all existing trip report data is loaded and will be available in offline mode.

  • Create site visits using the Siebel Clinical Web application in online mode (for more information see, Creating and Managing Site Visits).

You perform data synchronization to the Siebel Clinical application in online mode.

Configuring a Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application for Siebel Clinical

Use the following procedure to configure a Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical.

To configure a Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical

  1. Log in to the Siebel Clinical application as administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises, Component Definitions view and do the following:

    1. Query for the Mobile Data Extraction (ENU) component, make a copy of the record, and then set the following record values:




      eClinical Mobile Data Extraction (ENU)



      Component Group

      Disconnected Mobile Synchronization


      eClinical Mobile Data Extraction

    2. Select the eClinicalMobileDbXtract_enu component and set the following parameters for the component:



      Application Name

      Siebel eClinical Mobile

      Language Code


      OM - Configuration File


      Application Splashtext

      Siebel Clinical Mobile

      Application Title

      Siebel Clinical Mobile

    3. Click Activate to activate the new eClinical Mobile Data Extraction (ENU) component.

    4. Click Synchronize to synchronize the eClinical Mobile Data Extraction (ENU) component

  3. Navigate to the Synchronize view, and click Synchronize.

  4. Navigate to the Component Groups view, and do the following:

    1. Select the eClinicalMObjMgr_enu component and set the following parameters for the component:







    2. Query for each of the following component groups:



      Siebel Remote


    3. For each of these component groups:

      • Select the component group and then click Enable.

      • In the Component Group Assignments applet, click Enable.

  5. Restart Siebel Services and Siebel Gateway.

  6. Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view and do the following:

    1. Create a new job with the parameter values shown in the following table:



      Component Group

      Database Extract

      Job Parameter

      Name: Client Name

      Job Parameter

      Value: <USER ID>-MOBILE

    2. Submit the job.

      The status of the job changes to Success when the database extraction job is successful.

Using the Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application for Siebel Clinical

The tasks that a user of the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Clinical can execute in online and offline mode include the following:

Note: You must complete the relevant setup tasks detailed in this guide before using the Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical.

    Getting Started with Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

    For information about how to get started with Siebel Mobile disconnected applications and about the common procedures that you can execute in online (connected) and offline (disconnected) mode in all applications, see the Getting Started chapter in Siebel Mobile Guide: Disconnected which includes information about the following:

    • Logging in to and out of Siebel Mobile

    • Navigating the Siebel Mobile user interface

    • Managing records in Siebel Mobile

    • Reviewing notification messages in Siebel Mobile

    • Configuring application settings for Siebel Mobile

    • Displaying location details in Siebel Mobile

    • Running predefined queries in Siebel Mobile

    • Using Attachments in Siebel Mobile

    • Printing from Siebel Mobile

    • Process of using Siebel Mobile disconnected applications in offline mode

      Switching to Offline Mode and Synchronizing Data

      You can use the Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical in offline mode. In offline mode, your mobile device is not connected to the Siebel Server and you cannot synchronize any changes that you make while working in offline mode. You must switch back to online mode, and then synchronize the changes.

      A prerequisite to using the Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical in offline mode is that you create sites and site visits in the Siebel Clinical Web application first (see Creating and Managing Site Visits).

      When you initially log in to the Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical, you are in online mode. You must then decide whether to continue working in online (connected) mode or to switch to offline (disconnected) mode. If you decide to stay working in online mode, then no further steps are required for data synchronization. If you decide to work in offline mode, then you must switch to offline mode. Then when you are finished working in offline mode, you must synchronize the data or upload the changes you made while working in offline mode to the Siebel Server.

      To switch to offline mode and synchronize data

      1. Log in to the Siebel Mobile disconnected application for Siebel Clinical.

      2. Tap Go Offline (the solid airplane icon) on the application banner to go offline and work in disconnected mode.

        If this is your fist time going offline, then you must wait for the following two notification messages appear:

        1. Data extraction has been scheduled.

          This message may take a while to appear.

        2. Data is ready for download.

          After you receive this message, you can start working in offline mode.

          The following notification appears whenever new data is created in online mode: New data is ready for download.

      3. When finished working in offline mode, tap Go Online (the empty airplane icon) on the application banner to synchronize the data changes and select one of the following as required:

        • Upload and Go Online. Tap to trigger a data upload and go online.

        • Sync and stay Offline. Tap to synchronize the data changes but remain offline.

        • Upload Only and stay Offline. Tap to trigger a data upload but remain offline.

        Managing My Site Visits for Siebel Clinical

        To ensure the smooth operation of clinical trials, CRAs (clinical research associates) typically carry out different types of visits to sites, such as, pre-study visits, invitation visits, monitoring visits, and close-out visits.

        The following procedures related to site visit management are included in this topic:

        For more information about creating site visits, see Creating and Managing Site Visitscreating.

          Displaying My Site Visits Information

          CRAs or logged in users can view all available site visits and related information in the My Site Visits screen.

          To display My Site Visits information

          1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Site Visits to display the following:

            • The My Site Visits list in the side pane, which includes the following information: Visit Name, Visit Start, Account (associated with the visit).

              Use these fields to search for a particular site visit.

            • The site visit details in the main pane, which includes the following information: Visit Status (Editable), Visit Type, Primary Assignee, Trip report Status, Site, Region, Completed (Editable), Comments (Editable).

              And the following related information: Checklist Activities, Current Follow Up, All Follow Up, CRF Tracking.

          2. Tap a record in the My Site Visits list.

            All the site visit details for the selected record appear, including the following related information:

            • Checklist Activities. Tap the down arrow next to Checklist Activities to view all the checklist activities associated with the selected site visit.

