2Installing and Administering Siebel Marketing

Installing Siebel Marketing

A Siebel Marketing installation has two main parts. You can install the following parts in any sequence:

  • (Required) The Siebel Marketing operational application, including the Siebel Server.

    For more information about installing Siebel Server components, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. For information about Web servers and operating systems, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. If you are upgrading an existing Marketing installation, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

  • (Optional) Oracle Business Intelligence Server components that provide segmentation and list generation capabilities. These components are referred to as the Marketing module. For more information about installing the Marketing module, see Oracle Marketing Segmentation Guide.

Note: The Siebel Bookshelf is available on Oracle Technology Network (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html) and Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. It might also be installed locally on your intranet or on a network location.

Installing Marketing Contact List Import Using PL/SQL

The following topics contain information about how to install and implement Marketing Contact List Import using PL/SQL.

Note: You must have installed the Siebel Database Server before you can implement this feature. For more information, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

    Preinstallation Tasks

    Note the following important information before you install this feature:

      Setting System Preferences to Enable Contact List Import Using PL/SQL

      Use the following procedure to set system preferences.

      To set the system preferences

      1. Navigate to Sitemap > Administration Application > System Preferences and query for the MktgEnableDBImport and MktgIsDBOracle system preferences.

      2. Make sure that the System Preference value is set to Y for both system preferences. If it is not, set the value to Y and log into the Siebel Marketing application again.

        Activating the Mktg Master DB Import Process Workflow

        Use the following procedure to activate the Mktg Master DB Import Process workflow.

        To activate the Mktg Master DB Import Process workflow

        1. Log into Siebel Tools, and query for the Mktg Master DB Import Process workflow.

        2. If its status is Not In Use, click the Revise/Publish button to activate the workflow.

          Editing the Call PLSQL Business Service

          Use the following procedure to edit the CallPLSQL business service.

          To edit the Call PLSQL business service

          1. Query for the CallPLSQL business service and click on the Business Service Server Script node.

          2. Within the CallPLSQL business service, edit its script attribute as shown in the following example:

            function CallPLSQL(Inputs, Outputs)
              {var vImptJobId;
              var cmdString;
              vImptJobId = Inputs.GetProperty("ImportJobId");
              Clib.sprintf(cmdString, "<absolute path of the sqlplus.exe file on the Siebel Server> <DB table owner username>/<DB table owner password>@<database table owner> @<absolute path of callplsql.sql file> %s", vImptJobId);
              return (ContinueOperation);
          3. Edit the line highlighted in bold text to point to the:

            • sqlplus executable on the Siebel Server

            • User name (the name of the table owner) and password (the password of the database table owner)

            • @local_SID (database name in the .ini file) of the database you are connected to

            • The location of the callplsql.sql script

            For example, on a Solaris environment, the line would look like:

            /u01/app/oracle/product/ ORAPERF/ORAPERF@ORAPERF @/home/oracle/siebel/81114_23044_app4/siebsrvr/temp/callplsql.sql



            is the path of the sqlplus executable

            ORAPERF/ORAPERF@ORAPERF are the connection credentials and

            @/home/oracle/siebel/81114_23044_app4/siebsrvr/temp/callplsql.sql is the path of the callplsql.sql script

            The callplsql.sql file is located in the <build folder>/ses>/dbsrvr/oracle/ and <build folder>/ses/siebsvr/sqltempl/ folders.

            Note: The sqlplus executable is usually located in the ORACLE_HOME/bin folder where ORACLE_HOME is your environment variable that points to the Oracle home directory.

            For example, on the Linux platform:

            "<absolute path of the sqlplus.exe on the siebel server> <DB table owner username>/<DB table owner password>@<database table owner> @<absolute path of mktg_listimp_callplsql.sql file> %s", vImptJobId);

            The path to the callplsql.sql script is <absolute path to mktg_listimp_callplsql.sql>

            In Siebel Tools, it would look like:

            function CallPLSQL(Inputs, Outputs)
              {var vImptJobId;
              var cmdString;
              vImptJobId = Inputs.GetProperty("ImportJobId");
              Clib.sprintf(cmdString, "<absolute path of the sqlplus.exe file on the Siebel Server> <DB table owner username>/<DB table owner password>@<database table owner> @<absolute path of callplsql.sql file> %s", vImptJobId);
              return (ContinueOperation);
          4. When you have finished editing the script attribute, deploy the business service to the Siebel runtime repository.

            Creating the Database Directory and Uploading the File to the Database Server

            Use the following procedure to create the IMPORT DIR database directory.

            To create the IMPORT DIR database directory

            1. On the database server, create a database directory using the following command:



            2. Verify that you have read/write permission for the IMPORTDIR database directory.

            3. Upload the .txt file that contains the contact records to the folder on the database server that is mapped to the MPORT_DIR database directory (designated as '/TMP' in Step 1).

            4. Give the IMPORT_DIR (/TMP) read/write permission for the TBLO user (the database table owner).

            5. Give all the attached files read/write permission.

            6. Grant CREATE/DROP table privileges for the database table owner.

              Creating the PL/SQL Package on the Database Server Manually

              1. Navigate to the /build/ses/dbsrvr/oracle folder, and untar the MktgListImportPkg.tar file to that directory.

              2. Use the instructions in the Readme.txt file to manually create the PL/SQL package on the database server.

              3. When the package has been successfully created on the database, navigate to the folder with the untarred folder and look for the mktg_listimp_pkg_body.log and mktg_listimp_pkg_spec.log files. If the file contains errors (such as TNS entry not valid… and so on), rerun the executable.

                If the mktg_listimp_pkg_body.log file contains the "Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors" error message, check with your administrator.

                Importing a Contact List Using PL/SQL

                1. Navigate to Administration Marketing, Import, and then Job Setup and create a new Import Job for Contact Import.

                2. Set the following values to enable the Database Import button:

                  • Main Object: Contact

                  • Source Type: Text File

                  • Import Mode: Import new records

                  • File Selection: Use exact file name

                  • Data Type: Comma Separated OR Other Delimiter like (|)

                  • File Name: Click on the file browser and select the file that you uploaded to the database directory.

                3. Navigate to Data Mapping, and specify the mapping, required fields, and exact match fields.

                4. Click the Database Import button to import the contacts.

                5. Navigate to Sitemap > Contacts > All Contacts, query for the imported contacts, and verify that they display.

                  Enabling the New List Import Functionality

                  When you have created the package, you need to enable the contacts list functionality. Use the following procedure to enable the new contacts list import functionality.

