Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W


7.7 seed data, confirming   1

Back to top


access exceptions

about   1

access workflows, activating   1

business scenario   1

contact access level, setting   1

distribution exceptions, about activating workflows   1

existing piece of literature, setting   1

list, setting access level (administrator procedure)   1

list, setting access level (end-user procedure)   1

list, viewing access exceptions associated with   1

literature and lists, about setting access levels   1

literature, viewing access exceptions associated with   1

access levels

contact access level, about using   1

contact access level, setting   1

existing piece of literature, setting   1

list, setting access level   1

literature and lists, about setting   1

literature, setting list access level   1

account analysis, viewing   1

account services

requesting using a service request   1

view items table   1


call list, creating based on account criteria   1

expected future cash flows, viewing for selected accounts   1

facilities, associating with financial accounts   1

Financial Services, as used in   1

selected accounts' past performance, viewing   1

action items

associating with call reports   1

Active Server Pages

cashflow.asp virtual business component   1

holdings.asp virtual business component   1

ModelValueByClass.asp virtual business component   1

ModelValueBySector.asp virtual business component   1

Performance.asp virtual business component   1


about and defined   1

activities plan for loan requests, about setting up   1

activity plan, creating for a deal   1

business scenarios, institutional finance   1

business scenarios, retail finance   1

call lists, creating   1

closing activities, adding   1

company coverage team activities, viewing   1

coworkers, assigning activities to   1

customers, making appointments with   1

group pension plan, creating activity associated with   1

literature fulfillment, providing by email   1

My To Do List, managing   1

new activity, creating and assigning a deal team member   1 ,  2

viewing aggregated activities for a company   1


company, changing   1

company, changing by service request   1

customer, changing   1

customer, changing by service request   1

Aggregated Holdings view, using holdings.asp   1


Command Center applet, configuring example   1

Command Center applet, defining actions   1

Command Line applet, creating global commands for   1

read and write, or write-only, about establishing   1

applicant information, adding   1

application information, managing

applicant and guarantor information, adding   1

closing requirement, reviewing   1

collateral information, adding   1

consumer detail information, adding   1

disclosure information, capturing   1

documentation, managing using subviews   1

product detail information, adding   1

reference information, adding   1

types of applicant information   1

updated statement, creating   1

application view navigation

See Setting Up Application View Navigation


7.7 seed data, confirming   1

applicant and guarantor information, adding   1

application information, types of   1

application process, about   1

application workflow, purpose of setting up   1

application workflow, setting up   1

application, creating   1

Applications view, accessing from the Companies screen   1

Applications view, accessing from the Contacts screen   1

assessing applications, methods to   1

assigned applications, viewing   1

associating company applications with a company   1

Auto Application workflow, deactivating   1

Auto Application workflow, routing actions to   1

Auto Application, about   1

Auto Application, screens available from   1

Auto Application, using to create an application   1

Auto Application, verifying runtime event data   1

business scenario, administrator creates a new product   1

business scenario, branch agent assists a customer opening a new account   1

business services information, adding   1

closing activities, adding   1

closing requirements, reviewing   1

collateral information, adding   1

consumer detail information, adding   1

coworkers, assigning applications to   1

decisions, viewing   1

disclosure information, capturing   1

documentation, managing using subviews   1

Next button, about using to complete applications   1

notes, creating about applications   1

outstanding trailing documents, viewing   1

processing application tasks, list of   1

product detail information, adding   1

reference information, adding   1

regulation C compliance information, entering   1

report information, entering   1

sales method creation and modification, about   1

small business details, adding   1

small business loan applications, customer information needed   1

small business loan features and terms, recording   1

trailing documents, adding   1

updated statement, creating   1

Applications Administration Guide, about task setup   1

Applications view

Company screen, accessing from   1

Contacts screen, accessing from   1

appointments, making with customers   1

approval levels

commercial loans, setting up for   1

loan request, associating with   1

approval stage, approving or declining   1


company assessments, about creating   1

company assessments, performing   1

templates, about setting up   1

Assignment Manager

about using to resolve coverage team problems   1

Assignment Statements, fine tuning

about   1

Cache flag, about   1

Light Parser flag, about   1


associating with call reports   1

deal, creating for   1

Audit Trail, using Show Audit Trail button   1

authorized user, adding to financial account   1

Auto Application

7.7 seed data, confirming   1

about   1

application, using to create   1

Auto Application workflow, routing actions to   1

