Siebel Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types Reference > Table Object Types >


A column corresponds to one column in a database table.

This object type occurs in the following location in the object hierarchy:

  • Siebel Objects > Table > Column

Table 171 describes properties that Siebel CRM uses with a column.

Table 171. Properties of the Column

Alias (O)

Not used.

ASCII Only (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM uses only ASCII text in columns.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not use only ASCII text in columns.

Cascade Clear (O)

For Oracle use only.

Computation Expression (O)

Specifies a computation that Siebel CRM uses on a field if it saves this field to the Siebel database.

For example, to encrypt a value while Siebel CRM writes it to the Siebel database, you can use the following value in the Computation Expression property:



  • column_name identifies the column that Siebel CRM must encrypt.

For example:


You can use this property for Case-insensitive and Accent-Insensitive (CIAI) search functionality. For example:



  • column_name identifies a column that contains all uppercase, nonaccented characters. You can then use this value in an index that allows Siebel CRM to search without respect to case or accent.

For example:

Account Name ([S_ORG_EXT.NAME])


  • NAME might reference a column that includes a value of La Française. Because this expression is difficult search, CIAI uses the CIAI([NAME]) computation expression to save this value. If Siebel CRM saves an account, then it updates the value in the column as LA FRANCAISE.

    If you search for a string that is similar to la franca*, LA F*, then the Application Object Manager uses this column to find a match. It is not necessary for you to consider case or accent.

Default (O)

For Oracle use only.

Default Insensitivity (O)

Specifies to use a normal search or translate to CIAI mode. To view the values you can use, click the Default Insensitivity property in Siebel Tools.

Denormalization Path (O)

For Oracle use only.

EIM Processing Column Flag (O)

For Oracle use only.

Encryption Key Specifier

Specifies where to save the encryption key for an encrypted field. This field is only required for a SiebelEncrypt computation expression. For more information, see the Computation Expression property for this object type.

FK Column 1:M Rel Name (O)

For Oracle use only.

FK Column M:1 Rel Name (O)

For Oracle use only.

Force Case (O)

Specifies the case of the letters that the column can contain, such as Lower. To view the values you can use, click the Force Case property in Siebel Tools.

Foreign Key Table (Foreign Key Table Name) (O)

Specifies the table to which this column is a foreign key. EIM uses this value. You must leave this property empty in an extension column.


Specifies to make the column active or inactive. If TRUE, then Siebel CRM does not create this column when it installs the server database.

LOV Bounded (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM must populate any field that references this column with a value from the list that the LOV Type property identifies. It must first import LOV data into the S_LST_OF_VAL table and you must specify the LOV Type property. EIM can then examine the values it imports from the list that the LOV Type property identifies.
  • FALSE. There is no restriction on the values that Siebel CRM populates in a field that references this column.

The LOV Bounded property is read-only for a column that comes predefined with Siebel CRM. It is editable for a column that you add through the Database Extension Designer.

LOV Type (O)

Specifies the list of values that Siebel CRM uses to validate this column. To define this list of values, you use the List Of Values administration views in the client.

The LOV Type property is read-only for a column that comes predefined with Siebel CRM. It is editable for a column that you add through the Database Extension Designer.

For more information, see the description for the LOV Bounded property.

Name (R)

Specifies the name for this column. This name must be unique in the table.

No Match Value (O)

Specifies the string that Siebel CRM uses if it cannot match the primary Id field. You can configure this property only for the primary key column of a table that an external business component references, and only if this business component creates RowId values that might conflict with the default No Match Row Id string.

If the No Match Value property is empty, then Siebel CRM uses No Match Row Id as the default string.

Nullable (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM can save NULL in this column in the Siebel database.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM cannot save NULL in this column in the Siebel database.

Physical Type Name (Physical Type) (R)

Specifies the data type of the column in the Siebel database. You can use one of the following values:

  • Character. Fixed-length text.
  • Date. Date values only without time.
  • Date Time. Date and time values in the same column.
  • Long. Long text.
  • Number. Any numeric data.
  • Time. Time values only without the date.
  • UTC Date Time. Time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
  • Varchar. Variable-length text.

Precision (R)

For more information, see About the Scale and Precision Properties.

Primary Child Col (S)

EIM uses this property. For Oracle use only.

Primary Child Column Name (O)

Specifies the name of the column that contains the primary ID value.

Primary Child Join Column Name (O)

Specifies the name of the child table column where Siebel CRM joins the record.

Primary Child Table Name (O)

Specifies the name of the table where Siebel CRM can locate the primary child.

Primary Inter Table Name
(Primary Inter Table) (O)

EIM uses this property. For Oracle use only.

Primary Join Column Name (O)

Specifies the name of the column that Siebel CRM uses to join the record.

Primary Key (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM uses this column as part of the primary key of the table.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not use this column as part of the primary key of the table.

Required (O)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. Siebel CRM requires a value in this column. This requirement is true even if the Siebel database allows an empty value in this column.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not require a value in this column.

Scale (O)

For more information, see About the Scale and Precision Properties.

Sequence (O)

Specifies the order that Siebel CRM uses to save the columns of a cluster index. This property can contain only an integer. This property applies primarily with the MSSQL server. You can use it with other servers.

Sequence Object (O)

Specifies the name of the RDBMS utility that creates a unique sequence number for the table column. For Oracle use only.


Specifies the state of the column, such as Active. To view the values you can use, click the Status property in Siebel Tools.

System Field Mapping (O)

Specifies an alternative way to map the column to a system field. You can configure this property only for a table that an external business component uses. To view the values you can use, click the System Field Mapping property in Siebel Tools.

Text Length (O)

Specifies the length in characters for a text or varchar column. The column size in Siebel Tools is not the same as the column size in the physical database. For more information about this difference, see 531960.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

Translation Table Name (O)

Specifies the name of the translation table.

Txn Log Code (O)

Not used.

Type (S)

Specifies the column type.

Use FKey (S)

You can use one of the following values:

  • TRUE. To determine visibility, Siebel CRM uses this column as a foreign key during synchronization.
  • FALSE. Siebel CRM does not use this column as a foreign key. You must leave this column at the default FALSE setting for an extension column.

User Key Sequence (O)

Specifies the sequence that Siebel CRM uses to place this column in the user key. For example, if you set the User Key Sequence property for Column A to 1, then Siebel CRM places Column A in the first position in the user key.

User Name (R)

Specifies the user-friendly name for the column.

Valid Condition (O)

Specifies the expression that Siebel CRM uses to validate a column value.

Properties for Custom Extension Columns

If you configure a custom extension column, then you must set only the following properties:

  • Comments
  • Default
  • Foreign Key Table Name
  • Inactive
  • LOV Bounded
  • LOV Type
  • Name
  • Nullable
  • Physical Type
  • Precision
  • Scale
  • Text Length
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