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Siebel CRM Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide
Siebel 2018
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Process of Setting Up New Service Providers

To set up a new service provider, you generally perform the following tasks:

  1. "Adding New Service Providers to Siebel Public Sector". Add the service provider as a partner. This task is similar but not identical to adding new partners in Siebel PRM.

  2. "Adding Users of Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal (Service Provider)". The agency generally adds just one service provider employee as a user of Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal. That employee has the position of delegated administrator and can define positions and add other users at the service provider company.

  3. Adding the service provider profile. The service provider profile includes information such as the special expertise that the service provider has. It can be added either by the agency or by the service provider:

  4. Licensing the service provider to provide specific services. The licensing is done outside of Siebel Public Sector, and it can use the same methods that the agency has used traditionally to license service providers. The services must be one or more of the services you defined as a product. For more information, see "Creating Products for Public Sector Service Providers".

  5. "Specifying Price Lists for Service Providers". Negotiate an agreement with the service provider to provide these services at specific prices. After you have negotiated pricing, create a new price list for the service provider if necessary, or associate the service provider with an existing price list.

  6. "Adding Agreements with Service Providers". Add information about the agreement you have negotiated into Siebel Public Sector.

  7. "Adding the Initial Inventory for Service Providers". Add the inventory showing how many of the services are available at the provider.

Adding New Service Providers to Siebel Public Sector

There are several ways of setting up new service providers:

  • It is most common for providers to apply to be partners using paper forms. In this case, add them as described in "Adding Service Providers Who Apply Using Paper Forms"

  • If providers apply online to be partners, you can add them in the same way that you add partners in Siebel PRM, as described in "Process of Enrolling a New Partner Company".


    If you add service providers using the same process as Siebel PRM, be sure the checkbox in the Service Provider field of the Partner record is selected before you register the partner.

  • You can also add service providers from an account. In this case, add them as described in "Adding Service Providers from Accounts".

  • You can import data about the service provider from another application.

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up New Service Providers".

Adding Service Providers Who Apply Using Paper Forms

In Siebel PRM, individuals and companies typically apply online to become partners. When they register in the Siebel Partner Portal, they add information that is stored in a prospective partner record. When they are qualified as partners, the prospective partner record is converted to a partner record.

Public sector agencies usually receive applications from service providers on paper, not online. If the agency accepts the service provider as a partner, the agency adds the service provider to Siebel Public Sector.

After you recruit and accept applications from service providers in the same ways that you have in the past, using paper application forms, add new service providers using the following procedure.

To add new service providers  

  1. Navigate to the Service Providers screen, Service Provider List view.

  2. Add a new record to the Service Provider list and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Name Enter the name of the service provider.
    Status Select Active.

    Note: The status must be Active before you can place orders with the service provider.

    Address Enter the address of the service provider.
    Price List Select the price list for this service provider. For more information, see "Creating Price Lists for Public Sector Service Providers".
    Provider Id Displays the row Id of the service provider, which is read-only.

  3. Create an organization for the partner company:


    For background information about organizations and partner managers for partner companies, see "Registering the Partner Company".

    1. Navigate to the Administration - Partner screen, Qualified Partners view.

    2. Query for the name of the service provider that you just created.

    3. With the record selected, click Register.

    4. In the Register Partner view, complete the necessary fields described in the following table, and then click Save.

      Field Description
      Organization Select this checkbox to make the partner company an organization.
      Parent Organization Select the parent organization of the partner organization.
      Partner Manager Select the partner manager at the public agency for this partner organization.

  4. Continue the process of adding the partner company, as described in "Process of Enrolling a New Partner Company", performing any needed steps in the process after the step for adding the partner company.


In addition to adding the partner to Siebel Public Sector, as described in this topic, you must add at least one agreement to provide services with the partner before you can work with a partner. For more information, see "Adding Agreements with Service Providers".

Adding Service Providers from Accounts

Follow the steps in this procedure to add service providers from accounts.

