11Configuration Parameters Related to Authentication

Configuration Parameters Related to Authentication

This chapter describes the configuration parameters that are applicable to implementing a security adapter and other important authentication and security-related parameters that must be configured in the Siebel Management Console. It includes the following topics:

Note: In general, parameter values related to security adapter configuration must be verified by your Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) administrator or database administrator. Many values shown are examples only and might not be suitable for your deployment.

Server Parameters for Siebel Gateway

The server parameters for Siebel Gateway can be set at one or more of the Enterprise, Siebel Server, or component (Siebel Application Interface) levels in the Siebel Management Console. They are set in the Administration - Server Configuration screen of a Siebel employee application, such as Siebel Call Center. The following rules apply:

  • Parameters you set at the Enterprise level configure all Siebel Servers throughout the enterprise.

  • Parameters you set at the Siebel Server level configure all applicable components on a specific Siebel Server.

  • Parameters you set at the component (Siebel Application Interface) level configure all the tasks, or instances, of a specific component.

  • Parameters you set for an enterprise profile (named subsystem) configure the applicable security adapter.

For purposes of authentication, most of the components of interest are Application Object Managers, such as the Call Center Object Manager or the eService Object Manager. The Synchronization Manager component also supports authentication.

A particular parameter set at a lower level overrides the same parameter set at a higher level. For example, if Security Adapter Mode is set to LDAP at the Enterprise level, and Security Adapter Mode is set to Custom at the component level for the eService Object Manager component, then the Custom security adapter is used for Siebel eService.

Parameters configured for Siebel security adapters are configured for the enterprise profile (for GUI Server Manager) or named subsystem (for command-line Server Manager). For more information about configuring security adapters, see Security Adapter Authentication.

Note: For information about using Siebel Server Manager to edit parameters on Siebel Gateway, see Siebel System Administration Guide. For information about editing parameters on Siebel Gateway using the Siebel Management Console, see Configuring Security Adapters Using the Siebel Management Console.

The following topics provide more information about the parameters you can configure for Siebel Gateway:

Security Profile Configuration for Siebel Gateway

The security profile, which is centrally stored in the registry, contains the configuration parameters that determine how access to Siebel Gateway is authenticated. The security profile that you define when you configure Siebel Gateway is automatically used to prepopulate the security-related parameters for various different configurations including the Siebel Gateway and Enterprise (enterprise profile).

Siebel Gateway authorization is required whether you use the Siebel Management Console, Siebel Server Manager, or other utilities to access the gateway. When a user attempts to log in to the gateway, the user's credentials are passed by the server to the authentication provider specified in the security profile, which checks that the user has the required administrator privileges to access the gateway. If it has, the gateway starts to process service requests.

Note: Authentication is not required for starting the gateway, only for connecting to it.

You configure the security profile using Siebel Management Console. Any changes made to the security profile are not active until you restart the Siebel Gateway. For more information on configuring a security profile for Siebel Gateway, see Configuring Security Adapters Using the Siebel Management Console and Parameters for Configuring Security Adapter Authentication.

Note: When creating a new profile, make sure that the name you choose for the profile is unique and does not already exist, otherwise profile creation will fail.

Parameters for Configuring Security Adapter Authentication

The following information lists the parameters in the Security Profile that relate to database, LDAP, or custom authentication. You set these parameters when configuring a security profile to use a database, LDAP, or custom security adapter. You define these parameters in the Data Sources section and Basic Information section under Security Profiles in the Siebel Management Console.

You can define database authentication parameters for the following named subsystems:

  • InfraSecAdpt_DB. That is, for the DBSecAdpt named subsystem or a similar security adapter with a nondefault name.

  • InfraDataSource. That is, for the ServerDataSrc named subsystem or another data source.

Note: Database authentication is supported for development environments only, it is not supported for production environments.

You can define LDAP authentication parameters for the following named subsystems:

  • InfraSecAdpt_LDAP. That is, for the LDAPSecAdpt named subsystem or a similar security adapter with a nondefault name.

You can define custom authentication parameters for the following named subsystems:

  • InfraSecAdpt_Custom. That is, for the CustSecAdpt named subsystem or a similar security adapter with a nondefault name.