                  To enable the contacts list import functionality
                  1. Within the Siebel application, navigate to Administration - Application, then System Preferences.

                  2. Navigate to the MktgIsDBOracle and MktgEnableDBImport system preferences, and set the value to Y for each preference. The default value for these preferences is N.

                    Enabling and Synchronizing Marketing Server Components

                    During Siebel Server installation and configuration, you must enable the server components required by Siebel Marketing. Check the status of Siebel Server component groups using the Component Groups view in the Administration - Server Configuration screen. The Component Groups view is a list of installed Siebel Enterprise Server component groups with their associated components, servers, and tasks. For more information about enabling component groups, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

                      Enabling Component Groups for Siebel Marketing

                      You must make sure component groups are enabled. The server assigned to the selected component group appears in the Servers view tab.

                      To enable component groups

                      1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, and then the Component Groups view.

                      2. In the Enterprise Servers list, select the appropriate server.

                      3. In the Enterprise Component Groups list, verify the required component groups have been enabled by performing the following steps:

                        1. Locate each of the required component groups using the following table as a guide.

                        2. Identify optional server components you might need to enable from the following list:

                          • Assignment Manager. Used for campaign member assignment.

                          • Data Quality Manager. Identifies duplicate contacts, accounts, and prospects when importing lists.

                        3. If the Enable State field does not contain the value Enabled, select the component group, click the menu button, and choose Enable Component Group.

                      Table Component Groups and Components Required for Marketing

                      Group Name Components Description


                      • Communications Outbound Manager

                      • Communications Session Manager

                      • Communications Configuration Manager

                      Communications Management. Delivers outbound mobile and fax offers for campaigns.

                      Enterprise Application Integration

                      EAI Object Manager

                      Transfers data between the Siebel database and other corporate data sources.


                      • Marketing Obj Mgr

                      • eMarketing Obj Mgr
                      • eEvents Obj Mgr

                      Marketing Component Group. Supports the user interface and business objects for the Marketing application.

                      Marketing Server

                      • List Import Service Manager

                      Used for Contact List Import Using PL/SQL


                      • Siebel Connection Broker

                      • Server Manager

                      • Server Request Broker

                      Supports general server management.


                      • Server Request Processor

                      • File System Manager

                      • Server Tables Cleanup

                      Supports management of auxiliary server components.


                      • Workflow Process Manager

                      • Workflow Process Batch Manager

                      • Workflow Action Agent

                      • Workflow Recovery Manager

                      • Workflow Monitor Agent

                      • Generate Triggers

                      Executes required marketing workflow processes.

                        Synchronizing Component Groups

                        After enabling server component groups, you must synchronize (enable) the server configuration.

                        To synchronize component groups

                        1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, and then the Component Groups view.

                        2. In the Enterprise Servers list, select the appropriate server.

                        3. Click the Synchronize view tab and click Synchronize.

                        You do not have to select any components in this view. The synchronization task can take a few minutes.

                          Stopping and Restarting Siebel Server

                          Siebel Server must be restarted each time synchronization occurs.

                          To restart Siebel Server process using Microsoft Windows

                          1. In the Microsoft Windows Control Panel, click the Services icon to open the Services window.

                          2. Locate Siebel Server and click Stop.

                          3. Click Start.

                          For details on stopping and restarting the Siebel Server system service on UNIX, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                            Activating and Configuring Marketing Workflow Processes

                            The Siebel Marketing application uses a group of workflow processes to support various functions. This topic describes how to activate those workflow processes, and how to configure the Marketing Campaign Load workflow process.

                              Activating Workflow Processes

                              Before you can use Siebel Marketing, you must activate the workflow processes it requires.

                              To activate a workflow process

                              1. Before attempting to use Siebel Marketing, make sure that you activate version zero (0) of every workflow in the following table.

                                Follow the instructions for deploying and activating workflows in Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide. When activated, the workflow process Status field contains a value of Active.

                              2. Restart the Workflow Process Manager Component or Siebel Server.

                              Table Workflow Processes Required for Siebel Marketing

                              Workflow Name Group Description

                              Analytics Data Load


                              Loads data through EAI for Customer Synchronization or Analytics Data Load requests.

                              Business Rules Workflow


                              Invokes lead rules.

                              Campaign Copy


                              Applies a campaign template.

                              Email Marketing - Forward to Friend


                              Sends new emails to forward recipients.

                              Email Marketing - Update Status


                              Updates the delivery status of an email offer.

                              Event Stage Execution Workflow


                              Performs the scheduled execution of an event stage.

                              Generate Source Code


                              Generates source codes for a campaign.

                              Import Marketing Contact


                              Subprocess for Marketing Campaign Load.

                              Lead To Opty Conversion


                              Converts a lead to an opportunity.

                              List Export


                              Requests list files to be generated by the Marketing module.

                              List Export (Internal)


                              Generates list files for sending email offers using basic mode.

                              List Purge


                              Purges prospects from an internal list.

                              Marketing Approval Process


                              Routes marketing approval items.

                              Marketing Campaign Launch


                              Starts one or more campaign waves.

                              Marketing Campaign Load


                              Loads segment or list members into a campaign.

                              Marketing Create Lead


                              Creates leads.

                              Marketing Create Response


                              Creates responses.

                              Marketing Stage Execution


                              Scheduled execution of a program stage.

                              Marketing Wave Launch


                              Subprocess for Marketing Campaign Launch.

                              Mktg Import - Account Process


                              Allows multi-threaded batch import of accounts from an external file to core Siebel CRM tables.

                              This workflow is invoked from the Mktg Master Import Process workflow.

                              Mktg Import - Contact Process


                              Allows multi-threaded batch import of contacts from an external file to core Siebel CRM tables.

                              This workflow is invoked from the Mktg Master Import Process workflow.

                              Mktg Import File Processing


                              Processes files for import. This workflow is invoked from the Mktg Master Import Process workflow.

                              Mktg Import - Lead Process


                              Allows multi-threaded batch import of leads from an external file to core CRM tables.

                              This workflow is invoked from the Mktg Master Import Process workflow.

                              Mktg Import - Prospect Process


                              Allows multi-threaded batch import of prospects from an external file to core CRM tables.

                              This workflow is invoked from the Mktg Master Import Process workflow.

                              Mktg Import - Response Process


                              Allows multi-threaded batch import of responses from an external file to core Siebel CRM tables.

                              This workflow is invoked from the Mktg Master Import Process workflow.

                              Mktg Master DB Import Process


                              Required for Contact List Import using PL/SQL.