deactivating Auto Application workflow   1

runtime event data, verifying   1

screens available from   1

automating approval processing

about   1

approval items and stages, defining   1

FINS Approval UI Service, invoking from a workflow   1

Back to top


beneficiary information

recording for participant   1


entering billing information group pensions   1

bond records, about creating and modifying   1


borrower details, adding to a loan request   1

policy exceptions, creating at borrower level   1


See Creating and Managing Business Rule Processes

business components

cashflow.asp virtual business component   1

holdings.asp virtual business component   1

ModelValueByClass.asp virtual business component   1

ModelValueBySector.asp virtual business component   1

Performance.asp virtual business component   1

Business Rule Process

creating and managing   1

defining   1

defining properties   1

errors   1 ,  2

exporting   1

FINS CAP Buscomp Data Loader Business Service   1

FINS CAP Buscomp Handler Business Service   1

helper business services, about using   1

importing   1

procedures, defining   1 ,  2

property types   1

revising existing   1

Business Rule Processor

about   1

activating   1

debug messages, logging   1

invoking, about   1

business services

about   1

approval items and stages, defining   1

approval stage, approving or declining   1

Assignment Statements, fine tuning   1

automating approval processing   1

Cache flag, about   1

calculation details, specifying   1

Calculation Manager   1 ,  2

calculation rule set. specifying   1

customer authentication   1

Customer Authentication Manager   1 ,  2

Customer Expectations Manager   1 ,  2 ,  3

Data Validation Manager, about   1

definition of   1

disclosure documents, activating workflows used to display   1

disclosure history, viewing associated with contacts   1

disclosure processing, automating display   1

Disclosure UI Service, about invoking from workflow   1

disclosure workflow processes (table)   1

disclosures, associating with a product   1

dynamic applet, creating with Dynamic UI business service example   1

dynamic applet, displaying in a workflow   1

Dynamic UI business service, about   1

Dynamic UI Service methods   1

embedded script for mortgage calculation example   1

existing disclosure, revising   1

FINS Application View Navigation Service   1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4

FINS Application View Navigation Service, methods   1

FINS Approval UI Service, invoking from a workflow   1

FINS CAP Buscomp Data Loader Business Service   1

FINS CAP Buscomp Handler Business Service   1

FINS SmartScript Output Service methods   1

FINS Web Shopping Service methods   1

Free Format Converter   1

Light Parser flag, about   1

Record Group templates, creating   1

record templates, creating   1

requirement templates, creating   1

Requirements Manager   1

SmartScript, about invoking from a workflow   1

Template Definition view, adding views and applets   1

variables, specifying   1

VBC cache and Instance Manager   1

view template, about creating for dynamic applets   1

business services information, adding   1

Back to top


Cache flag, about   1

Calculation Expectations Manager   1

about   1

invoking   1

Calculation Manager

about and examples   1

calculation details, specifying   1

calculation rule set, specifying   1

embedded script for mortgage calculation example   1

variables, specifying   1

Calculation Manager, invoking   1


using the mortgage calculator   1

call lists

account criteria, creating based on   1

contacts in a targeted call list, modifying   1

contacts, searching for with particular interests   1

creating   1

generation, configuring   1

holdings information, entering   1

interest, recording   1

interest-based call lists, about creating   1

targeted call list, about creating and using   1

call report email templates

viewing or changing   1

call reports

action items, notes, and attachments, associating with   1

business scenario   1

call report charts, viewing   1

call report distribution list, creating   1

call report email templates, viewing or changing   1

call report privacy flag, setting   1

call report, adding   1

Data Transfer Utility, about using   1

defined and about   1

emailing and printing   1

New Call Report Workflow, activating   1

Cash flow view, testing using cashflow.asp   1


creating contact information for   1

security categories, adding   1

charts, viewing access exceptions by type   1

Class Allocation view, testing using ModelValueByClass.asp   1

ClearCache method, about   1

client interests

holdings information, entering   1

interest based on a holding, recording   1

interest, recording   1

tracking, process of and creating interest-based call lists   1

closing activities, adding   1

closing requirements, reviewing   1

Collapse button

Edit Layout view   1

summary view control, about   1


collateral information, adding   1

loan facilities, adding to   1

command center

about and interface types   1

configuration and administration, about   1

Command Center Action form

Command Center action, selecting responsibilities   1

Command Center business object, defining   1

process of configuring appearance and functions   1

Command Center applet

configuring example   1

defining actions   1

Command Center business object, defining   1

Command Line applet, creating for global commands   1

commercial loans

activities plan, about setting up   1

approval level, associating with a loan request   1

approval levels, setting up   1

assessment templates, about setting up   1

borrower details, adding to a loan request   1

business scenario, administrator sets up approval stages and underwriting standards   1