The named subsystem is specified as the value for the data source Security Adapter Name parameter for the database, LDAP, or custom security adapter.

Table Security Adapter Authentication Parameters


Section Under Security Profiles

Comment or Description


Data Sources

Specify the name of the data source.


Data Sources

Specify the type or mode of authentication you are using. The options are:

  • Database Authentication (development only)

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authentication

  • Custom Security Authentication (using Security SDK)

If you implement a custom, non-Siebel security adapter, then you must configure your adapter to interpret the parameters used by the Siebel adapters if you want to use those parameters.

Host Name

Data Sources

Specify the host name for the data source, such as the host name of the database server for database authentication.

Note that you may have to include the IP address if the server is configured to listen only with the IP address:

  • For Oracle and DB2: Actual Host FQDN.

  • For MSSQL: server\<instance>.

  • For LDAP: LDAP Host.

    You must specify the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the LDAP server, not just the domain name. For example, specify ldapserver.example.com, not example.com.


Data Sources

Specify the port number for the source, such as the port number of the database server for database authentication. For example, specify:

  • 51510 for DB2

  • 389 for LDAP, 636 for LDAPS

  • 151 for Oracle

  • 32100 for MSSQL

Application User Distinguished Name (DN)

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the user name of a record in the directory with sufficient permissions to read any user’s information and do any necessary administration.

This user provides the initial binding of the LDAP directory with the Application Object Manager when a user requests the login page, or else anonymous browsing of the directory is required.

You enter this parameter as a full distinguished name (DN), for example "uid=appuser, ou=people, o=example.com" (including quotes) for LDAP. The security adapter uses this name to bind.

You must implement an application user.

Application Password

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the password for the user defined by the Application User Distinguished Name parameter. In an LDAP directory, the password is stored in an attribute.

The application password must be encrypted. Clear text passwords are not supported for the LDAPSecAdpt named subsystem. For more information, see Changing Encrypted Passwords Using the Siebel Management Console.

Base Distinguished Name (DN)

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the base distinguished name, which is the root of the tree under which users of this Siebel application are stored in the directory. Users can be added directly or indirectly after this directory.

For example, a typical entry for an LDAP server might be:

BaseDN = "ou=people, o=domain_name"


  • o denotes organization and is typically your Web site’s domain name.

  • ou denotes organization unit and is the subdirectory in which users are stored.

Custom Library

Data Sources

This option appears if you select Custom Authentication.

Name of the custom security adapter implementation. For example, custsecadpt in the case of custsecadpt.so, custsecadpt.dll and so on. Do not give the file extension.

SQL Style of Database

Data Sources

This option appears if you select Database or Custom Authentication.

Specify the SQL style for your Siebel database. Specify one of the following:

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • IBM DB2

Database Service Name

Data Sources

This option appears if you select Database Authentication.

The database name:

  • For the DB2390 version of DB2, you must deploy the db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar file into the webapp/siebel/lib directory of the Siebel Application Interface and Siebel Gateway.

  • For MSSQL, specify the database name.

  • For Oracle, the database service name can hold the SID or Service Name as dictated by the Oracle database installation (listener.ora file).

Table Owner

Data Sources

This option appears if you select Database Authentication.

The table owner for the database.

CRC Checksum

Data Sources

This option appears if you select Custom Authentication and only if the Custom Library parameter is Not Null.

Provide the value of the checksum performed on the applicable security adapter library (DLL). This value, applicable for the Siebel Server only, ensures that each user accesses the Siebel database through the correct security adapter.

If this field is empty or contains the value 0 (zero), then no checksum validation is performed.

If you upgrade your version of Siebel Business Applications, then you must recalculate the checksum value and replace the value in this field.

For more information, see Configuring Checksum Validation.

Credentials Attribute

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the attribute type that stores a database account. For example, if Credentials Attribute is set to dbaccount, then when a user with user name HKIM is authenticated, the security adapter retrieves the database account from the dbaccount attribute for HKIM.

This attribute value must be of the form username=U password=P, where U and P are credentials for a database account. There can be any amount of space between the two key-value pairs but no space within each pair. The keywords username and password must be lowercase.