                              Mktg Master Import Process


                              This workflow is the entry point for processing all import objects. The workflow launches processes by reading job details.

                              Post-Launch Custom Workflow

                              Marketing Custom Workflows

                              This is the custom workflow for post-launch tasks which can be executed immediately after launching a campaign. You can customize this workflow to add your own validation or business logic.

                              Post-Load Custom Workflow

                              Marketing Custom Workflows

                              This is the custom workflow for post-load tasks which can be executed immediately after loading a campaign. You can customize this workflow to add your own validation or business logic.

                              Pre-Load Custom Workflow

                              Marketing Custom Workflows

                              This is the custom workflow for pre-load tasks which can be executed before the Campaign Load process. You can customize this workflow to add your own validation or business logic.

                              Program Copy


                              Applies a program template.

                              Program Prioritization Workflow


                              Manages cross-program prioritization while executing event triggers.

                              Promote Prospect (Many)


                              Promotes multiple prospects to contacts.

                              Promote Prospect (Single)


                              Promotes a single prospect to a contact.

                              Purge Staging Process


                              Purges the staging tables used for the import process.

                              Response To Lead Conversion


                              Converts a response to a lead.

                              Response To Opty Conversion


                              Converts a response to an opportunity.

                                Configuring the Marketing Campaign Load Workflow Process

                                The Marketing Campaign Load workflow process is used to load a segment or list of target members into a campaign. After member information is loaded, the campaign can then be launched. Campaigns can either be launched all at once, in which case the campaign offer is distributed to all campaign target members at the same time, or it can be launched in waves, that is, at set distribution periods. When member records are loaded into a campaign, they are stamped with wave identifiers to indicate the campaign wave to which they are assigned.

                                In the current release, to optimize the time it takes for campaigns to load, target member records are loaded in parallel. In addition, member records are updated with wave IDs in batches, instead of each record being updated sequentially.

                                You can configure the number of contacts to be included in each wave ID update batch, thereby allowing you to specify the value that is most appropriate for your implementation. To do this, you must configure the Marketing Campaign Load workflow process as described in the following procedure.

                                To configure the Marketing Campaign Load workflow process

                                1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to the Workflow Processes Object List Editor.

                                2. In the Workflow Processes list, query for the Marketing Campaign Load workflow process.

                                3. Select the Marketing Campaign Load record, then display the Properties Window by navigating to the Tools menu, choosing View, Windows, and then the Properties Window menu item.

                                4. Enter a value for the Bulk Update Batch Size input parameter.

                                  The default value is 10,000.

                                  The Bulk Update Batch Size parameter determines the number of contacts that are included in each batch of records that are updated with a wave ID at a time. When specifying a value for this parameter, consider both the size of the campaign and the database resources available.

                                  Each batch of records is processed sequentially.

                                  Activating and Registering Tasks for Marketing Activities

                                  Siebel Marketing includes tasks that streamline the procedures for creating and updating email treatments and landing sites. For information on using the Task UI application, see Siebel Fundamentals. To use these tasks, you must activate and assign privileges for the following tasks:

                                  • Email Treatment: Create

                                  • Email Treatment: Update

                                  • Landing Site Create or Update

                                  • Mktg Landing Site Task Based UI

                                  For information about activating and assigning access privileges for tasks, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide.

                                  Connecting Siebel Server to Business Intelligence Presentation Server

                                  For segmentation and list generation, you must connect the Siebel Marketing operational application on the Enterprise Siebel Server to Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server. To connect to Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server, you must change the User ID and Password fields to the default login for the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server that you plan to use. This login is the user ID that is used to authenticate requests to the Marketing module.

                                  You must perform this setup to make sure that Siebel Server can communicate to Oracle Business Intelligence Server during program and campaign design, campaign load, list generation, and campaign launch. For example, when a user submits a request for campaign load or list generation, the requests to the Marketing module use this login for impersonation when the user's password is unavailable.

                                  Impersonation is used to authenticate a user, allowing access to Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server when the user's password is unavailable. The default login is used to authenticate and create a session, and then the login ID is changed to the user ID of the person who submitted the request. Impersonation is essential to enforce appropriate visibility to Oracle Business Intelligence Web catalog objects, Business Intelligence metadata, and actual user data from various data sources, based on the User ID of the person who submitted the request.

                                  Note: Passwords are encrypted for new server records. To encrypt the password for existing server records, select the record and reenter the password.

                                  To change the user ID and password to the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server login

                                  1. Log in to the Marketing application as the administrator.

                                  2. Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, then the Servers view.

                                  3. In the Servers list, query for Default Analytics Web Server in the Name field.

                                    The Type field must be Siebel Analytics Web Server.

                                  4. Scroll down to the Parameters list.

                                  5. In the Parameters list, click Authentication Service (SAWSessionServiceSoap) and perform the following steps:

                                    1. In the Outbound Web Services view, in the Service Ports list, change the first part of the address (default value is CHANGEME) to match the server name and domain of your Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server running the Marketing module.

                                      The address needs to be the full path name. For example, if your Marketing Server is named MarketingServer1, the full address for the JobManagementService is the following:

                                    2. Click the back button in the browser window.
                                  6. In the Parameters list, click Catalog Service (WebCatalogServiceSoap) and perform the following steps:

                                    1. In the Outbound Web Services view, in the Service Ports list, change the first part of the address (default value is CHANGEME) to match the server name and domain of your Siebel Business Intelligence Presentation Server running the Marketing module.
                                    2. Click the back button in the browser window.
                                  7. In the Parameters list, click Job Execution Service (JobManagementServiceSoap) and perform the following steps:

                                    1. In the Outbound Web Services view, in the Service Ports list, change the first part of the address (default value is CHANGEME) to match the server name and domain of your Business Intelligence Presentation Server running the Marketing module.

                                    2. Click the back button in the browser window.
                                  8. Click Clear Cache.

                                    Restarting Siebel Server is not required for this change to be effective.

                                    Confirming Host and Symbolic URL for the Marketing Module

                                    Perform this task so that users can display the Segment Designer and Segment Tree Designer in the Segments screen tab and the List Format Designer in the Administration - Marketing screen tab.

                                    To confirm the host and symbolic URL for the Marketing module

                                    1. Log in to the Marketing application as the administrator.

                                    2. Navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List view.

                                    3. In the Administration - Integration screen, from the visibility filter, select Host Administration.

                                    4. In the Host Administration list, query for NQHOST in the Virtual Name field and verify that a record appears where the Name field is [AnalyticsServerName].

