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Siebel CRM Performance Tuning Guide
Siebel 2018
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Tuning Siebel Business Applications for Oracle Solaris

This topic provides instructions for configuring and tuning operating system settings and Siebel Enterprise Server components so that you can run Siebel applications on Oracle Solaris. It contains the following information:

Tuning Kernel Settings for Oracle Solaris

This topic is part of "Tuning Siebel Business Applications for Oracle Solaris".

To run Siebel Servers or Siebel Application Interface in an Oracle Solaris environment, you need to set Oracle Solaris kernel parameters to specific recommended values for particular releases of Oracle Solaris servers. To learn the specific parameter recommendations for Siebel Servers or Siebel Application Interface running on Oracle Solaris, contact Oracle Advanced Customer Services. Contact your Oracle sales representative to request assistance from Oracle Advanced Customer Services.

Several Oracle Solaris kernel parameter settings significantly affect performance of Siebel Business Applications in general, and the Siebel Server in particular.

Oracle Solaris kernel parameters reside in the configuration file /etc/system. To change the settings for these parameters, you must manually edit this file, save your changes, and reboot the system.

Normally, the Oracle Solaris kernel memory parameter settings are relatively low. However, for large memory-model applications like the Siebel Server applications, it is recommended that you increase the values assigned to several of these parameters.


If you use the default Oracle Solaris kernel parameters, or lower, to run a Siebel Server in an Oracle Solaris environment, then there is a risk of serious performance problems, resulting in SIGABRT or SIGSEV errors for some Siebel Server components.

To tune the Oracle Solaris kernel settings for Siebel Server

  1. Using an editor such as vi, open the /etc/system file for editing.

  2. Add or modify the following lines, which are general settings:

    set rlim_fd_cur = 65536
    set kernel_cage_enable = 1
    set rlim_fd_max = 65536
  3. Save your changes and exit the editor.

  4. Restart the server computer to have the new settings take effect.

Tuning Siebel Application Object Manager Instances for Oracle Solaris

This topic is part of "Tuning Siebel Business Applications for Oracle Solaris".

Oracle Solaris computers running more than 50 Application Object Manager instances (multithreaded processes for Siebel Application Object Manager) might experience a situation where one or more of the processes do not start correctly, while the rest start and function normally. The log files for the processes that do not start will indicate that they have not started correctly. If you experience these symptoms, then change the tcp_conn_req_max_q and tcp_conn_req_max_q0 default values, using the ndd command.

To change TCP values

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Issue the ndd command:


    The responses are noted in bold.

    ndd /dev/tcp
    name to get/set ? tcp_conn_req_max_q
    value ? 1024
    name to get/set ? tcp_conn_req_max_q0
    value? 4096
  3. Add the following lines to the /etc/system file, using any text editor such as vi:

    set tcp:tcp_conn_req_max_q = 1024
    set tcp:tcp_conn_req_max_q0 = 4096
  4. Save your changes and exit the editor.