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Creating Treatment Templates and Adding to the Template List

Treatment templates are usually created with a file type of text (TXT) or HTML (HTM or HTML). You create the template, and modify existing templates, using third-party HTML tools and text editors, such as Microsoft Front Page and Windows Notepad.

After creating the template using a third-party tool, you must add the new template to the Treatment Templates list so that you can associate it with a treatment.

Creating an HTML or Text Treatment Template

The following procedure shows how to create an HTML or text treatment template.

To create an HTML or text treatment template

  1. Create an HTML template, using a third-party HTML editor or text editor of your choice:
    1. Using Microsoft Word, Front Page, Notepad, or another editor, create a new file.
    2. For HTML templates, save the file using an HTM file extension.

      CAUTION:  Take care when using quotation marks in personalization elements. Some applications replace straight quotation marks (") with curly (also called smart) quotation marks (""). Curly quotation marks cause errors when used in personalization elements.

  2. If it does not already exist, then create a subdirectory in your HTML templates directory and name it Images.

    The HTML templates directory is the directory specified for the editor file manager browser on the external Web server. For additional information about the editor file manager, see Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide. In the Images directory, you store the graphics to be used in the treatment. Make sure that you refer to each image as follows:

    <IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://server_name/Web Marketing/images/image.gif">


    • server_name is the name of the server where the file manager is located on the external Web application server
    • image.gif is the name of the embedded image

      NOTE:  You cannot use HTML or embedded images in text email. However, some email readers display images that the sender attached to a text email at the end of the text email.

  3. Add the template you created to the Treatment Templates list as follows:
    1. Navigate to the Offers screen.
    2. In the link bar, click Treatment Templates.
    3. In the Treatment Template list, create a record.
    4. Complete the fields to add the treatment template to the list:
      • In the Name field, enter a name for the template.
      • Click the File Name select button and select the template file.
  4. Copy the images you embedded in your treatment to the subdirectory you created or the image folder you referenced in Step 2.

Modifying An Existing Treatment Template

If you want to modify an existing treatment template, then perform the steps in the following procedure.

To modify an existing treatment template

  1. Make the necessary modifications to the template file saved on your local drive, using the same text editor used to create the file.
  2. Save and close the file.
  3. Navigate to the Offers screen, then the Treatment Templates view.
  4. In the Treatment Template list, select the template record.
  5. In the File Name field, click the select button.
  6. In the dialog box, click Browse.
  7. Select the file, and click Open.
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