                                    5. In the Name field, change [AnalyticsServerName] to the Business Intelligence Presentation Server name that you plan to use.

                                      Caution: Be sure to change the Name column, not the Virtual Name column. Also, make sure that you have not included brackets in the name.
                                      Tip: This server name must be unique. For example, if you assign a server name to your Business Intelligence Presentation Server and try to use the same server name for Siebel Intelligence Dashboards, you receive a unique name error. To prevent this, you can append the domain to the server name (for example, server.example.com) or use the IP address in place of the name.
                                    6. From the visibility filter, select Symbolic URL Administration.

                                    7. In the Symbolic URL Administration list, query for Marketing Segmentation in the Web Application name field, and verify that records with the following Name field values appear:
                                      • MarketingEditListFormat

                                      • MarketingEditSegment

                                      • MarketingEditSegmentTree

                                      • MarketingListFormatsEntry

                                      • MarketingSegmentsEntry

                                      • MarketingSegmentTreesEntry

                                    8. Scroll down to the Symbolic URL Arguments list, and verify that each Web application resulting from your query in the previous step has the correct nqUser and nqPassword argument.

                                      For each Web application, perform one of the following steps:

                                      1. To allow users to connect using their own username and login, perform the following steps:

                                        • In the Symbolic URL Arguments list, set the nqUser argument ArgumentType to Command and Argument Value to UseSiebelLoginId.

                                        • Set the nqPassword argument so that ArgumentType is set to Command and Argument Value to UseSiebelLoginPassword.

                                      2. In the Symbolic URL Arguments list, to connect using a fixed username and login for all users, perform the following steps:

                                        • Set the nqUser argument so that ArgumentType is set to Constant and Argument Value to the shared login for the Marketing module.

                                        • Set the nqPassword argument so that ArgumentType is set to Constant and Argument Value to the shared password for the Marketing module.

                                    Note: After changing settings for any Web service or symbolic URLs, be sure to log out of the browser session and log in again for the changes to take effect.

                                      Creating Permissions

                                      In Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server, grant marketing permissions to the marketing administrators. For more information, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition documentation.

                                        Setting Up the Marketing File System

                                        To prevent problems with campaign loading, make sure that the Business Intelligence Presentation Server service and Siebel Server service are running on an admin account that has read and write access to the directories used by the Marketing File System. In Windows, these services default to running under the local system account, which cannot access the Marketing File System because it is not a recognized user across the network.

                                        For segmentation and list generation, access to the Marketing File System is shared between Siebel Server and Business Intelligence Presentation Server. If Siebel Server and Business Intelligence Presentation Server are installed on a combination of UNIX and MS Windows operating systems (heterogeneous environment), then the Marketing File System must be configured for sharing in different environments.

                                          Enable File Sharing in Mixed Environments

                                          Siebel Marketing can be installed and operated in environments that use a combination of UNIX and Windows operating systems, but with some restrictions. The server components that use the Marketing File System must be on the same operating system. If they are not, then the difference in path name syntax prevents them from finding files. Business Intelligence Presentation Server must have visibility and write permissions to the Marketing File System. In a mixed (heterogeneous) environment, you might have to run a third-party application such as Samba to access the Marketing File System on different platforms.

                                          Business Intelligence Presentation Server uses the MarketingFileSystem parameter to identify the location to which it writes out generated list files. This parameter on the Business Intelligence Presentation Server points to the same path as the Marketing File System parameter on the Marketing Component Group. However, the path syntax must correspond to the platform on which Business Intelligence Presentation Server is running.

                                          For example, suppose you have the following configuration:

                                          • Siebel Server and the Marketing File System run on UNIX. The Marketing File System is located at /export/home/filesystem on Siebel Server (sdcn1125s031).

                                          • Business Intelligence Presentation Server is running on MS Windows.

                                          You could export this file system path to be visible on MS Windows by running a third-party application such as Samba on the UNIX computer. In this example, the parameters would be set as shown in the following list:

                                          • The Marketing File System parameter on Siebel Server could be set to /export/home/filesystem.

                                          • The MarketingFileSystem configuration parameter on Business Intelligence Presentation Server must be set to \\server\export\home\filesystem.

                                          The Communications and Workflow server components must run on the same operating system. If the Communications server component and the Workflow server component are not on the same operating system, you must change the Marketing File System server parameter for the Communications Outbound Manager server component. This allows the workflow process manager component to use the path syntax that corresponds to the operating system on which the Communication Outbound Manager is running.

                                            Setting Universal Time Option

                                            The time zone of the operating system on the Siebel Server computer can be set to any zone. However, the time must be synchronized with the database server. For example, if the time on the database server is 10:00 PM GMT, the Siebel Server computer would show a time of 2:00 PM (PST) or 4:00 PM (CST). To compensate for Siebel Servers and a database that are in different time zones, the Universal Time Option parameter is enabled to specify that server tasks are submitted in reference to a Universal Time. You must set this option to TRUE when deploying your Siebel application globally because global deployments typically have some Siebel Servers in a different time zone from the Siebel transactional database. If your implementation does not span time zones, this setting is optional.

                                            Note: If your Marketing Server requests do not run and remain in Queued status, then you might have a UTC issue. Please repeat each step in this task to verify your settings.

                                            To set the universal time option

                                            1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the System Preference view.

                                            2. In the System Preference Name field, query for Universal Time Coordinated, and perform one of the following steps:

                                              • To use the universal time option, in the System Preference Value field, set the value to TRUE.

                                              • To disable the universal time option, in the System Preference Value field, set the value to FALSE.

                                            3. Verify that the operating system Clock and Time Zone on the Database Server computer is set to (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time.

                                            4. Synchronize the time on the Siebel Server computer with the time on the database server computer.

                                            5. Restart Siebel Server to make your change effective.

                                              Enabling Automatic Responses for Opportunities and Orders

                                              Responses can be created automatically when you associate a campaign with an order, associate a campaign as a source for an opportunity, or create an opportunity using the Create Oppty button in the Campaign screen. By default, the user properties for automatic response creation are disabled.

                                              To allow automatic response creation in the Orders, Opportunities, and Campaigns screens, perform the following tasks in Siebel Tools:

                                              • Orders screen. Set the User property Create Auto Response Service to Y in the Order Entry - Orders business component. When you enable this service, a response is created for the primary contact for the order whenever a campaign is associated with the order.

                                              • Opportunity screen. Set the User property Create Auto Response Service to Y in the Opportunity business component. When you enable this service, a response is created for one of the opportunity contacts whenever a campaign is associated as a source with the opportunity.