business scenario, credit administrator sets up capital facility   1

business scenario, credit committee officer reviews loan request   1

business scenario, loan officer creates new load request   1

collateral, adding to loan facilities   1

commercial loan request, creating   1

commercial loan underwriting standard, setting up   1

credit decisions, entering   1

credit issue for loan request, creating or modifying   1

documentation templates, about setting up   1

existing covenants, copying to another facility   1

facilities   1 ,  2

facility, creating and associating a borrower   1

group exposure, reviewing   1

loan request workflows, activating   1

loan request, assigning   1

managing, about   1

policy exceptions, creating   1

portfolio types, setting up   1

scenarios   1

underwriting standard, reviewing   1


about   1

address or name, changing   1

address or name, changing by service request   1

aggregated activities viewing for a company   1

aggregated coverage team, viewing   1

aggregated list of contacts, viewing   1

aggregated opportunities, viewing   1

business scenario, investment banker and research analyst analyze research literature   1

business scenario, sales representative tracks company information   1

company applications, associating with a company   1

company assessments, about creating   1

company assessments, performing   1

company coverage team, adding a member   1

company coverage teams, about managing   1

company hierarchies, about   1

company hierarchies, default   1

company hierarchies, viewing in roll-up views   1

company information, making unavailable to users, deleting   1

company or investor, adding   1

company summaries, viewing   1

competitor designation, changing   1

competitor, indicating a company is a competitor   1

coverage team members, about verifying   1

coverage team members, adding or deleting   1

coverage team members, search for a company without   1

custom-defined relationship type, about managing   1

custom-defined relationship type, adding   1

custom-defined relationship, creating   1

data aggregation, about generating company hierarchies for   1

default company hierarchy, generating   1

dynamic company hierarchy, creating   1

general needs analysis, performing   1

industry, adding   1

parent-subsidiary relationship, establishing   1

primary coverage team members, changing   1

profiles, updating   1

service requests, adding associated with a company   1

territory, adding   1

values, about setting up   1

Companies screen, accessing from Applications view   1

company coverage team, viewing activities   1

company hierarchies

aggregated activities, viewing for a company   1

aggregated coverage team, viewing   1

aggregated list of contacts, viewing   1

aggregated opportunities, viewing   1

data aggregation, generating for   1

default company hierarchies   1

default company hierarchy, generating   1

dynamic company hierarchy, creating   1

roll-up view, viewing in   1

company relationship hierarchies

custom-defined relationship, creating   1

viewing   1

company summaries, viewing   1


company, indicating as a competitor   1

designation, changing competitor designation   1

complaint, recording   1

Compliance information, entering   1

conditions, defining for a product   1

Confidential mode visibility

changing data model   1

changing the buscomp layer   1

changing the View layer   1

consumer detail information, adding   1


access level, setting   1

adding   1

business scenario, private banker prepares for sales call   1

business scenario, sales representative adds a new contact   1

categories, creating for contact information   1

company, associating a contact with a company   1

contact access level   1

contact profitability, reviewing   1

contact relationship hierarchies, viewing   1

contact summary, viewing   1

contact's holding, updating or reviewing   1

contact's investment profile, updating or reviewing   1

customer assessments, about creating   1

customer assessments, creating   1

customer value stars. adjusting   1

defined   1 ,  2 ,  3

disclosure history, viewing associated with contacts   1

financial plans, creating   1 ,  2

general needs analysis, performing   1

group pension plan contacts, recording   1

household, adding to a   1

households, associating with   1

investment needs analyses, performing for   1

literature distribution, adding contact to   1

managing contact information, about   1

modifying in a targeted call list   1

mortgage calculator, using   1

mortgage needs analyses, performing for a contact   1

mortgage prequalification, performing   1

mortgage product for which a customer qualifies, recommending   1

mortgage product recommendations, about making   1

mortgages, managing   1

notes, creating about contacts   1

particular interests, searching for   1

referral, creating to a contact   1

referral, entering a referral received from a contact   1

relationship between contacts, defining   1

securities interest, entering for contacts   1

transaction history, viewing   1

Contacts screen

Applications view, accessing from   1

service requests, using to create   1


existing covenants, copying to another facility   1

facilities, adding to   1

coverage teams

activities, viewing company coverage team activities   1

company coverage team, adding a member   1

company coverage teams, about managing   1


activities, assigning coworkers to   1

applications, assigning coworkers to   1

Create Statements button, using   1