If you implement LDAP security adapter authentication to manage the users in the directory through the Siebel client, then the value of the database account attribute for a new user is inherited from the user who creates the new user. The inheritance is independent of whether you implement a shared database account, but does not override the use of the shared database account.

Hash Algorithm

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the hash algorithm to be used for password hashing. Choose one of the following:

  • SHA1

    This is the default value. This value is read-only for the Siebel Gateway security profile; for other profiles, it is editable.

  • SHA2

Hash DB Password

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Select this check box to specify password hashing for database credentials passwords.

Hash User Password

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Select this check box to specify password hashing (using the hashing algorithm specified using the Hash Algorithm parameter) for user passwords. For more information, see About Password Hashing.

Password Attribute Type

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the attribute type under which the user’s login password is stored in the directory.

The LDAP entry must be userPassword.

Propagate Change

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Select this check box to allow administration of the directory through Siebel Business Applications UI. When an administrator then adds a user or changes a password from within the Siebel application, or a user changes a password or self-registers, the change is propagated to the directory.

A non-Siebel security adapter must support the SetUserInfo and ChangePassword methods to allow dynamic directory administration.

Roles Attribute (optional)

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the attribute type for roles stored in the directory.

For example, if Roles Attribute is set to roles, then when a user with user name HKIM is authenticated, the security adapter retrieves the user’s Siebel responsibilities from the roles attribute for HKIM. Responsibilities are typically associated with users in the Siebel database, but they can be stored in the database, in the directory, or in both. The user gets access to all of the views in all of the responsibilities specified in both sources. However, it is recommended that you define responsibilities in the database or in the directory, but not in both places. For details, see Configuring Roles Defined in the Directory.

Shared Databases Account Distinguished Name (fully qualified domain name)

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the absolute path (not relative to the Base Distinguished Name) of an object in the directory that has the shared database account for the application.

If not set, then the database account is looked up in the user’s DN as usual.

If set, then the database account for all users is looked up in the shared credentials DN instead. The attribute type is determined by the value of the Credentials Attribute parameter.

For example, if the Shared Database Account Distinguished Name parameter is set to "uid=HKIM, ou=people, o=example.com" when a user is authenticated, the security adapter retrieves the database account from the appropriate attribute in the HKIM record. This parameter’s default value is an empty string.

Shared DB User Name

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the user name to connect to the Siebel database. You must specify a valid Siebel user name and password for the Shared DB User Name and Shared DB Password parameters.

Specify a value for this parameter if you store the shared database account user name as a parameter rather than as an attribute of the directory entry for the shared database account. To use this parameter, you can use an LDAP directory. For more information, see Storing Shared Database Account Credentials as Profile Parameters.

Shared DB Password

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specify the password associated with the Shared DB User Name parameter.

Security Adapter Mapped User Name

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

If this check box is selected, then when the user key name passed to the security adapter is not the Siebel User ID, then the security adapter retrieves the Siebel User ID for authenticated users from an attribute defined by the Siebel Username Attribute parameter.

Siebel Username Attribute

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication, and if the Security Adapter Mapped User Name check box is selected.

If set, then this parameter is the attribute from which the security adapter retrieves an authenticated user’s Siebel User ID. If not set, then the user name passed in is assumed to be the Siebel User ID.


Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specifies whether or not to enable Secure Sockets Layer for socket connections to the host.

Enable SSL

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specifies whether or not TLS is used for communication between the LDAP security adapter and the directory.

If this check box is not selected, then TLS is not used. To use TLS, the value of this parameter must be the absolute path of the wallet, generated by Oracle Wallet Manager, that contains a certificate for the certificate authority that is used by the LDAP server.

Configure Web Single Sign-On

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specifies that the security adapter uses Web Single Sign-On (Web SSO) authentication rather than security adapter authentication.

Note that you must disable Web SSO when you configure Siebel Gateway initially (first time running Siebel Management Console). Then after you complete Siebel Gateway initial configuration and enterprise deployment, you must add the SSO parameters retrospectively using Siebel Server Manager. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Trust Token

Data Sources

This option appears if you select Web Single Sign-On for LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specifies a password to be used with Web Single Sign-On (Web SSO) authentication.