                                              • Campaigns screen, Contacts and Prospects view tab. Enable the Create Oppty button in this view tab by setting the User property Create Auto Response Service to Y in the Opportunity business component. When you enable this service, a response is created automatically whenever the user clicks the Create Oppty button in the Campaign screen.

                                              About the Marketing Approval Process

                                              Siebel Marketing provides the ability to submit a variety of marketing items for review and approval using the Marketing approval process. Marketing plans, budget requests, programs, campaigns, event plans, and offers can be submitted from one employee to another by changing the Approval Status field on any of these objects.

                                              The approval process is integrated with the Universal Inbox, so that marketing items that are submitted for review or approval, also appear in the Universal Inbox for the user who sent or received the item.

                                              In the standard configuration, a change in the approval status opens a dialog box so the user can select the recipient employee and add a comment. When the user clicks Send, the Marketing Approval Process workflow creates a Universal Inbox Item task for the recipient employee and updates the approval history with the approval status value and any comments made by the recipient.

                                              The business components for which the approval process is enabled are as follows:

                                              • Campaign

                                              • Direct Mail Offer

                                              • Direct Sales Offer

                                              • eEvents Parent Event

                                              • Email Offer

                                              • Fax Offer

                                              • Indirect Offer

                                              • Marketing Budget Requests

                                              • Marketing Fund

                                              • Marketing Plans

                                              • Offer

                                              • Phone Offer

                                              • Program Container

                                              • Web Offer

                                              • Mobile Offer

                                              Configuring the Marketing Approval Values

                                              The standard Siebel Marketing configuration provides the following lists of values (LOVs) for the Marketing approval process:

                                              • Approval Status. The values from this LOV appear in the Approval Status field that appears in the Marketing Plans, Budget Requests, Programs, Campaigns, Event Plans, and Offers screens.

                                              • Action. The values from this LOV appear in the Action field in the Universal Inbox applets and the Approval view tab of the Marketing Plans, Budget Requests, Programs, Campaigns, Event Plans, and Offers screens. Action values are automatically mapped to Approval Status values. For example, when a user chooses an Approval Status value of Needs Revision in one record the Action value is updated to Request Revision in the corresponding Universal Inbox record.

                                              The following table shows the preconfigured mapping for these values.

                                              Table Values for Approval Status and Action LOVs

                                              Approval Status Action Description


                                              Not Yet Submitted

                                              This field is blank until a value is selected.



                                              Approval Last Point. No further action is required by user.



                                              Approval Last Point. No further action is required by user.

                                              Needs Revision

                                              Request Revision

                                              Requires action by the user until an Approval Last Point is selected.



                                              Requires action by the user until an Approval Last Point is selected.

                                              If required, you can add to the list of values using the Administration - Data screen. If you add a value that you intend to be an Approval Last Point, you must identify the new value as an Approval Last Point in Siebel Tools. These tasks are described in the following topics:

                                                Adding a New Approval Value and Mapping the LOVs

                                                You can add a new approval value to the approval status and action LOVs by performing the steps in the following procedure.

                                                To add a new approval value and map the LOVs

                                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the List of Values view.

                                                2. In the List of Values list, query for the MKTG_PLAN_APPR_TYPE list of values and perform the following steps:

                                                  1. Click New and complete the fields.

                                                  2. You must complete the Display Name, Language Name, and Order fields, and then select the Active flag.

                                                  Note: Use a unique value in the Order column in this list. This controls the sequence that the items appear in the list.
                                                3. Query for the MKTG_UINBOX_ACTION_TYPE list of values and perform the following steps:

                                                  1. Click New and complete the fields.

                                                  2. You must complete the Display Name, Language Name, and Order fields, and then select the Active flag.

                                                  Note: Set the order value in this list to control the sequence that the item appears in the list.

                                                  Identifying a New Approval Last Point Value

                                                  The following procedure describes how to identify a new Approval Last Point value.

                                                  To identify a new Approval Last Point value

                                                  1. Log in to Siebel Tools and query for the business component for each marketing approval item.

                                                  2. For each business component, select the Business Component User Properties.

                                                  3. Select the Approval Last Point user property.

                                                  4. Add the new value to the comma separated list.

                                                  Caution: Do not change the existing values (Declined and Approved). You must insert your value your_new_value as an additional value.

                                                    Disabling the Approval Dialog Box

                                                    If your organization does not need the Approval dialog box to appear when the Approval Status changes, you can disable it by performing the steps in the following procedure.

                                                    To disable the Approval dialog box

                                                    1. Log in to Siebel Tools.

                                                    2. Find the base Business Component for which you need to disable the popup.

                                                    3. Select the Business Component User Properties.

                                                    4. Select the Show Approval Popup user property and change the value to No.

                                                      Load Balancing and Global Deployment of Siebel Marketing

                                                      For information about load balancing server requests within the Siebel Enterprise, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                                        Isolating Marketing Workflow Processes

                                                        Marketing workflow processes can be resource intensive during peak usage or large jobs. You might need to isolate marketing-related workflows from other workflow requests in the Enterprise by directing marketing requests to a specific instance of the Workflow Process Manager. If you need to do this for marketing workflow processes, you must replicate the Workflow Process Manager component and change the enterprise parameter so that it points to the new component.

                                                        To create a new Marketing workflow process manager component

                                                        1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, then the Component Definitions view.

                                                        2. In the Component Definitions list, query for the Workflow Process Manager component.

                                                        3. From the list menu, choose Copy Record.

                                                        4. For the copied component, enter a new component name such as Workflow Process Manager - Mktg in the Name field.

                                                        5. Enter a new alias such as WfProcMgrMktg in the Alias field.

                                                        6. Change the Enable State field to Enable.

                                                        7. In the Enterprises screen, select the Parameters view.

                                                        8. In the Enterprise Parameters list, query for the parameter named Marketing Workflow Process Manager.

                                                        9. In the Value field, change the value to the alias name of the new component that you just created.

                                                          For example if the component name is Workflow Process Manager - Mktg and the alias name is WfProcMgrMktg, then the enterprise parameter name is WfProcMgrMktg.

                                                          About Marketing Responsibilities

                                                          Siebel Business applications provide a set of Marketing responsibilities that contain the full set of active views. These responsibilities are divided into core responsibilities and add-on responsibilities.