credit committee officer, assigning loan request   1

credit decisions, entering for commercial loans   1

credit issue, creating or modifying for commercial loan request   1

customer assessments

creating   1

creating, about   1

customer value stars, adjusting   1

Customer Authentication Manager   1 ,  2

about   1

customer authentication templates, creating   1

customer value stars, adjusting   1


address or name, changing   1

address or personal information, changing by service request   1

making appointments with customers   1

new customer complaint, recording   1

Back to top


data aggregation

company hierarchies, default   1

company hierarchies, generating for data aggregation   1

default company hierarchy, generating   1

dynamic company hierarchy, creating   1

data field, determining which to display   1

Data Transfer Utilities

about using   1

Data Validation Manager, about   1

data, confirming 7.7 seed data   1

database, setting up test ASP and local test database   1

deal management

about   1

capabilities   1

deal, creating a new activity plan   1

deal, securing   1

new activity, creating and assigning a deal team member   1 ,  2

new attachment, creating for a deal   1

primary deal team member, changing   1

disclosure documents

automating display, about   1

contacts, viewing disclosure history   1

Disclosure UI Service, invoking from workflow   1

disclosure workflow processes (table)   1

disclosures, associating with a product   1

existing disclosure, revising   1

workflows, activating used to display disclosure documents   1

disclosure information, capturing   1

Disclosure UI Service, invoking from a workflow   1

distribution exceptions

access workflows, activating   1

activating access workflows, about   1

distribution list

about creating   1


documentation template, about setting up   1

documents, managing using subviews   1

literature document, associating with a security   1

outstanding trailing documents, viewing   1

trailing documents, adding   1

dynamic applets

See Dynamic UI Business Service

dynamic company hierarchy, creating   1

Dynamic UI business service

about   1

dynamic applet, creating with Dynamic UI business service example   1

dynamic applet, displaying in a workflow   1

Dynamic UI Service methods   1

Template Definition view, adding views and applets   1

view template, about creating for dynamic applets   1

Back to top


Edit Layout view, using and buttons   1


literature fulfillment, providing by email   1

email templates

viewing or changing call report email templates   1

Enterprise Integration Manager (EIA), using to import market data   1


Business Rules Process, throwing errors within   1

recovering from errors within a Business Rules Process   1

exceptions, creating policy exceptions   1

exchange, adding security exchange   1

Expand button

Edit Layout view   1

summary view control, about   1

Back to top



collateral, adding to loan facilities   1

covenants, adding to facilities   1

existing covenants, copying to another facility   1

financial accounts, associating with   1

guarantors, adding to loan facilities   1

new facility, creating and associating a borrower   1

policy exceptions, creating a facility level   1

pricing and fees, setting   1

syndicating a facility   1

fees, defining for a product   1

fields, determining which data fields to display   1

financial accounts

account analysis, viewing   1

account categories and account types, about establishing   1

administrator procedures, understanding concepts   1

business scenario, call center agent   1

business scenario, relationship manager   1

business scenario, wealth management/brokerage relationship manager   1

call list, creating based on account criteria   1

expected future cash flows, viewing for selected accounts   1

facilities, associating with   1

financial account, adding   1

financial accounts, reviewing   1

holdings information, associating with a financial account   1

household financial accounts virtual business components, about setting up   1

new authorized user, adding to a financial account   1

selected accounts' past performance, viewing   1

service request, creating using the GO button   1

test ASP and local test database, setting up   1

trades, placing   1

virtual business component testing   1

virtual business component user properties, configuring   1

financial needs analysis

See About Managing Financial Needs Analysis

financial plans, creating   1 ,  2

FINS Application View Navigation Service

about   1

administering   1

business service behaviors   1 ,  2

business service methods   1

example   1

upgrade note   1

FINS Approval UI Service

business service step, configuring   1

start step, configuring   1

workflow, about invoking   1

FINS CAP Buscomp Data Loader Business Service

about   1

ClearCache method, about   1

LoadData method example using field [n]   1

LoadData method example using Key and Value fields   1

LoadData method, about   1

FINS CAP Buscomp Handler Business Service

about   1

GetFieldValue method, about   1

InsertRecord method, about   1

NextRecord method, about   1

query method, about   1

SetFieldValue method, about   1

FINS EAI Free Format Converter

about   1

methods   1

user properties   1

FINS SmartScript Output Service methods   1

FINS Web Shopping Service methods   1

Free Format Converter

about   1

methods   1

user properties   1


group pension plan, viewing available within plan   1

Back to top


GetFieldValue method, about   1

global commands, creating for the Command Line applet   1

