10Email Marketing Configuration Properties

Email Marketing Configuration Properties

This appendix describes the new and changed properties in the email marketing configuration files which were introduced in Siebel CRM Release 8.1. It includes the following topics:

New and Changed Properties in the esd.properties Configuration File

The following information lists the new properties in the esd.properties file.

Table New Properties in the esd.properties File

Property and Seeded Value Description

esd.moduleName = ESD

Module name.

esd.handlerClass=com.siebel.sem.esd. integrated.OnPremiseMailingEventHandler

Handler class available for custom code.


Determines the number of emails sent out per second.


Determines whether a mailing has enough recipients to have its priority level observed.


Determines the number of recipients that will be recorded from memory and flushed.


Determines the maximum number of entries to the queue before the queue is flushed.

The following table lists the changed properties in the esd.properties file.

Table Changed Properties in the esd.properties File

Siebel CRM Version 8.0 Siebel CRM Version 8.1 and 8.2


esd.userLocale = enu







New and Changed Properties in the ctd.properties Configuration File

The following information lists the new properties in the ctd.properties file.

Table New Properties in the ctd.properties File

Property and Seeded Value Description

ctd.moduleName = CTD

Module name.

ctd.handlerClass = com.siebel.sem.ctd.integrated.OnPremiseClickEventHandler

Handler class available for custom code.

ctd.queue.clickQSubDir.name = clickQ

ctd subdirectory for click Queue.

ctd.queue.ftfQSubDir.name = ftfQ

ctd subdirectory for forward-to-friend Queue.

ctd.queue.msgOpenQSubDir.name = msgOpenQ

ctd subdirectory for message open Queue.

ctd.queue.listUnsubQSubDir.name = unsubQ

ctd subdirectory for unsubscribe Queue.

ctd.queue.listQSubDir.name = listsubQ

ctd subdirectory for unsubscribe from list Queue.

ctd.validateParameters = true

Determines whether to validate the destination URL against the Trackable URL in the email.

The following table lists the changed properties in the ctd.properties file.

Table Changed Properties in the ctd.properties File

Siebel CRM Version 8.0 Siebel CRM Version 8.1 and 8.2




ctd.webservice.url = CHANGE_ME


ctd.webservice.username = CHANGE_ME


ctd.webservice.password = CHANGE_ME

New and Changed Properties in the bhd.properties Configuration File

The following table lists the new properties in the bhd.properties file.

Table New Properties in the bhd.properties File

Property and Seeded Value Description

Bhd.moduleName = BSD

Module name.

BhdModule.handlerClass = com.siebel.sem.bhd.integrated.OnPremiseBounceEventHandler

Handler class available for custom code.

BhdModule.handler.webservice.url = CHANGE_ME

URL for the Web Service connection to the Marketing computer.


Username for the Web Service connection to the Marketing computer.

BhdModule.handler.webservice.password = CHANGE_ME

Password for the Web Service connection to the Marketing computer.

The following table lists the changed properties in the bhd.properties file.

Table Changed Properties in the bhd.properties File

Siebel CRM Version 8.0 Siebel CRM Version 8.1 and 8.2

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.BAD_ ADDRESS_REASON=Bad Address

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.BadAddress=Bad Address

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.ADDRESS_MOVED_ REASON=Address Moved

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.AddressMoved= Address Moved

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.BAD_ SENDER_REASON=Bad Sender

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.BadSender=Bad Sender

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.MAILBOX_ PROBLEM_REASON=Mailbox Problem

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.MailboxProblem=Mailbox Problem

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.SYSTEM_ PROBLEM_REASON=System Problem

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.SystemProblem=System Problem

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.NETWORK_PROBLEM_ REASON=Network Problem

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.NetworkProblem=Network Problem

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.PROTOCOL_PROBLEM_ REASON=Protocol Problem

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.ProtocolProblem=Protocol Problem

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.SECURITY_PROBLEM_ REASON=Security Problem

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.SecurityProblem=Security Problem

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.MESSAGE_TOO_ LARGE_REASON=Message Too Large

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.MessageTooLarge=Message Too Large

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.LAST_ RESORT_REASON=Last Resort

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.LastResort=Last Resort

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic.VACATION_REASON =Vacation

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.Vacation= Vacation

BhdModule.bounce_reason.lic. UNPARSABLE_REASON=Unparsable

BhdModule.handler.bounceReason.Unparsable= Unparsable