Wallet Password

Data Sources

This option appears if you select SSL for LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specifies the password to open the wallet that contains a certificate for the certificate authority used by the directory server.

Note that you do not have to specify the wallet location when configuring an LDAP security adapter because the wallet file (ewallet.p12) is placed in the trust store location.

Salt Attribute Type

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specifies the attribute that stores the salt value if you have chosen to add salt values to user passwords. The default attribute is title.

Salt User Password

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Select this check box to specify that salt values are to be added to user passwords before they are hashed. This parameter is ignored if the Hash User Password parameter is set to FALSE.

Adding salt values to user passwords is not supported if you are using Web Single Sign-On. For more information on salt values, see About Password Hashing.

User Name Attribute Type

Data Sources

This option appears if you select LDAP or Custom Authentication.

Specifies the attribute type under which the user’s login name is stored in the directory.

For example, if User Name Attribute Type is set to uid, then when a user attempts to log in with user name HKIM, the security adapter searches for a record in which the uid attribute has the value HKIM. This attribute is the Siebel user ID, unless the Security Adapter Mapped User Name check box is selected.

If you implement an adapter-defined user name (the Security Adapter Mapped User Name check box is selected), then you must set the OM - Username BC Field parameter appropriately to allow the directory attribute defined by User Name Attribute Type to be updated from the Siebel client. For more information about implementing an adapter-defined user name, see Configuring Adapter-Defined User Name.

Enterprise Security Authentication Profile (Security Adapter Mode)

Basic Information

Specify the type of authentication you are using.

  • Database Authentication (development only)

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authentication

  • Custom Security Authentication (using Security SDK)

If you implement a custom, non-Siebel security adapter, then you must configure your adapter to interpret the parameters used by the Siebel adapters if you want to use those parameters.

Security Adapter Name (named subsystem)

Basic Information

The chosen security adapter.

  • For Database Authentication, it is DBSecAdpt.

  • For LDAP Authentication, it is LDAPSecAdpt.

  • For Custom Authentication, it is CustSecAdpt.

Database Security Adapter Data Source

Basic Information

This option appears if you select Database Authentication.

Select the security adapter data source.

Database Security Adapter Propagate Changes

Basic Information

This option appears if you select Database Authentication.

Specify whether to propagate changes for the security adapter.

Select this option to allow administration of credentials in the database through Siebel Business Applications. When an administrator then adds a user or changes a password from within a Siebel application or a user changes a password or self-registers, the change is propagated to the database.

For Siebel Developer Web Client, the SecThickClientExtAutent system preference must also be set to True. For details, see Setting a System Preference for Developer Web Clients.

Authorization Roles (comma-separated)

Basic Information

Specify one or more authorization roles (which will be checked against the users logging in to the application). The default value is Siebel Administrator.

This setting applies whether you are implementing security adapter authentication or Web SSO authentication.

User Name


Specify the user name for testing authentication under the specified authentication system.



Specify the password for the user account used for testing.

Authentication and Security-Related Parameters in the Enterprise Profile

The following information lists the parameters in the Enterprise Profile that relate to authentication and security. You define these parameters in the Authentication section and Security Information section under Enterprise Profiles in the Siebel Management Console.

Table Authentication and Security Parameters in the Enterprise Profile


Section Under Enterprise Profiles


User Name


The user name.



The user password.

Authentication Profile


The authentication profile for the Enterprise.

Primary Language


The primary language for the Enterprise deployment.

Security Encryption Level or Type

Security Information

The level or type of security encryption. The options are:

  • Without Encryption

  • TLS 1.2 (default)

Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate File Name

Security Information

This option appears if the Security Encryption Level or Type parameter is set to TLS 1.2.

The name of the CA Certificate file.

Private Key File Name

Security Information

This option appears if the Security Encryption Level or Type parameter is set to TLS 1.2.

The name of the private key file.

Private Key File Password

Security Information

This option appears if the Security Encryption Level or Type parameter is set to TLS 1.2.

The password for the private key file.

Enable Peer Authentication

Security Information

This option appears if the Security Encryption Level or Type parameter is set to TLS 1.2.

Select this option to enable peer authentication.

