Siebel Forecasting Guide > Forecasting User Properties >

Forecast 2000 - Forecast Item User Properties

Table 13 describes the user properties associated with the business component: Forecast 2000 - Forecast Item.

Table 13. Forecast 2000 - Forecast Item
User Property

Adjustment: Adjustable


Indicates that adjustments are enabled on Forecast Item business component.

An adjustable business component supports the concept of hierarchical information sharing. When a manager modifies a subordinate's record, the changes are made to a copy of the record, not the actual subordinate record. Therefore, changes are not visible to the subordinate.

Also, the manager's record is visible to the positions above the manager, for example the change shadows the original record. The record created by the manager is called an adjustment of the original.

If adjustments are disabled, changes are made on the same record and are visible throughout the hierarchy.

Adjustment: Adjustable Field n

Field names on the Forecast 2000 - Forecast Item business component

Fields that managers can adjust.

If a field is not configured here, it appears to be uneditable to managers when they view forecast details included from subordinate forecasts.

Adjustment: Adjustment Allowed Field Name

Adjustment Allowed

Used internally.

Do not disable.

Adjustment: Adjustment Context BC Name

Forecast 2000 - Forecast

Used internally.

The value is the business component that includes information indicating the ownership or level of an adjustment record.

This is used to support copy-on-write implementation of adjustments. In Forecasting, the same record is visible in both manager and subordinate forecasts before adjustments and its context is the forecast it is being viewed under. When an adjustment is made, the adjusted record then takes its ownership from its context (the manager's forecast).

Adjustment: Adjustment Context Id Field Name

Owner Forecast Id

Used internally.

Field on Context business component that indicates position of owner.

Adjustment: Adjustment Flag Field Name

Adjusted Flag

Used internally.

Indicates if a record was adjusted and is used in other methods. For example, it is used for determining if the user can invoke the Unadjust Record method.

NOTE:  The Adjusted Flag is set only when the adjustment is made by a manager. It does not get set when the adjustment is made by the primary sales team member.

Adjustment: Adjustment For Id Field Name

Adjustment For Id

Used internally.

Field that stores base record identifier (usually, but not necessarily the value of row_id) for which this record is an adjustment.

Adjustment: Adjustment for Id Matching Field Name

Forecast Item Number

Used internally.

Field which, when matched against [Adjustment For Id], determines if a record was adjusted. This is part of the criteria used in calculating the value of the Adjustment Flag.

Adjustment: Context BC Position Id Field Name

Owner Position Id

Used internally.

Field on the Context business component that stores the position of the owner. Because Oracle's Siebel Forecasting is position-based, this links the user to the forecast record created. The position is used when calculating whether a record is visible.

Adjustment: InterTable


Used internally (default N).

Indicates whether this adjustable business component's visibility is determined by an intertable. The code would potentially need to modify the intertable when creating adjustments.

Adjustment: InterTable BC

Forecast 2000 - Forecast/Forecast Item

Used internally.

Indicates the business component that sits on the intertable.

Adjustment: InterTable Child Field Name

Forecast Item Id

Used internally.

Indicates the field on the intertable that stores the pointer Id to this business component.

Adjustment: InterTable Parent Field Name

Forecast Id

Used internally.

Indicates the field on the intertable that stores the pointer to the parent (context) business component.

Adjustment: InterTable Update


Used internally.

Indicates whether or not the intertable is updated during adjustments.

Adjustment: Owner Position Id Field Name

Owner Position Id.

Used internally.

Field on this business component that stores the owner's Position Id.

Revenue Associate List


When active, the associate applet shows the revenue, and not a standard child business component. It also applies the Associate search specification and the Forecast Date Range search when querying the Revenue business component.

When inactive, the behavior defaults to standard association and the business component is defined in the associate applet.

Revenue Field Map: Forecast Item Field

Revenue Field

Maps fields from the Revenue business component to the Forecast Item business component, which are copied when creating the forecast.

This is most commonly configured by administrators who have added fields to the Revenue business component and want the fields to be carried over in the forecast.

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