Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering > Workflows for Bulk Requests >

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Sub Process Workflow

This workflow is called as a subprocess by the ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Integration SubProcess workflow. This workflow disconnects a promotion from the line item, and if there are any agreement violations while disconnecting the promotions, it calculates penalty charges and adds a new penalty product as line item to the quote or order. Figure 82 shows this workflow.

Figure 82. ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Sub Process Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Check Agreement? This condition step checks whether the agreement violation has to be checked. If so, it routes the flow to evaluate the penalty charges. If not, it routes the flow route to disconnect the promotion.
  2. Check Agreement. This step uses a query operation on the business component ISS Promotion Agreement Item Charges to retrieve agreement details for the promotion.
  3. Is Agreement Violated ? This condition step checks whether an agreement is found and whether it is related to the upgrade promotion. If the upgrade promotion involves an agreement violation, it routes the flow to Calculate Penalty for Upgrade; if there is an agreement violation that does not involve an upgrade, it routes the flow to Calculate Penalty; if there is not violation, it routes the flow to the Item Loaded? step.
  4. Calculate Penalty for Upgrade. This step calls the GetCondCharge method of the FS Conditional Charge business service to calculate the penalty charge amount for an upgrade promotion.
  5. Calculate Penalty for Upgrade. This step call the GetCondCharge method of the FS Conditional Charge business service to calculate the penalty charge amount for a normal disconnect.
  6. Item Loaded? This condition step checks whether flow is called from a upgrade promotion. If so, it routes the flow to load asset details in to a list. If not, it routes the flow to get the size of the edit list.
  7. Load Filtered Related Assets. This step calls the LoadFilteredPromRelatedAsset method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service to load assets related to a promotion into a list after filtering based on the active document. If the asset is found in the current document, it is not loaded to the list.
  8. GetEditListSize. This step calls the GetPropertySize method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service to calculate the size of the edit list.
  9. Do Edit List? This condition step checks the size of the list. If the size if greater than zero, it routes the flow to the step Split Asset By Change Code/Disconnect. If the size equals zero, it routes the flow to the step GetDisconnectListSize.
  10. Split Asset By Change Code/Disconnect. This step calls the SplitAssetByChangeCod method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service. This step prepares a list of the component product of the promotion that will be disconnected, which are the line items marked for with the action Disconnect. It also prepares a list of the components that are not selected for disconnection by the promotion.
  11. If Prompt. This condition step checks whether the action for any line item in the promotion is configured as prompt. If so, it routes the flow to check if the default action for prompt is configured as modify. If not, it routes the flow to the step Get Fileterd Size.
  12. Prompt Default is modify. This condition step checks whether the default action for the prompt is set as modify. If so, it routes the flow to the step Modify action for prompt list. If not, it routes the flow to the step Disconnect Action for Prompt List.
  13. Modify action for prompt list. This step uses the Iterate Process For Selected Rows method of the SIS OM PMT Service business service, which calls the ABO Bulk Request - Edit Complex Asset Workflow to modify the component product of the promotions. This step disassociates the component product from the promotion but does not delete the component itself.
  14. Disconnect Action for Prompt List. This step uses the PromIterateProcess method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service, which calls the SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-process, which disconnects the component product from the promotion and updates the list for unselected component lines. This step disconnects the component product by setting the action code as delete.
  15. Get Fileterd Size. This step uses the GetPropertySize method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service to get the number of lines in the list representing components for which the action is configured as disconnect in the promotion.
  16. Is Empty. This condition step checks whether the list of component that are marked as disconnect is not empty. If so, it routes the flow to the step Disconnect unrelated item. If not, it routes the flow to the step Get Unfileterd size.
  17. Disconnect unrelated item. This step uses the PromIterateProcess method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service, which calls the workflow SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-process to disconnect the all components in the list from the promotion.
  18. Clear association. This step uses the ClearAssociation method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service to disassociate the component by removing the value of the Promotion Id from the field Prod Prom Instance Id for the disconnected lines.
  19. Get Unfileterd size. This step uses the GetPropertySize method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service to get the number of lines in the list for components for which the action is configured as modify in the promotion.
