Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Sales Volume Planning >

Running Aggregation Processing in Parallel

You can expedite aggregation processing by running parallel SVP Aggregate actions.

NOTE:  You must enable the Workflow Process Manager component for each Siebel Server. For information about enabling components on a Siebel Server, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

To facilitate parallel processing, you partition your aggregation into multiple aggregation actions. For example, if you want to aggregate consumption data for the first 12 weeks of the year, instead of creating a single 12-week SVP Aggregate action record, create four Aggregate action records of three weeks each.

After you create the aggregation actions, you can run the actions in parallel, as multiple tasks on one server or as tasks on multiple servers.

To set up parallel aggregation processing, perform the following tasks:

  1. Make sure Siebel Workflow Manager is started. For more information, see Setting Up Siebel Workflow Processes for Consumer Goods.
  2. Enable the Workflow Process Manager component on each Siebel Server. For information about enabling components on a Siebel Server, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
  3. Start the Workflow Monitor Agent on each Siebel Server. For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

    NOTE:  To run multiple aggregation processes in parallel, each process needs a Workflow Monitor Agent. For example, if you want to run five processes in parallel, you must start five Workflow Monitor Agents. Similarly, if you want to run six parallel processes on a single server, you must start six Workflow Monitor Agents on that server.

  4. Modify the CG SVP Action business component to enable the Mass Invoke button. For more information, see Modifying the CG SVP Action Business Component.
  5. Set up and run parallel SVP Aggregate actions from a single-server or multiple-server environment. For more information, see Performing Parallel Aggregation Processing.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Sales Volume Planning.

Modifying the CG SVP Action Business Component

To enable the Mass Invoke button, which you need for parallel processing, you must modify the CG SVP Action business component. If you do not modify the CG SVP Action business component as described in the following procedure, you cannot use the Mass Invoke button.

To modify the CG SVP Action business component

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
  2. In Object Explorer, select the Business Component object, and in the Object List Editor, query for the following business component: CG SVP Action.
  3. In the Object Explorer, select the Business Component User Prop child object.
  4. For the Generate Account Category user property, change the value to FALSE.

Performing Parallel Aggregation Processing

Before beginning this procedure, confirm that the AOM parameters for the eConsumer Object Manager (ENU) are as follows:

Minimum MT Servers = n plus 1

Maximum MT Servers = n plus 1

Where n is the number of servers that you use.

CAUTION:  If you are configuring parallel SVP processing for the first time, you can use Workflow Simulator to test the following procedure before using Workflow Monitor Agent. For more information about Workflow Simulator, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

To perform parallel aggregation processing

  1. Log in to the Siebel Consumer Goods application, and navigate to the Administration - Sales Volume Planning screen, then the Other Actions view.
  2. Create an SVP Populate Locks action and click Execute Action.

    All records are unlocked and available for aggregation.

  3. Create an SVP Acquire Categories action and click Execute Action.

    Account category records are created for each combination of accounts and categories.

  4. After you determine how to divide the aggregation into subperiods, create and execute an SVP Aggregate action record for each subperiod aggregation using the instructions in Performing the Initial Aggregation.
  5. For each Siebel Server running Consumer Goods that you want to use to process this aggregation, log in and launch a new instance of the Consumer Goods application Web client.
  6. On each client, navigate to the Administration - Sales Volume Planning screen.
  7. From the Aggregate view, click Mass Invoke.

    Repeat this step for each client.

  8. Close each client.
  9. To monitor the progress of your parallel aggregations, launch a new instance of the Consumer Goods application Web client and navigate to the Administration - Sales Volume Planning screen.

    The SVP Action list displays the status of each Aggregate action. Make sure that at least two Aggregate actions have a status of Executing at the same time. This condition confirms that the processing is running in parallel.

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