                                                          • Core responsibilities. Base user responsibilities that serve as a starting point for any Marketing user. Typically, a user has only one core Marketing responsibility from this list. The following is a list of core responsibilities:

                                                            • Campaign Administrator

                                                            • Campaign Agent

                                                            • Events Manager

                                                            • Marketing Executive

                                                            • Marketing Planning Manager

                                                          • Add-on responsibilities. Support additional modules that certain users might need depending on their job description. These responsibilities are intended to be added to a core responsibility. They do not include common screens such as Accounts and Contacts because a core responsibility provides these screens. Because these are added to core responsibilities, you can assign a user multiple add-on responsibilities.

                                                            The following is a list of add-on responsibilities:

                                                            • Marketing Admin

                                                            • Marketing Business Intelligence User

                                                            • Marketing Program Manager

                                                            • Segmentation User

                                                            • Web Marketing User

                                                          The Segmentation User responsibility is used for Business Intelligence integration. Any user who needs to access the Segment Designer or List Format designer must have this responsibility. Also, make sure that the same responsibility is associated to the segmentation catalog and other marketing server metadata in the Business Intelligence repository.

                                                          Tip: If you create custom views, you can choose to create new add-on responsibilities for these views, instead of adding these views to the standard responsibilities. During future upgrades, this helps you identify custom views that you created.

                                                            Modifying Privileges for Marketing Access Groups

                                                            Siebel Marketing restricts the use of some buttons in the user interface (and their underlying methods) to those users assigned to Marketing access groups. This makes sure that unauthorized users cannot perform functions that they are not trained to perform. Marketing Access Groups can be used to restrict use of any button or menu item on any applet.

                                                            Siebel Marketing provides the following preconfigured access groups:

                                                            • Marketing Administrators

                                                            • Marketing Managers

                                                            • Marketing Users

                                                            The following information lists the functionality available to each access group.

                                                            Table Functionality Available to Each Access Group

                                                            Functionality Marketing Administrators Marketing Managers Marketing Users

                                                            Analytics Data Load (Activate and Deactivate)




                                                            Generate Output List




                                                            Generate Source Code




                                                            Launch Campaign




                                                            Launch Wave




                                                            Load Campaign




                                                            Load History Applet, Delete Record




                                                            Purge Load




                                                            Run Assignment Manager




                                                            Save As Template




                                                            Suspend Wave




                                                            System Task List Applet, Delete Record




                                                            Test Offer




                                                            To modify the Marketing access privileges for an applet

                                                            1. Log in to Siebel Tools.

                                                            2. In the Object Explorer, select Applets.

                                                            3. Select the applet, such as Campaign Execution Status List Applet, for which you need to modify access.

                                                            4. In the Applet User Properties, in the Marketing Access Group user property, add or delete access groups. Use the following syntax for each user property entry:

                                                              Name Value

                                                              Marketing Access Group n

                                                              "method name", "access group 1", "access group 2", and so on

                                                              Note: N is an integer such as 0, 1, 2, and so on, for each method to be restricted.

                                                              For example, the Campaign Execution Status List Applet has the user properties shown in the following table in the standard repository.

                                                              Name Value

                                                              Marketing Access Group 0

                                                              "PromptPurgeLoad", "Marketing Administrators"

                                                              Marketing Access Group 1

                                                              "PromptSuspendWave", "Marketing Administrators", "Marketing Managers"

                                                              Marketing Access Group 2

                                                              "PromptLaunchWave", "Marketing Administrators", "Marketing Managers"

                                                            5. To add or remove an access group for a specific method, add or remove the access group name from the comma separated list in the user properties.

                                                              Creating a New Marketing Access Group

                                                              If required, you can create additional access groups for your organization as described in the following procedure.

                                                              To create a new Marketing access group

                                                              1. Navigate to the Administration - Groups screen, then the Access Groups view.

                                                              2. In the Access Groups list, click New.

                                                              3. In the new record, enter an Access Group name and, from the Type list, select Access Group.

                                                              4. Review the applets in the application for which you need to enable or disable a button, menu item, or other control that invokes a method.

                                                              5. For each applet, modify the applet user properties to refer to the new access group.

                                                                Assigning Marketing Users to Access Groups

                                                                You must perform this setup task to make sure your Marketing users have access to the appropriate functionality. You assign the users to access groups based on the position of each user. For more information about access groups, see Siebel Security Guide.

                                                                To assign Marketing users to access groups

                                                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Group screen, then the Access Groups view.

                                                                2. In the Access Groups list, in the Name field, query for Marketing*.

                                                                  Note: At least two access groups (Marketing Administrators and Marketing Managers) appear.
                                                                3. In the Access Groups list, select Marketing Administrators.

                                                                4. In the Party list, add the positions for your administrators.

                                                                  For example, Siebel Administrator and Marketing Administrator positions.

                                                                5. In the Access Groups list, select Marketing Managers.

                                                                6. In the Party list, add the positions for your marketing managers.

                                                                  For example, Marketing Analysts, Program Managers, and so on.

                                                                  Note: You must add positions as access group members, not User List or Organization.
                                                                7. Restart the client for this change to be effective.

                                                                  Creating Marketing Seed Data

                                                                  After you install the Marketing application, there are some optional seed data that can be created to support various business processes. This topic contains the following tasks:

                                                                    Creating Marketing Regions

                                                                    Marketing regions provide a way to organize the marketing plans and tactics in your organization. Additionally, using regions can generate more detailed Marketing reports and rollups in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

                                                                    You can define marketing regions according to any set of parent child relationships that you require. Although there is no limit to the number of layers you can create in your hierarchy, marketing Business Intelligence only supports a hierarchy that is a maximum of 10 layers deep. You can implement a marketing region hierarchy by making one region the child of another region. The following example shows a simple regional hierarchy:

                                                                    • Worldwide

                                                                      • North America

                                                                      • EMEA

                                                                      • Latin America

                                                                      • Asia Pacific

                                                                    To create marketing regions

                                                                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Location screen, then the Regions view.

                                                                    2. In the Regions list, create a new record.

                                                                    3. Enter the Region name and description.

                                                                    4. Be sure to set the Type as Marketing Region.

                                                                    5. If this region is a child of another region, select the Parent Region in the Parent Region field.

                                                                    6. Save the record.

                                                                    7. Repeat step 2 through step 6 for each region in the hierarchy.

                                                                      Creating Marketing Activity Templates

                                                                      Activity Templates provide a convenient way for users to quickly assign a set of milestones and activities to a program or campaign. For instructions about how to create activity templates, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide. For instructions about updating Activity Templates from prior releases, see the activity plan topic in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

                                                                      Note: When you create Marketing activity templates, be sure to set the type of the template to the name of the main marketing business components, for example Program Container and Campaign.