To add service providers from Accounts  

  1. Convert a Customer Account to a Service Provider by doing the following:

    1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.

    2. In the Accounts list, select the customer account that you want to convert to a partner.

    3. Display the More Info view.

    4. In the Account Administration Details section, select the Service Provider option.

  2. Create a new service provider. For more information on creating a service provider, see "Adding Service Providers Who Apply Using Paper Forms".

  3. Register the new service provider, by doing the following:


    For background information about organizations and partner managers for partner companies, see "Registering the Partner Company".

    1. Navigate to the Administration - Partner screen, Qualified Partners view

    2. Query for the name of the service provider that you just created.

    3. With the record selected, click Register.

    4. In the Register Partner view, select the Organization option, and then click Save.

  4. Register for a User Id. For more information on registering for a User Id, see "Registering for a User ID (Partner Employee)".

  5. Create a new user for your service provider. For more information about adding users, see "Adding Users".

  6. Navigate to the Administration - Partners screen and find the provider record that you just registered and create a new primary position. For information on creating a new primary position, see "Adding Positions".

  7. Add the Partner Sales Rep and the Partner Service Manage responsibilities to the new primary position and associate them with the new user. For more information on defining responsibilities, see "Defining Partner Responsibilities".

Adding Users of Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal (Service Provider)

When approved, a provider can set up positions and set up its employees as users who can access Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal.

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up New Service Providers".

For more information about how the provider sets up positions and users, see "Delegated Administration for Partners".

Managing Service Provider Profiles

The service provider profile view for Siebel Public Sector is significantly different from the partner profile view for Siebel PRM, because it includes information that is specific to the public sector, such as languages and religions. The profile information allows you to refer benefits cases to the service provider with the appropriate language, religion, or other accommodations for each benefits case.

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up New Service Providers".

The agency can add, update or view the profile in Siebel Public Sector, as described in this procedure. Alternatively, the service provider can update or view the profile in Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal. For more information, see "Managing Service Provider Profiles (Service Provider)".

To add the service provider profile  

  1. Navigate to the Service Providers screen, then the Service Provider List view.

  2. Drill down on the name of the service provider that you want.

  3. Display the Profile view.

  4. In the Profile form, complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Languages Select the languages spoken at this service provider.
    Wheel Chair Access Select this check box if the facilities of the service provider are wheelchair accessible.
    Food Select special types of food that the service provider offers, such as hallal food or vegetarian food.
    Expertise Select the types of services that this provider has expertise in.
    Religions Select the religions accommodated at this service provider.
    Date Established Enter the date when this service provider business was established.
    # of Locations Displays the number of locations for this service providers. This calculated field is based on the number of addresses for this service provider that have been added in the Service Providers screen, Addresses view.

Managing Service Provider Profiles (Service Provider)

You use the information in the service provider profile to refer the appropriate benefits cases to the service provider. The service provider can add, update, or view the profile in Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal, as described in this procedure. Alternatively, the agency can add, update, or view the profile in Siebel Public Sector. For more information, see "Managing Service Provider Profiles".

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up New Service Providers".

To add the service provider profile  

  1. In Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal, navigate to the Profile screen, Service Profile view.

  2. In the Service Profile form, complete the necessary fields.

    These fields are the same as the fields in the Profile view used by the agency. For more information, see "Managing Service Provider Profiles".

  3. Click Save.

Specifying Price Lists for Service Providers

After you have licensed the service provider to provide specific services, you negotiate agreements with the service provider determining the prices that it receives for these services. Then you associate the service provider with a new or existing price list that specifies these prices. For information about creating price lists, see "Creating Price Lists for Public Sector Service Providers".

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up New Service Providers".

To specify the price list for a service provider  

  1. Navigate to the Service Providers screen, then the Service Providers List view.

  2. In the record for the service provider that you want, in the Price List field, choose the appropriate price list.

Adding Agreements with Service Providers

After negotiating agreements with the service provider, you also add data about the agreement in Siebel Public Sector.