GO button, using to create service requests   1

grievances, recording   1

group exposure, reviewing   1

group pensions

activity, creating associating with a plan   1

administering group pension plans, list of tasks   1

billing information, entering   1

business scenario   1

eligible plan members, adding   1

funding vehicles, defining for a group pension product   1

funds and investments available within plan, viewing   1

group pension plan contacts, recording   1

group pension plan, defining   1

group pension plans, process of defining   1

group pension product, defining   1

managing, about   1

new participants, enrolling in plan   1

note, creating associated with a plan   1

participant beneficiary information, recording   1

participant classes, defining for plan participants   1

plan rules, specifying   1

service request, creating associated with plan   1

tasks, samples performed when managing group pensions (diagram)   1


guarantor information, adding   1

loan facilities, adding to   1

Back to top


Hide button

Edit Layout view   1

summary view control, about   1


about   1

business scenario   1

call list generation, configuring   1

clients' interests, process of tracking   1

contacts in a targeted call list, modifying   1

contacts, searching for with particular interests   1

holdings information, entering   1

industry values. defining   1

information, associating with a financial account   1

interest based on a holding, recording   1

interest, recording   1

list of holdings displayed by investor   1

literature document, associating with a security   1

mutual fund information, editing   1

new securities record, adding   1

product class, adding for a security   1

product lines. defining   1

securities lists of values, setting up   1

securities, process of administering   1

security categories, adding   1

security exchange, adding   1

stock, bond. mutual fund records, about creating and modifying   1

targeted call list, about creating and using   1

targeted call list, using   1

holdings.asp   1

host applications, integrating data with   1

household financial accounts

cashflow.asp virtual business component   1

holdings.asp virtual business component   1

ModelValueByClass.asp virtual business component   1

ModelValueBySector.asp virtual business component   1

Performance.asp virtual business component   1

virtual business components, about setting up   1


business scenario   1

contact, adding to a household   1

contacts, associating with households   1

defined   1

expected future cash flows, viewing for selected accounts   1

household summary, viewing   1

privacy option, setting   1

relationship hierarchy, about viewing   1

selected accounts' past performance, viewing   1

test ASP and local test database, setting up   1

virtual business component testing   1

virtual business component user properties, configuring   1

Back to top


industry values, defining   1

information, changing personal information by service request   1

InsertRecord method, about   1

Instance Manager and VBC Cache

about   1

caching VBC configuration   1

components   1

features and limitations   1

purging the VBC cache   1

stages of caching process   1


about   1

business scenario   1

call list generation, configuring   1

clients' interests, process of tracking   1

contacts in a targeted call list, modifying   1

contacts, searching for with particular interests   1

industry values, defining   1

information, entering   1

interest based on a holding, recording   1

interest, recording   1

literature document, associating with a security   1

mutual fund information, editing   1

product class, adding for a security   1

product lines, defining   1

securities lists of values, setting up   1

securities record, adding   1

securities, process of administering   1

security categories, adding   1

security exchange, adding   1

stock, bond, mutual fund records, about creating and modifying   1

targeted call list, about creating and using   1

investment objectives

creating   1

creating and the portfolio mix   1

portfolio mix administration, performing   1

investment profile

updating or reviewing a contact's investment profile   1


viewing available within group pension plan   1


about   1

investor, adding   1

list of holdings, displaying by investor   1

list of transactions, displayed by investor   1

Back to top


Light Parser flag, about   1

List of Values, configuring   1


access exceptions associated with a list, viewing   1

access level, setting (end-user procedure)   1

list, setting access level (administrator procedure)   1

literature and lists, about setting access levels   1


access exceptions, about   1

access workflows, activating   1

contact, distributing to   1

contact's access level, setting   1

distribution exceptions, about activating access workflows   1

existing piece of literature, setting   1

literature and lists, about setting access levels   1

literature fulfillment, providing by email   1

security, associating with a security   1

LoadData method

about and parameters   1

ClearCache method, about   1

example using field [n]   1

example using Key and Values fields   1


activities plan, about setting up   1

approval level, associating with a loan request   1

assessing applications, methods to   1

assessment templates, about setting up   1

assigned applications, viewing   1

borrower details, adding to a loan request   1

business scenario, administrator sets up approval stages and underwriting standards   1

