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Siebel CRM Performance Tuning Guide
Siebel 2018
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Siebel EIM Usage Planning

This topic provides several general guidelines for effective and efficient implementations of Siebel EIM, regardless of the size of the overall Siebel implementation. You must take a strategic perspective when implementing Siebel EIM to make sure that your deployment is successful.

For more information, see the following:

Defining the Siebel EIM Team

This topic is part of "Siebel EIM Usage Planning".

Based on customer experience, it is recommended that a team of individuals be assigned to manage and maintain the Siebel EIM processes required for your organization. Consider using individuals with the following skill sets:

  • For small to medium-sized Siebel Business Applications implementations:

    • A database administrator with a detailed understanding of not only the RDBMS used by your organization, but also the Siebel Data Model. This individual would be responsible for identifying the actual data to be loaded into the EIM tables and making sure that the physical layout of the database provides optimal performance. This person would also be responsible for the task of mapping the data into the Siebel base tables. For more information about performing this task, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

    • A system administrator with a strong background in the systems used by your organization. This individual would be responsible for developing scripts unique to your organization to automate the loading of data into the EIM tables, and to execute Siebel EIM in order to process the data into the Siebel base tables.


    Your organization might have one individual with both these skill sets and so you might rather dedicate only a single individual to these tasks. If this is the case, then consider having a backup person, so that when this primary individual is unavailable, the backup person is capable of performing what needs to be done to keep the Siebel implementation operational.

  • For larger to very large-sized Siebel implementations:

    • A database administrator with a detailed understanding of not only the RDBMS used by your organization, but also the Siebel Data Model. This individual would be responsible for identifying the actual data to be loaded into the EIM tables and for making sure that the physical layout of the database provides optimal performance. This team member would also be responsible for the crucial task of mapping the data into the Siebel base tables. For more information about performing this task, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

    • A system administrator with a strong background in the systems (both the database server and application server) used by your organization. This individual would be responsible for developing scripts unique to your organization to automate the loading of data into the EIM tables, and to execute Siebel EIM in order to process the data into the Siebel base tables.

    • A business analyst with a strong understanding of the Siebel Data Model and its intended usage in the Siebel implementation. This individual would act as a liaison between the business and technical members of the Siebel EIM team.

Mapping Data into Siebel Business Applications

This topic is part of "Siebel EIM Usage Planning".

Siebel EIM uses EIM table mappings to map columns from EIM tables to Siebel base tables. Predefined Siebel EIM mappings are fixed and cannot be remapped.


Siebel EIM uses only EIM table mappings to determine table relationships. Siebel EIM does not use configuration logic in the Siebel repository to determine table relationships.

Using Siebel Tools, you can view:

  • Mappings of EIM tables to Siebel base tables

  • Mappings of EIM table columns to Siebel base table columns

  • Mappings of Siebel base tables to EIM tables

  • Mappings of Siebel base table columns to EIM table columns

Some base tables might not be mapped to a corresponding EIM table. In such cases, use Siebel Visual Basic (VB) to load data into these base tables and inform Global Customer Support regarding the missing mapping. For information about using Siebel VB, see Siebel VB Language Reference.

If you have licensed Database Extensibility and created extensions, you can use the Column Mapping screen to specify mappings to the new fields. Database Extensibility and Siebel EIM support mappings between columns in extension tables and in EIM tables only if these columns share the same base table. To map EIM table extensions to base table extensions, you must specify which column the extended field will point to in the base table. For more information about Database Extensibility, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.


Manually mapping new extension columns to columns in EIM tables presents risks of errors during Siebel EIM execution. Whether or not you have licensed Database Extensibility, it is strongly recommended for you to request an EIM Data Mapping and Design review or other assistance from Oracle Advanced Customer Services to help you perform the necessary tasks. This review can be used to make sure that the EIM mappings are correct and will accomplish intended goals. Contact your Oracle sales representative to request assistance from Oracle Advanced Customer Services.

To map data into a Siebel application

  1. Determine which Siebel base table columns need to be populated for the Siebel implementation, along with the external data that will be loaded into these base tables.

  2. Determine which EIM table and columns will be used to import from the source to the destination.

  3. Analyze this external data to determine which attributes need to be stored and the relationship this data has to other entities.

Testing Siebel EIM Processes

This topic is part of "Siebel EIM Usage Planning".

Fully and completely testing Siebel EIM processes must not be overlooked. Testing is more than simply mapping the data and then running a Siebel EIM process using the default Siebel EIM configuration file. Complete testing requires you to run a large number of identical Siebel EIM jobs with similar data. Testing in this way allows you to not only find areas that you might have overlooked, but also provides some insight into optimal sizing of the Siebel EIM batches and exposure to scenarios that can occur in a production environment.

Before using Siebel EIM, a database administrator must populate the EIM tables with data to be processed by Siebel EIM. Then, you can invoke Siebel EIM to process this data, with Siebel EIM making multiple passes through the tables to complete the specified process.

Siebel EIM reads a special configuration file that specifies the Siebel EIM process to perform (import, merge, delete, or export) and the appropriate parameters. The Siebel EIM configuration file (the default file is default.ifb) is an ASCII text file of extension type IFB that resides in the admin subdirectory under the Siebel Server directory. Before running a Siebel EIM process, you must edit the contents of the Siebel EIM configuration file to define the processes that Siebel EIM will perform.

The Siebel EIM log file can contain information at different levels of detail, depending on the values of three flags: the Error flag, the SQL flag, and the Trace flag. For more information about these flags, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide. Some of the recommended settings are described in the following list:

  • As a starting point, it is recommended to set the Error flag = 1, the SQL flag = 1, and the Trace flag = 1. These settings will show errors and unused foreign keys. Setting the Trace flag = 1 will provide a summary (after each batch) of the elapsed time after Siebel EIM updates primary child relationships in the Siebel database tables as necessary and runs optional miscellaneous SQL statements.

  • Set the Error flag = 1, the SQL flag = 8, and the Trace flag = 3. These settings will produce a log file with SQL statements that include how long each statement took, which is useful for optimizing SQL performance.

  • Set the Error flag = 0, the SQL flag = 0, and the Trace flag = 1. These settings will produce a log file showing how long each Siebel EIM step took, which is useful when figuring out the optimal batch size, as well as useful for monitoring any performance deterioration in a particular step.