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Business Component Methods for COM Data Control

Table 138 describes a summary of business component methods you can use with COM Data Control. It does not include object interface methods that Siebel CRM does not call directly from a business component instance. For information about methods that Siebel CRM calls with the InvokeMethod method on a business component, see Business Component Invoke Methods.

Table 138. Summary of Business Component Methods for COM Data Control

ActivateField Method for a Business Component

Activates a field.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
BusComp.ActivateField(fieldName as String)

ActivateMultipleFields Method for a Business Component

Activates multiple fields.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.ActivateMultipleFields(oPropSet as SiebelPropertySet)

Associate Method for a Business Component

Creates a new many-to-many relationship for the parent object through an association business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.Associate(whereIndicator as Integer)

BusObject Method for a Business Component

Returns the name of the business object that the business component references.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim busObject as SiebelBusObject
Set busObject = busComp.BusObject

ClearToQuery Method for a Business Component

Clears the current query but does not clear sort specifications on a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp

DeactivateFields Method for a Business Component

Deactivates the fields that are currently active from the SQL query statement of a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp

DeleteRecord Method for a Business Component

Removes the current record from a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp

ExecuteQuery Method for a Business Component

Returns a set of business component records.

Dim buscomp as SiebelBusComp
buscomp.ExecuteQuery(cursorMode As Integer) As Boolean

ExecuteQuery2 Method for a Business Component

Returns a set of business component records. Allows you to control the number of records Siebel CRM returns.

Dim buscomp as SiebelBusComp
buscomp.ExecuteQuery2(cursorMode As Integer,ignoreMaxCursorSize As Integer) As Boolean

FirstRecord Method for a Business Component

Moves the record pointer to the first record in a business component, making that record the current record.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim bIsRecord as Boolean
bIsRecord = busComp.FirstRecord

GetFieldValue Method for a Business Component

Returns the value of a field from the current record of a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim sValue as String
sValue = busComp.GetFieldValue(FieldName as String)

GetFormattedFieldValue Method for a Business Component

Returns a field value that is in the same format that the Siebel client uses.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim sValue as String
sValue = busComp.GetFormattedFieldValue
(FieldName as String)

GetLastErrCode Method for a Business Component

Returns the error code for the error that Siebel CRM logged most recently.

Dim errCode As Integer
Dim SiebApp as SiebelDataControl

GetLastErrText Method for an Application

Returns the text message for the error that Siebel CRM logged most recently.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim sErr as String
sErr = busComp.GetLastErrText

GetMultipleFieldValues Method for a Business Component

Returns a value for each field specified in a property set.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
(oFieldNames as SiebelPropertySet, oFieldValues as SiebelPropertySet)

GetMVGBusComp Method for a Business Component

Returns the multivalue group business component that is associated a business component field.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim mVGBusComp as SiebelBusComp
set mVGBusComp = busComp.GetMVGBusComp(FieldName as String)

GetNamedSearch Method for a Business Component

Returns the name of a search specification.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim sValue as String
sValue = busComp.GetNamedSearch(SearchName as String)

GetPicklistBusComp Method for a Business Component

Returns the name of the pick business component that is associated with a field in the current business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim pickBusComp as SiebelBusComp
Set pickBusComp = busComp.GetPicklistBusComp(Field-Name as String)

GetSearchExpr Method for a Business Component

Returns the current search expression that is defined for a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim sExpr as String
sExpr = busComp.GetSearchExpr

GetSearchSpec Method for a Business Component

Returns the search specification that is defined for a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim sSpec as String
sSpec = busComp.GetSearchSpec(FieldName as String)

GetUserProperty Method for a Business Component

Returns the value of a user property.

Dim buscomp as SiebelBusComp
Dim retStr as String
retStr = buscomp.GetUserProperty(prop As String) As String

GetViewMode Method for a Business Component

Returns the visibility mode for a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim iMode as Integer
iMode = busComp.GetViewMode

InvokeMethod Method for a Business Component

Calls a method.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim sReturn as String
sReturn = busComp.InvokeMethod(methodName as String, methArg1, methArg2, methArgN as String or StringArray)

LastRecord Method for a Business Component

Moves the record pointer to the last record in a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim bReturn as Boolean
bReturn = busComp.LastRecord

Name Method for a Business Component

Returns the name of a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim sName as String
sName = busComp.Name

NewRecord Method for a Business Component

Adds a new record to a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.NewRecord(whereIndicator as Integer)

NextRecord Method for a Business Component

Moves the record pointer to the next record in a business component, making that record the current record.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim bReturn as Boolean
bReturn = busComp.NextRecord

ParentBusComp Method for a Business Component

Returns the name of a parent business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim parentBusComp as SiebelBusComp
Set parentBusComp = busComp.ParentBusComp

Pick Method for a Business Component

Places the currently chosen record in a pick business component into the appropriate fields of the parent business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp

PreviousRecord Method for a Business Component

Moves the record pointer to the previous record in a business component, making that record the current record.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
Dim bReturn as Boolean
bReturn = busComp.PreviousRecord

RefineQuery Method for a Business Component

Refines a query.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp

SetFieldValue Method for a Business Component

Sets a new value in a field in the current record of a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.SetFieldValue(FieldName as String, FieldValue as String)

SetFormattedFieldValue Method for a Business Component

Sets a new value in a field in the current record of a business component. It accepts the field value in the current local format.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.SetFormattedFieldValue(FieldName as String, FieldValue as String)

SetMultipleFieldValues Method for a Business Component

Sets new values in the fields of the current record of a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
(oPropSet as SiebelPropertySet)

SetNamedSearch Method for a Business Component

Sets a named search specification on a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.SetNameSearch(searchName as String, searchSpec as String)

SetSearchExpr Method for a Business Component

Sets a search expression for a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.SetSearchExpr(searchSpec as String)

SetSearchSpec Method for a Business Component

Sets the search specification for a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.SetSearchSpec(FieldName as String, searchSpec as String)

SetSortSpec Method for a Business Component

Sets the sort specification for a business component.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp
busComp.SetSortSpec(sortSpec as String)

SetUserProperty Method for a Business Component

Sets the value of a named user property.

Dim buscomp as SiebelBusComp
buscomp.SetUserProperty(property-Name as String, newValue as String)

SetViewMode Method for a Business Component

Sets the visibility type for a business component.

Dim buscomp as SiebelBusComp
Dim boolVal as Boolean
boolVal = buscomp.SetViewMode(mode As Integer)

UndoRecord Method for a Business Component

Reverses any unsaved modifications made to the record.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp

WriteRecord Method for a Business Component

Saves to the Siebel database any modifications made to the current record.

Dim busComp as SiebelBusComp

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