business scenario, credit administrator set up capital facility   1

business scenario, credit committee officer reviews loan request   1

business scenario, loan officer creates new load request   1

business services information, adding   1

closing activities, adding   1

collateral, adding to loan facilities   1

commercial loan approval levels, setting up   1

commercial loan request scenarios   1

commercial loan request, creating   1

commercial loan requests, assigning   1

commercial loan underwriting standard, setting up   1

covenants, adding to facilities   1

credit decisions, entering   1

credit issue for loan request, creating or modifying   1

customer information needed for small business loans   1

decisions, viewing on applications   1

documentation template, about setting up   1

existing covenants, copying to another facility   1

facilities, associating with financial account   1

facilities, creating and associating a borrower   1

facilities, setting pricing and fees   1

facilities, syndicating   1

group exposure, reviewing   1

guarantors, adding to loan facilities   1

loan request workflows, activating   1

notes, creating about applications   1

outstanding trailing documents, viewing   1

policy exceptions, creating   1

portfolio types, setting up for commercial loans   1

processing application tasks, list of   1

regulation C compliance information, entering   1

report information entering   1

small business details, adding   1

small business loan features and terms, recording   1

trailing documents, adding   1

underwriting standard, reviewing   1

Back to top


Mobile Web Client, about performing administrative functions on local database   1