  20. Is Empty? This condition step checks whether the list of components that are marked as Modify is not empty. If so, it routes the flow to the step Edit Related Item. If not, it routes the flow to the step GetDisconnectListSize.
  21. Edit Related Item. This step uses the Iterate Process For Selected Rows method of the SIS OM PMT Service business service, which calls ABO Bulk Request - Edit Complex Asset Workflow to modify the component product of the promotions. This step disassociates the component product from the promotion but does not delete the components that are marked as modify in the promotion configuration.
  22. GetDisconnectListSize. This step uses GetPropertySize method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service to get the number of lines in the disconnect list.
  23. Do Disconnect List? This condition step checks whether the size of the disconnect list is greater than zero. If so, it routes the flow to Disconnect Related Item. If not, it routes the flow to Get Collection.
  24. Disconnect Related Item. This step uses the PromIterateProcess method of the ISS Promotion Management Service business service, which calls the workflow SIS OM Edit Asset to disconnect items in disconnect list.
  25. Get Collection. This step uses the GetCollection method of the ABO Bulk Request Processing Service business service to clear the collection list.
  26. TransferIOToPS. This step uses the TransferIOToPS method of the ABO Bulk Request Processing Service business service to convert the quote or order created after the disconnect flow to a property set format.
  27. GetContext. This step uses the GetRowSetData method of the Context Service business service to build context information from the quote or order property set using the variable map Default Pricing Variable Map - Context.
  28. GetRow. This step uses GetRowSetData method of the Context Service business service to build the rowset information from the quote or order property set using the variable map Default Pricing Variable Map - Context.
  29. Copy of Clear Association From. This step uses Conditional Action Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit business service to set the action code for the line items for which the promotion instance id is that of the disconnecting promotion to Modify or to Delete.
  30. Clear Association From. This step uses the Conditional Action Transform of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit business service to set values for the promotion-related fields Prod Prom Id, prod Prom Instance Id, Prod Prom Rule Id and Prod Prom Rule Name to Null for line items with Prod Prom Instance Id that match the disconnecting promotion.
  31. SyncToPS. This step uses the SyncRowSetData method of the Context Service business service to modify the quote or order structure with the update for the promotion related fields from the steps Copy of Clear Association From and Clear Association From.
  32. Transfer PS to IO. This step uses the PSHierToIntObjHier method of the EAI Integration Object to XML Hierarchy Converter business service to covert the property set to the quote or order integration structure.
  33. Need create penality? This condition step evaluates whether any penalty product need to be added to Quote or order structure.
  34. Commitment Violation? This condition step checks whether the customer has broken a commitment broken. If not, it routes the flow to the Add Item To Collection step.
  35. GetRowSet. This condition step checks whether the penalty amount is greater than zero, making it necessary to create a penalty record in the current document.
  36. Is RAF ? This condition step checks whether the disconnect is called from an RAF flow. If RAF is TRUE, it routes the flow to the step Add Penalty Product; the quote or order is generated in memory, the penalty product is added to in-memory quote or order as a line item, and it will be saved when the entire quote or order is synchronized to the database. If RAF is FALSE, it routes the flow to the step Goto Order? The quote or order already exists in the database, and the penalty product will be synchronized to the database as a line item.
  37. Add Penalty Product. This step uses the Conditional Action Transform method of the Row Set Transformation Toolkit business service to add a new line item to in memory quote or order for the penalty product with a penalty charge in memory. This penalty product would be synchronized to the database along with quote or order.
  38. Goto Order? This condition step is called when the flow is not called from an RAF flow and when the penalty product is to be synchronized to the quote or order line in the database. It checks whether the mode is order. If so, it routes the flow to the step Query Order. If not, it routes the flow the step Query Quote.
  39. Query Order. This step uses a business component Query operation to query the active order, using the business component Order Entry - Orders.
  40. Create Penality - Order. This step uses a business component Insert operation to create a Penalty record in the current Order with the penalty charges, using the business component Order Entry - Line Items.
  41. Query Quote. This step uses a business component Query operation to query the active quote, using the business component Quote.
  42. Create Penality. This step uses a business component Insert operation to create a Penalty record in the current Quote with the penalty charges.
  43. Add Item To Collection. This step uses the AddItemtoCollection method of the ABO Bulk Request Processing Service business service to add the final processed quote or order structure to the collection after the promotion disconnection flow has been executed.
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