            • Current Follow Up. Tap the down arrow next to Current Follow Up to view the most current follow up information associated with the selected site visit.

            • All Follow Up. Tap the down arrow next to All Follow Up to view all the follow up information associated with the selected site visit.

            • CRF Tracking. Tap the down arrow next to CRF Tracking to view all the CRF tracking information associated with the selected site visit.

            Modifying My Site Visits Information

            Complete the following procedure to modify My Site Visits information.

            To modify My Sites Visits information

            1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Site Visits to display the following:

              • The My Site Visits list in the side pane.

              • The site visit details in the main pane.

            2. Update an existing site visit as follows:

              1. Tap a record in the My Site Visits list.

                All the site visit details for the selected record appear.

              2. Update the following fields as required: Visit Status, Completed, Comments.

              3. To modify checklist activity information, see Modifying Checklist Activity Information.

              4. To modify current follow up information, see Modifying Current Follow Up Information.

              5. To modify all follow up information, see Modifying All Follow Up Information.

              6. To modify CRF tracking information, see Modifying CRF Tracking Information.

              Modifying Checklist Activity Information

              Complete the following procedure to modify the checklist activity for a site visits.

              To modify checklist activity information

              1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Site Visits to display the following:

                • The My Site Visits list in the side pane.

                • The site visit details in the main pane.

              2. Tap a record in the My Site Visits list.

                All the site visit details for the selected record appear.

              3. Update the checklist activity information as follows:

                1. Tap the down arrow next to Checklist Activities and then select the record that you want to modify.

                2. Update the following fields as required: Quantity, UOM, Response, Comments.

              4. Add a new checklist activity as follows:

                1. Tap New (the plus (+) icon) next to Checklist Activity.

                2. Enter the information for the checklist activity in the fields that appear and then save the record.

                Modifying Current Follow Up Information

                Complete the following procedure to modify the current follow up information for a site visit.

                To modify current follow up information

                1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Site Visits to display the following:

                  • The My Site Visits list in the side pane.

                  • The site visit details in the main pane.

                2. Tap a record in the My Site Visits list.

                  All the site visit details for the selected record appear.

                3. Update the current follow up information as follows:

                  1. Tap the down arrow next to Current Follow Up and then select the record that you want to modify.

                  2. Update the following fields as required: Activity Type, Description, Due, Status, Comments.

                4. Add a new follow up activity as follows:

                  1. Tap New (the plus (+) icon) next to Current Follow Up.

                  2. Enter the information for the follow up activity in the fields that appear and then save the record.

                  Modifying All Follow Up Information

                  Complete the following procedure to modify all follow up information for a site visit.

                  To modify all follow up information

                  1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Site Visits to display the following:

                    • The My Site Visits list in the side pane.

                    • The site visit details in the main pane.

                  2. Tap a record in the My Site Visits list.

                    All the site visit details for the selected record appear.

                  3. Update all follow up information as follows:

                    1. Tap the down arrow next to All Follow Up and then select the record that you want to modify.

                    2. Update the following fields as required: Activity Type, Description, Due, Status, Completed Date, Comments.

                    Modifying CRF Tracking Information

                    Complete the following procedure to modify the CRF tracking information for a site visit.

                    To modify CRF tracking information

                    1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Site Visits to display the following:

                      • The My Site Visits list in the side pane.

                      • The site visit details in the main pane.

                    2. Tap a record in the My Site Visits list.

                      All the site visit details for the selected record appear.

                    3. Update the CRF tracking information as follows:

                      1. Tap the down arrow next to CRF Tracking and then select the record that you want to modify.

                      2. Tap Attach-CRF to make all the fields in the selected record editable, and then update the fields as required.

                    4. Delete CRF tracking information as follows:

                      1. Select the record that you want to modify.

                      2. Tap Detach-CRF.

                        Doing this makes all the fields in the selected record read-only and then deletes all data entered for that record (if any).

                      Managing My Sites for Siebel Clinical

                      A site is an account that a principal investigator manages for a particular protocol.

                      The following procedures related to site management are included in this topic:

                      For more information about creating sites for clinical trials, see Process of Managing Sites and Contacts for Clinical Trials.

                        Displaying My Sites Information

                        CRAs or logged in users can view all available sites, site details and related information in the My Sites screen.

                        To display My Sites information

                        1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Sites to display the following:

                          • The My Sites list in the side pane, which includes the following information: Protocol #, Protocol Name, Account.

                            Use these fields to search for a particular site.

                            Sites with a status of Terminated do not appear in the My Sites list.

                          • The site details in the main pane, which includes the following information: Site #, Parent Site (available for satellite sites only), Site Initiated (date), Status.

                            And the following related information: Site Contacts, Site Visits.

                        2. Tap a record in the My Sites list.

                          All the site details for the selected record appear, including the following related information:

                          Viewing Site Contacts Information

                          Complete the following procedure to view the contacts associated with a site.

                          To view site contact information

                          1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Sites to display the following:

                            • The My Sites list in the side pane.

                            • The site details in the main pane.

                          2. Tap a record in the My Sites list.

                            All the site details for the selected record appear.

                          3. Tap the down arrow next to Site Contacts.

                            All the contacts associated with the selected site appear.

                            Viewing Site Visits Information

                            Complete the following procedure to view the visits associated with a site.

                            To view site visit information

                            1. Tap Side Menu on the application banner, and then tap My Site Visits to display the following:

                              • The My Sites list in the side pane.

                              • The site details in the main pane.

                            2. Tap a record in the My Sites list.

                              All the site details for the selected record appear.

                            3. Tap the down arrow next to Site Visits.

                              All the visits associated with the selected site appear.