ModelValueByClass.asp   1

ModelValueBySector.asp   1

mortgages, managing

about   1

mortgage calculator, using   1

mortgage needs analyses, performing for a contact   1

mortgage prequalification, performing   1

mortgage product for which a customer qualifies, recommending   1

mortgage product recommendations, about making   1

Move down button, Edit Layout view   1

Move up button, Edit Layout view   1

mutual fund records

creating and modifying, about   1

mutual fund information, editing   1

My To Do List, managing   1

Back to top



company name, changing by service request   1

company, changing   1

company, changing by service request   1

customer, changing   1

needs analysis

about   1

business scenario, administrator   1

business scenario, call center agent   1

by product type   1

company or contact, performing general needs analysis   1

contacts, performing investment needs for   1

investment objective and portfolio mix, about creating   1

investment objective, creating   1

portfolio mix administration, performing   1

questions and score, associating with products   1

recommendations, generating from needs analysis   1

recommended product, selected using the Apply field   1

script creation, about   1

script problems with a product score, correcting   1

New Call Report Workflow

activating   1

Data Transfer Utility, about using to modify   1

Next button

applications, about using to complete   1

customer loan information, using to enter information   1

processing applications, using to   1

NextRecord method, about   1


applications, creating about applications   1

call reports, associating with   1

creating about contacts   1

group pension plan, creating associated with plan   1

Back to top



adding   1

applications, creating from   1

business scenario, investment banker creates IPO deal   1

business scenario, sales representative creates new opportunity   1

deal management capabilities   1

deal, creating a new activity plan   1

deal, securing   1

defined   1

deleting if unsure whether opportunity is active   1

details, adding   1

managing deals, about   1

new activity, creating and assigning a deal team member   1 ,  2

new attachment, creating for a deal   1

primary deal team member, changing   1

primary sales team member, changing   1

sales team, adding or deleting members   1

securing an opportunity   1

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking

contacts   1

financial contracts overview   1

managing companies   1

managing financial accounts   1

overview   1

viewing CASA account transaction information   1

viewing CASA authorized signatories information   1

viewing CASA financial account information   1

viewing CASA payment and collection information   1

viewing CASA standing instructions   1

viewing company signatories information   1

viewing contact and signatory information   1

viewing contact mandates   1

viewing contracts   1 ,  2

viewing contracts bills and collection information   1

viewing contracts bills and collections details   1

viewing contracts letters of credit and guarantees details   1

viewing contracts letters of credit and guarantees information   1

viewing corporate deposit schedules   1

viewing limits   1

viewing loan account components   1

viewing loan account information   1

viewing loan account schedules   1

viewing retail deposit authorized signatories   1

viewing retail deposit information   1

viewing retail deposit redemption details   1

viewing summary information   1

workflows   1

outstanding trailing documents, viewing   1

Back to top


parent-subsidiary relationship

establishing   1


See Scenario for Creating a Company 401(k) Plan

Performance view, testing using Performance.asp   1

personal information, changing by service request   1

policies, creating policy exceptions   1


investment objective, creating   1

investment objectives, creating and the portfolio mix   1

mix administration, performing   1

types, setting up for commercial loans   1


about   1

business scenario, administrator defines new products   1

business scenario, customer service representative views product information   1

fees and conditions, defining for a product   1

new product line, creating   1

product information, using   1

product, creating   1

rate for a product, setting   1

scenarios, about   1

privacy flags

setting the call report privacy flag   1

privacy option, setting   1

processing applications

accessing applications, methods to   1

assigned applications, viewing   1

closing activities, adding   1

decisions, viewing on applications   1

notes, creating about applications   1

outstanding trailing documents, viewing   1

regulation C compliance information, entering   1

report information, entering   1

tasks, list of   1

trailing documents, adding   1

product group visibility

about   1

activating runtime events and workflows   1

creating associated product groups   1

creating positions and users   1

implementing by configuration and scripts   1

procedures common to administrators and end users   1

procedures for administrators   1

procedures for end users   1

process for establishing Confidential mode   1

process for establishing Suppress mode   1

process of managing   1

sharing notes   1

sharing opportunity information   1

technical logic   1

product type

applets, establishing as read and write, or read-only   1

data fields, determining which to display   1

setting up, about   1


about   1

business scenario, administrator defines new products   1

business scenario, customer service representative views product information   1

creating   1

fees and conditions, defining for a product   1

needs analysis by product type   1

new product line, creating   1

product class, adding for a security   1

product detail information, adding   1

product information, using   1

product lines, setting up   1

questions and scores, associating with   1

rate, setting   1

recommended product, selecting using the Apply field   1

scenarios, about   1

script problem with a product score, correcting   1


updating company profiles   1

profiles investment profile

updating or reviewing a contacts's investment profile   1

Back to top


questions associating with products   1

Back to top


rates, setting for a product   1


needs analysis, generating from   1

product, selecting using the Apply field   1

Record Group templates

creating   1

Requirements Manager, example of using for Record Group templates   1

record templates, creating   1

reference information, adding   1

referral information

contact profitability, reviewing   1

referral, creating to a contact   1

referral, entering a referral received from a contact   1

regulation, entering compliance information   1

relationship hierarchy

contact, about viewing   1

contacts, defining a relationship between contacts   1

household relationship hierarchy, about viewing   1

relationship types, custom defined

managing, about   1

managing, adding   1

report information, entering   1

requirement templates, creating   1

Requirements Manager

about and scenarios   1

example of using for Record Group templates   1

invoking Requirements Manager   1

Record Group templates, creating   1

record templates, creating   1

requirement templates, creating   1

roll-up views

aggregated activities, viewing for a company   1

aggregated coverage team, viewing   1

aggregated opportunities, viewing   1

company hierarchies, viewing in   1

Back to top


sales methods creation and modification   1

sales team members

new activity, creating and assigning a deal team member   1 ,  2

opportunity, adding or deleting members   1

primary deal team member, changing   1

primary sales team member, changing for an opportunity   1


associating with products   1

script problem with a product score   1

script, correcting script problem with a product score, correcting   1

searching, contacts with particular interests   1

Sector Allocation view, testing using ModelValueBySector.asp   1


categories, adding   1

clients' interests, process of tracking and creating interest-based call lists   1