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up New Service Providers".

You must negotiate at least one agreement to set up a new service provider. Later, you can also negotiate, and add additional agreements with existing service providers. When you add an agreement with a service provider, you also add a list of products that the agreement covers and an initial inventory of the number of each of those products that the service provider has available. The agreements and inventory of assets covered by each agreement are also visible to the service provider in the Asset screen of Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal.


Rather than adding agreements in this way, you can integrate Siebel Public Sector with a third-party contract management system. For more information, see "Integrating Siebel Public Sector Provider Portal with External Applications".

To add agreements with a service provider  

  1. Navigate to the Service Providers screen.

  2. Drill down on the name of the service provider that you want.

  3. Display the Agreements view.

  4. In the Agreements list, create a new record and complete the necessary fields, as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Agreement # Displays the agreement number, a read-only value generated by Siebel Public Sector.
    Type Select the type of the agreement.

    For information about customizing the values in this field, see "Modifying Lists of Values for Managing Public Sector Providers".

    Status By default, the status is Current when you create the record.

    Select Active when the negotiations are complete and the agreement is operative.

    You can select Cancelled at some later time to cancel the agreement.

    Address Select the address where this service is provided.

    Only addresses defined for this service provider can be selected.

    Start Enter the date when the agreement takes effect.
    End Enter the date when the agreement expires. If no date is entered, the agreement lasts indefinitely.

  5. In the Line Items list, create a new record for each product covered by this agreement, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Product Select the product. The list includes products that you defined, as described in "Creating Products for Public Sector Service Providers"

Adding the Initial Inventory for Service Providers

When you add the agreement to provide products, you can also add the service provider's inventory of each of those products. Each item in the inventory is an asset. For example, you have just negotiated an agreement for the service provider to provide foster care beds, and the service provider has four beds available. In this example, the product is Foster Care Bed, and the inventory includes four assets, each representing one bed.

Because service providers provide the product, they manage the inventory of the product, see "Managing Inventory for Accepted Referral Orders (Service Provider)", so you always know whether they have unused assets available for this product. The agency can enter the initial inventory at the same time that it enters the agreement.

You can also use the following procedure to manage inventory later. For example, if a foster home adds new beds, you must add asset records for each new bed.


The Create Asset button is only enabled for the latest agreement revision with the status of Active or Current. For example, if an agreement has revision 1 and revision 2, you can only create assets for revision 2.

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up New Service Providers".

To add the initial inventory  

  1. After adding the agreement and products, select the product record that you want, and click Create Asset.

    The Assets list appears with a new asset based on that product. The Product, Agreement #, and Agreement Item Id fields of the Asset record have the values for that product.

  2. If necessary, select the attribute values for the asset.

    The attributes and the values that you can select for depend on the definition of the product. For example, if the product is child care, your product administrator might have defined the product so one attribute is Age Group, and the possible values of this attribute are Infant, Toddler, Pre-school, and Kindergarten.

  3. If necessary, you can add additional assets directly in the Assets list:

    1. Create a new record for each asset, and complete the necessary fields, as described in the following table.

      Field Description
      Asset # Displays the asset number.
      Type When you select a product in the Product field, this field displays the product type that was defined for that product. For more information, see "Creating Products for Public Sector Service Providers".
      Status Select Active to show that the asset is available.
      Agreement # Select the agreement that this product is provided under. The dialog box includes only the latest revision of agreements with the status of Active or Current.
      Agreement Item Id Select the agreement Id for this product in this agreement. If you select the product first, only the Id of this product is available in the dialog box. Once the Agreement Item Id is selected, the Product field becomes read-only.

      If you select Agreement # and then Agreement Item Id before selecting a product, then the Product field will be automatically populated with the same product that was selected under the Agreement Item Id field and the Product field will be read-only

      Product Select the product that this asset is an instance of.

    2. If this product has attributes, add records to the Attributes list and select the attributes and a value for each.

      For more information about product attributes, see Siebel Product Administration Guide.