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Fields for Details About Deals

Table 18 shows the fields for deals in the levels of the account promotion hierarchy. These levels include account promotions, promoted categories, and promoted products. The field comments indicate if a particular field does not appear in some levels of the account promotion hierarchy.

Table 18. Fields for Details About Deals

Deal ID

The automatically generated identification number of the deal.


The status of the deal.


The type of deal, such as Bill Back, Fixed Cost, or Off Invoice. Select a value from the drop-down list.

Deal Category

The type of deal category. This field is automatically populated when you select a type of deal in the Type field:

  • If the type of deal is Bill Back, the deal category is Deferred.
  • If the type of deal is Off Invoice, the deal category is On-Invoice.

    For a Deferred or On-Invoice deal category, you can enter data in the Volume and Cost Per Case fields in the Deals list and in the Volume and Rate fields in the Payments view for this deal. You cannot enter data in the Amount field in the Deals list and in the Payments view for this deal.

  • If the type of deal is Fixed Cost, the deal category is Fixed.

    For a Fixed deal category, you can enter data in the Amount field in the Deals list and in the Payments view for this deal. You cannot enter data in the Volume and Cost Per Case fields in the Deals list and in the Volume and Rate fields in the Payments view for this deal.

This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.


The name of the fund from which the deal is made. Funds provide the money to pay for the cost of an account promotion.

Deal Volume

The estimated volume that is applicable to the deal. For information about when you can enter data in this field, see the Deal Category field description. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

Cost Per Case

The cost of each case in the deal. For information about when you can enter data in this field, see the Deal Category field description. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.


The amount of the deal. For information about when you can enter data in this field, see the Deal Category field description.

Est. Pay Date

The estimated date of the payments paid for the deal. If you want this field to drive behavior in the application, you must customize the preconfigured application.

Promoted Price

The promoted price of each item in the deal. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

Retail Price

The retail price of each item in the deal. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

On-Invoice Deal Amount

The amount of the deal for the on-invoice deal category. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

Deferred Deal Amount

The amount of the deal for the deferred deal category. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

Fixed Deal Amount

The amount of the deal for the fixed deal category. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

Deal Payment Volume

The volume that is applicable to the deal payments. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

On-Invoice Deal Payment Volume

For the on-invoice deal category, the volume that is applicable to the deal payments. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

On-Invoice Deal Payment

For the on-invoice deal category, the deal payments. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

Deferred Deal Payment

For the deferred deal category, the deal payments. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

Fixed Deal Payment

For the fixed deal category, the deal payments. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

Payment Pending

The sum of the deal payments for which the payment status is Pending.

Payment Submitted

The sum of the deal payments for which the payment status is Submitted.

Payments Paid

The sum of the deal payments for which the payment status is Paid.

Min. Quantity

If the customer purchases less than this minimum volume of product, the deal is not applicable.

Max. Quantity

If the customer purchases more than this maximum volume of product, the deal is not applicable to the extra purchased volume. This field generally applies to variable rate deals.

Price Adj. Type

The type of price adjustment—for example, % Markup or Discount Amount. If you want this field to drive behavior in the application, you must customize the preconfigured application.

Price Adj. Amount

The amount of price adjustment. This field adds dimensions to the deal. If you want this field to drive behavior in the application, you must customize the preconfigured application.


Indicates that the deal is not exclusive and that you can stack the deal with other existing deals. If you want this field to drive behavior in the application, you must customize the preconfigured application.


A check in this box indicates that the deal can contain bundled products. If you want this field to drive behavior in the application, you must customize the preconfigured application.

Phasing Enable

Indicates if phasing is enabled for the account promotion. You can use phasing if you want to allocate throughout the weeks of a time period for an account promotion the aggregate cost, volume, and payment information for that time period. This field is not available for account promotions and promoted products.

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