                                                                        Creating and Using Marketing Activity Plans

                                                                        Activity Plans associate preconfigured planning and milestone activities and tasks with a template (activity plan). Users can assign the templates to marketing programs and campaigns. This creates one or more activities that are associated with a campaign or a program.

                                                                        Note: Activities are not created for contact records that are loaded into a campaign.

                                                                        Activity Plans can be designed to help you plan the marketing program or campaign or execute it. Before you link an activity plan to your campaign, you must create activity templates or customize existing templates to reflect your business process and needs. Use templates to define a generic set of activities that can be reused.

                                                                        For example, a marketing department production manager can design an activity plan template called Direct Mail that contains regularly scheduled campaign planning activities (meetings with creative or budgetary staff) and start tasks (such as generating an export list according to segmentation criteria). Using the Campaign Activity Plans view the manager can associate the activity plan template to the current campaign and then assign resources, define priorities and status and so on to each predefined task, adding comments where necessary.

                                                                        If your marketing program or campaign has a combination of planning and start activities, you can create two activity plans, one for planning and one for execution tasks, and assign them both to the program or campaign.

                                                                          Configuring the CKEditor File Manager

                                                                          Siebel Marketing uses the CKEditor program to provide simplified HTML editing functionality for updating Web and email offer templates. You can also use CKEditor to copy images directly into templates you are creating or updating. To implement this functionality, Siebel Marketing provides a file manager program that can be used to browse and upload files to the editor from a remote or local content management system. This topic describes how to configure the editor file manager.

                                                                          To configure the editor file manager

                                                                          1. Copy the filemanager directory installed with Siebel Marketing to the external Web application server that is to host the editor file manager.

                                                                            To locate the Siebel Marketing filemanager directory, on the computer where the Siebel Application Interface is installed, navigate to \applicationcontainer\webapps\siebel\enu\webeditor\filemanager. The filemanager directory contains the following connectors.

                                                                            • php

                                                                            • asp

                                                                            • aspx

                                                                            • cfm

                                                                            • lasso

                                                                            • perl

                                                                            • py

                                                                            Use the connector that is appropriate for the Web application server you are using to host the file manager.

                                                                          2. Edit the properties of the Email Offer Template HTM Detail Form Applet to configure values for the file manager as follows:

                                                                            1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to the Applet Object List Editor.

                                                                            2. In the Applets list, select the Email Offer Template HTM Detail Form Applet record.

                                                                            3. In the Properties window, enter values for the properties shown in the following table. These properties allow you to specify the name and location of the file, image and flash browsers on the external Web server.

                                                                              Property Value


                                                                              Specify the name and location of the file browser to use when browsing and uploading files from the editor.


                                                                              Specify the name and location of the image file browser to use when browsing and uploading images from the editor.


                                                                              Specify the name and location of the Flash file browser to use when browsing and uploading files from the editor.

                                                                              For example, if you are using a PHP connector, then enter a URL similar to the following:



                                                                              • www.filemanager.com. This is the URL of the file manager on the external Web application server.

                                                                              • type. This value is either File, Image, or Flash, depending on whether you are specifying the URL for the file browser, the image browser, or the Flash file browser.

                                                                              • www.siebelurl.example.com/marketing_enu. This is the URL of the Siebel Marketing application.

                                                                            4. Specify values for the following properties as necessary to indicate the dimensions of the file browser window and the location of template files.

                                                                              Property Value


                                                                              Specify the width of the file browser window in pixels, for example, 400.


                                                                              Specify the height of the file browser window in pixels, for example, 700.


                                                                              Specify where custom templates that you create are stored on the external Web server hosting the file manager. For example:


                                                                              In this path, www.filemanager.com is the location of the file manager.

                                                                            5. Repeat the steps where you select the Email Offer Template through where you specify the filebroserwindow properties for the Web Offer Template HTM Detail Form Applet.
                                                                          Note: If you choose, you can use a third-party file manager program, for example, CKFinder, instead of the Siebel Marketing file manager. In this case, copy your third-party file manager program to the external Web server, and configure properties for the Email Offer Template HTM Detail Form Applet and the Web Offer Template HTM Detail Form Applet to point to this file manager.

                                                                          Configuring Social Sharing Communities for Email Treatments

                                                                          Siebel Marketing provides functionality that allows you to use social media channels to complement and enhance your marketing campaigns. There are two aspects to this functionality:

                                                                          • Social media channels can be integrated into marketing campaigns.

                                                                            When defining email treatments for a campaign, you can choose to embed Social Sharing URLs in the email treatment. Inserting a Social Sharing URL in an email treatment allows customers who are targeted in the campaign to share the URL with their social networks directly from the email offer.

                                                                          • Siebel Marketing can be integrated with Oracle Social Relationship Management cloud services using the CreateLeads Web service and the GetCampaigns Web service. These Web services allow you to capture leads for a campaign based on an individual’s social interactions, to capture social media post data for the new leads, and to make Siebel Marketing campaign data available to Oracle Social Relationship Management.

                                                                          This topic describes how to configure the social networking sites that are available for selection in CKEditor when using Social Sharing URLs. For information on the CreateLeads and GetCampaigns Web services, see Siebel CRM Web Services Reference.

                                                                          You can configure the communities to which users can share URLs from email treatments by adding new communities or deleting existing communities, as described in the following procedure.

                                                                          To configure social sharing communities in email treatments

                                                                          1. Navigate to the plugin.js file in the eapps/webeditor/plugins/mergefieldsblock directory.

                                                                          2. Using a text editor, open the plugin.js file and edit it as appropriate to either remove or add social networking sites.

                                                                            By default, customers can share Social Sharing URLs with the following social communities:

                                                                            • Facebook©

                                                                            • Twitter©

                                                                            • LinkedIn©

                                                                            • Tumblr©

                                                                            • Pinterest©

                                                                            • GooglePlus©

                                                                            • Blogger©

                                                                            • MySpace©

                                                                            • Delicious©

                                                                          For information on using Social Sharing URLs in email treatments, see the chapter on creating and using offers and treatments in Siebel Marketing User Guide.

                                                                          Guidelines for Testing the Marketing Module in an Integrated Environment

                                                                          To deploy the Marketing module for segmentation and list generation, you must install, configure, and test your integrated environment.

                                                                          • Installation. You must install the following products:

                                                                            • Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Server and Oracle Business Intelligence Server. For more information, see Oracle Business Intelligence Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

                                                                            • Siebel Enterprise Server. For more information, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

                                                                          • Configuration. After installing, you must configure segmentation metadata, list export metadata, and create example list formats. For information about configuring segmentation and list export metadata, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition documentation.

