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RAF Apply Multiple Offer To Create Quote Web Service Workflow

RAF Apply Multiple Offer To Create Quote Workflow, shown in Figure 36, takes the account and a list of offer IDs to generate a quote for a non-residential customer. This quote can be generated in-memory or saved to the database, based on the SaveInstance input argument.

This workflow is called by the ApplyMultipleOffersforQuote method of the Apply Multiple Product Offers Web service. Optionally, this workflow accepts the quote structure as an input argument, and offer actions are applied to the quote structure instead of creating a new quote. For existing customers, this workflow takes the Asset ID as an input argument and applies offers to the customer's asset.

NOTE:  For more information about the Web service that calls this workflows, see Siebel CRM Web Services Reference.

Figure 36. RAF Apply Multiple Offer To Create Quote Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Has Asset Id ? This decision step checks whether the input of the Web service operation ApplyMultipleOfferToCreateQuote contains AssetId. If so, it routes the flow to the step Query Asset With Asset Id. Otherwise, it routes the flow to the step Query Asset for Account Only.
  2. Query Asset With Asset Id. This step calls Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service, using the Account Id and Asset Id to retrieve the asset information for the specified account and asset.
  3. Query Asset for Account Only. This step calls the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service, using the Account Id to retrieve the Account details from Integration object ISS Account Instance. This step is called when Asset Id is not part of the input message of the web service.
  4. IO Transformation. This step calls the IntObjHierToPSHier method of the EAI Integration Object to XML Hierarchy Converter business service to transform the queried message from the previous step from Integration Object format to Property Set Format.
  5. Get Context. This step calls the GetRowSetData method of the Context Service business service. It uses the Default Product Offer Recommendation Variable Map - Context variable map to get the account header information.
  6. Get Rowset. This step calls the GetRowSetData method of the Context Service business service. It uses Default Product Offer Recommendation Variable Map - Row Set variable map to get the asset information for the account.
  7. Residential Account? This decision step checks whether the account in the input of the Web service is of the type Residential. If not, it routes the flow to the step Create SearchSpec. Otherwise, it routes the flow to the Stop step to set the error message.
  8. Stop. If the account is a residential account, this stop step sets an error message as part of output message of the ApplyMultipleOfferToCreateQuote Web service operation. It aborts further processing and exits the workflow.
  9. Create SearchSpec. This step calls the CreateSearchSpec method of the RAF Product Offers Service business service, which traverses the list of offers from the input message of the Web service and prepares a search expression with offer IDs.
  10. RAF Create Document Workflow. This step calls the subprocess RAF Create Document Workflow to process the actions for all the offers provided in the input message. If the quote is generated in-memory, the subprocess returns the Quote structure. If the quote is saved to the database, the subprocess returns the Quote ID.
  11. Process In Memory? This step checks if the quote processing is done in memory. If so, it returns the quote structure as the output argument of the web service. Otherwise, it routes the flow to Active Doc Id.
  12. Active Doc Id? This step verifies whether the offer is successfully applied by creating an quote with a non-null value for the DocId. If DocId (Quote Id) is NULL, it routes the flow to the step Query Empty Quote. Otherwise, it routes the flow to the step Query Quote.
  13. Query Empty Quote. This step calls the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service, querying an invalid quote to populate the empty value for the quote message as part of response message the Web service call.
  14. Query Quote. This step calls the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service to retrieve the order in SIS OM Quote integration object format. It takes the DocId (Quote Id) as input and returns the full quote structure as the output that would be part of the response message to the Web service call.
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