exchange, adding   1

holdings information, entering   1

interest based on a holding, recording   1

interest, recording   1

lists of values, setting up   1

literature document, associating with a security   1

mutual fund information, editing   1

new securities record, adding   1

process of administering   1

product class, adding for a security   1

product lines, setting up   1

stock, bond. mutual fund records, about creating and modifying   1

securities interest

entering for contacts   1

seed data, confirming 7.7 seed data   1

service requests

about and defined   1 ,  2 ,  3

account services view items table   1

account services, requesting using a service request   1

adding associated with company   1

business scenario, application administrator changes a company name   1

business scenario, call center agent creates a service request   1

business scenario, relationship manager creates a service request   1

company address or name, changing   1

company address or name, changing by service request   1

creating   1

customer address or name, changing   1

customer address or personal information, changing by service request   1

GO button, using to create   1

group pension plan, creating associating with   1

new customer complaint, recording   1

SetFieldValue method, about   1

Show Audit Trail button, using   1

Show button, Edit Layout view   1

Siebel Calculation Expectations Manager, about   1

Siebel Calculation Manager

See Using the Calculation Manager

small business loan applications

business services information, adding   1

customer information needed   1

features and terms, recording   1

small business details, adding   1


FINS SmartScript Output Service methods   1

FINS Web Shopping Service methods   1

integrating with workflow example   1

workflow, about invoking from   1

statement, creating an updated statement   1

stock records, about creating and modifying   1

summary information

viewing a household summary   1

summary views

configuring, about   1

layout, editing   1

Suppress mode visibility

changing the buscomp layer   1

changing the data model   1

changing the View layer   1

syndicating a facility   1

Back to top


targeted call lists

contacts in a targeted call list, modifying   1

contacts, searching for with particular interests   1

creating and using   1

team members

coverage team members, about verifying   1

coverage team members, adding or deleting   1

coverage team members, searching for a company without   1

new activity, creating and assigning a deal team member   1 ,  2

opportunity, adding or deleting members   1

primary coverage team members, changing   1

primary deal team member, changing   1

primary sales team member, changing for an opportunity   1

Template Definition view, adding views and applets   1


assessment templates, about setting up   1

call report email templates, viewing or changing   1

customer authentication templates, creating   1

documentation template, about setting up   1

Dynamic UI Service methods   1

Record Group templates, creating   1

record templates, creating   1

requirement templates, creating   1

Template Definition view, adding views and applets   1

view template, about creating for dynamic applets   1

test database, setting up test ASP and local test database   1

To Do items, viewing assigned to end user   1

trades, placing   1

trailing documents, adding and viewing   1

transaction history

viewing a contact's transaction history   1


displaying list by investor   1

Back to top



commercial loan underwriting standard, setting up   1

group exposure, reviewing   1

underwriting standard, reviewing   1

user, adding new authorized user   1

Back to top


VBC Cache and Instance Manager

about   1

caching VBC configuration   1

components   1

features and limitations   1

purging the VBC cache   1

stages of caching process   1

view template

dynamic applets, about creating for   1

Dynamic UI Service methods   1

Template Definition view, adding views and applets   1

virtual business components

cashflow.asp   1

holdings.asp   1

ModelValueByClass.asp   1

ModelValueBySector.asp   1

Performance.asp   1

setting up, about   1

test ASP and local test database, setting up   1

testing virtual business components   1

user properties, configuring   1

Back to top



access exceptions, about activating   1

access workflows, activating   1

disclosure documents, activating (table)   1

Disclosure UI Service, invoking from a workflow   1

disclosure workflow processes (table)   1

dynamic applets, displaying in a workflow   1

FINCORP BIB Deposit Account Info Upsert SYNC Workflow   1

FINCORP BIB Deposit Account Update FAF Workflow   1

FINCORP BIB Deposit Account Upsert FAF Workflow   1

FINCORP BIB Loan Account More Info Upsert SYNC Workflow   1

FINCORP BIB Loan Account Update FAF Workflow   1

FINCORP BIB Loan Account Upsert FAF Workflow   1

FINS Approval UI Service, invoking from a workflow   1

FINS BIB Account Info Update FC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Account Info Upsert SYNC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Account Limit Upsert SYNC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Activity Insert Workflow   1

FINS BIB Activity Upsert Workflow   1

FINS BIB Contact Info Update FC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Contact Info Upsert SYNC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Contact Limit Upsert SYNC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Contract Upsert Workflow   1

FINS BIB Customer Info Create SYNC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Customer Info Inquiry Workflow   1

FINS BIB Customer Info Update FAF Workflow   1

FINS BIB Deposit Account Create Workflow   1

FINS BIB Deposit Account Update Workflow   1

FINS BIB Lead Info Upsert Workflow   1

FINS BIB Loan Account Create Workflow   1

FINS BIB Loan Account Update Workflow   1

FINS BIB Offers Inquiry All Workflow   1

FINS BIB Populate VBC from Profile Attribute Workflow   1

FINS BIB Remove Account To Customer Relationship Workflow   1

FINS BIB Remove Contact To Customer Relationship   1

FINS BIB Service Request Info Upsert SYNC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Service Request Query SYNC Workflow   1

FINS BIB Set XML Msg to Profile Workflow   1

loan request workflows, activating   1

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking   1

SmartScript, about invoking from a workflow   1

SmartScript, integrating with workflow example   1

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