                                                                          • Testing. Test the Marketing application and module as follows:

                                                                            • After installing the Marketing application and Marketing module, conduct a system test to verify that all components are correctly activated.

                                                                            • After you install and configure Siebel Marketing and create segmentation metadata, test campaign load.

                                                                          The following topics describe tasks that help you test a Marketing integrated environment:

                                                                            Testing the Symbolic URL

                                                                            The following procedure describes how to verify that the Symbolic URL is configured correctly.

                                                                            To test the Symbolic URL integration

                                                                            1. In Siebel Marketing, click the Segments screen tab.

                                                                            2. In the Segments screen, click the Segment Designer link.

                                                                              If the Segment Designer page does not appear, perform step 5.

                                                                            3. In the Segments screen, click the Segment Tree Designer link.

                                                                              If the Segment Tree Designer page does not appear, perform step 5.

                                                                            4. Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, then the List Formats view.

                                                                              If the List Format Designer page does not appear, perform step 5.

                                                                            5. If any of the previous steps do not obtain the specified results or you receive an error, navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List view and check the Host Administration settings.

                                                                              Testing the Web Services Integration

                                                                              The following procedure describes how to test the Web services integration.

                                                                              To test the Web Services integration

                                                                              1. In Siebel Marketing, click the Segments screen tab.

                                                                              2. In the Segments screen, click the Segment Designer link.

                                                                              3. In the Segment Designer, create a test segment and save the segment in the Web Catalog.

                                                                                For more information about creating segments, see Siebel Marketing User Guide.

                                                                              4. Navigate to the Campaign screen and perform the following steps:

                                                                                1. In the My Campaigns list, click New.

                                                                                2. In the record, enter a campaign name, and save the record.

                                                                                3. Click the Campaign name and click the Design view tab.

                                                                              5. In the Design view, perform the following steps:

                                                                                1. Click the Segments/Lists link.

                                                                                2. In the Segments/Lists list, click Add Segment.

                                                                                3. In the Previously Used Segments dialog box, click Choose a new Segment.

                                                                                4. In the next Previously Used Segments dialog box, click the Folder Location select button to display the following folders in the Oracle Business Intelligence Web Catalog:

                                                                                  • Your user name

                                                                                  • Shared

                                                                              6. If you receive an error, perform the following steps:

                                                                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, then the Servers view.

                                                                                2. Verify the following values:

                                                                                  • The Marketing Server definition has the correct Authentication user and password.

                                                                                  • All three Web Services have the correct Business Intelligence Presentation Server name in the address.

                                                                                Testing the Campaign Load

                                                                                The following procedure describes how to test the campaign load process.

                                                                                To test the campaign load

                                                                                1. In Siebel Marketing, click the Segments screen tab and perform the following steps:

                                                                                  1. In the Segments screen, click the Segment Designer link.

                                                                                  2. In the Segment Designer, create a test segment and save the segment in the Web Catalog.

                                                                                    For more information about creating segments, see Siebel Marketing User Guide.

                                                                                  3. Click the Advanced Options tab and verify that a valid Campaign Load List Format is associated with the segment.

                                                                                2. Navigate to the Campaign screen and create a test campaign by performing the following steps:

                                                                                  1. In the My Campaigns list, click New.

                                                                                  2. In the record, enter a campaign name, and save the record.

                                                                                  3. Click the Campaign name and click the Design view tab.

                                                                                3. In the Design tab, perform the following steps:

                                                                                  1. Click the Offers link.

                                                                                  2. In the Offers list, click New.

                                                                                  3. In the Add Offer dialog box, choose a test offer and click OK.

                                                                                  4. In the Treatments list at the bottom of the view, click New.

                                                                                  5. In the Pick Treatment list, choose a test treatment.

                                                                                4. In the Design view, perform the following steps:

                                                                                  1. Click the Segments/Lists link.
                                                                                  2. In the Segments/Lists list, click Add Segment.

                                                                                  3. In the Previously Used Segments dialog box, click Choose a new Segment.

                                                                                  4. Locate and select your test segment.

                                                                                5. Click OK twice to associate the segment with the campaign.

                                                                                  In the Allocation matrix, a check box appears for each treatment you associated in step 3.

                                                                                  1. Check the check box.
                                                                                  2. Click Save.

                                                                                6. In the Campaign form, click Menu and choose Load Campaign.

                                                                                7. In the Load Campaign dialog box, click OK to submit the load request.

                                                                                8. Click the Execute view tab and select the System Tasks link.

                                                                                9. In the System Tasks list, verify that the campaign loads successfully.

                                                                                  Monitoring Marketing System Tasks

                                                                                  The Marketing Application provides a set of views so users and administrators can monitor the progress of any marketing-specific server process. Each marketing-specific job is referred to as a system task. The following table contains a list of where to locate these jobs.

                                                                                  Table Views for Monitoring Marketing System Tasks

                                                                                  Location Purpose

                                                                                  Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, then the System Tasks view.

                                                                                  Displays marketing system tasks for all users, including import tasks.

                                                                                  Navigate to the Campaign Management screen, Execute, and then the System Tasks view.

                                                                                  Displays marketing system tasks for the selected campaign.

                                                                                  Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, then the Import view.

                                                                                  Displays import jobs and their status.

                                                                                  Navigate to the Programs screen, Execute, and then the System Tasks view.

                                                                                  Displays marketing system tasks for the selected program and related campaigns.

                                                                                  Each system task provides high-level logging details that track the successful completion or any errors in each major step of the task. Because the task log is intended to be used by all users, the System Task view does not provide low-level logging details.

                                                                                  If an administrative user needs further details on a marketing task, each step in the task log provides the Siebel Server name, log file (indicating the server component), and Task ID. The administrator can use this information to locate the log file or the logging details under Server Administration.

                                                                                  For Siebel Marketing, system tasks display information for the following tasks:

                                                                                  • Analytics Data Load

                                                                                  • Campaign Launch

                                                                                  • Campaign Load

                                                                                  • Generate Source Codes

                                                                                  • List Export

                                                                                  • List Import

                                                                                  • Stage Execution

                                                                                  • Wave Launch

                                                                                  If you get the error message, “Unable to connect to gateway server, when starting a Siebel Marketing task, then you have the Docked parameter in the CFG file set to TRUE. To correct the problem, quit Siebel Marketing, set the Docked parameter to FALSE, and restart.