Validate Peer Certificate

Security Information

This option appears if the Security Encryption Level or Type parameter is set to TLS 1.2.

Select this check box to validate the peer certificate.

Security-Related Parameters in the Server Profile

The following information lists the parameters in the Server Profile that relate to security. You define these parameters in the Enhanced Settings - Security section under Siebel Server Profiles in the Siebel Management Console.

Table Security Parameters in the Server Profile


Section Under Siebel Server Profiles


Server-Specific Security Encryption Settings

Enhanced Settings - Security

Select this option to configure security and encryption for communications between the Siebel Server and other servers. If you do not select this option, then the settings are inherited from the Enterprise.

Server-Specific Security Authentication Profile Assignment

Enhanced Settings - Security

Select this option to assign an existing security adapter to this Siebel Server or to specific components.

Security Encryption Level or Type

Enhanced Settings - Security

This option appears if you select the Server-Specific Security Encryption Settings parameter option.

Specify the security encryption level or type. The options are:

  • Without Encryption

  • TLS 1.2 (default)

Certificate File Name

Enhanced Settings - Security

This option appears if you select the Server-Specific Security Encryption Settings parameter option and the Security Encryption Type or Level parameter is set to TLS 1.2.

The password for the private key file.

Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate File Name

Enhanced Settings - Security

This option appears if you select the Server-Specific Security Encryption Settings parameter option and the Security Encryption Level or Type parameter is set to TLS 1.2.

Select this check box to enable peer authentication.

Siebel Application Interface Profile Parameters

The Siebel Application Interface profile contains parameters that control interactions between the Siebel Web Engine and the Siebel Application Interface for all Siebel Business Applications deploying the Siebel Web Client.

The Siebel Application Interface profile includes a Basic Information section for defining Authentication, Logging, and REST Inbound Defaults, an Other Information section for defining SWE, and an Applications section for defining Basic Information, Mobile, and Enhanced Authentication for individual Siebel Business Applications. Each parameter value in the Basic Information section is used by all individual applications, unless you override the parameter’s value (for a specific application) with an entry in the Applications section.

You can edit the parameters in the Siebel Application Interface profile using the Siebel Management Console. For information on using the Siebel Management Console to configure application interface profile parameters, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

In a given Siebel Application Interface profile, some parameters might not appear by default. For more detailed information on application interface profile parameters, see:

Note: Before you create and configure a Siebel Application Interface profile, make sure that you have already deployed the Siebel Server. After you have done this, the Object Manager and Application settings in Siebel Application Interface profile configuration are populated with values you can choose from that reflect available components on the Siebel Server.After you deploy a Siebel Application Interface profile, the profile is in a read-write state. You can update the configuration settings and save the profile to propagate the updates to the deployed Siebel Application Interface.

Siebel supports the following security profiles for Siebel 2018 and later releases:

  • Application Interface profiles, which require a 1:1 mapping to security profiles (Database, LDAP, or Custom).

  • For object manager-based UI applications, either Basic or SSO authentication is supported on the defined security profile.

  • For object manager-based REST channels, either Basic, SSO, or OAuth authentication is supported.

  • For non-object manager REST calls, authentication types are not controlled by the Application Interface profile so the Basic authentication type is used with the defined security profile. For example: srvrmgr, Gateway and Siebel Manager Console-specific (non-object manager) REST calls.

  • Components that are not part of the Application Interface can override the basic security profile and use a different security profile. For example: the Siebel Enterprise Cache and Siebel Constraint Engine.

    Authentication Parameters in Siebel Application Interface Profile

    The following information lists the parameters in the Siebel Application Interface profile that relate to authentication. You define these parameters in either the Basic Information section or the Applications section under Application Interface Profiles in the Siebel Management Console.

    Note: It is recommended that you set the value for StatsPage to a value other than the default value (_stats.swe).

    Table Authentication-Related Parameters in Siebel Application Interface Profile


    Section Under Application Interface Profiles


    Active Session Timeout Value (seconds)

    Basic Information - Authentication

    The time, in seconds, from the user’s last browser request until the user’s connection times out. The default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).

    Standard sessions are those where users log in using their registered user name and password. Otherwise, standard sessions share many of the same characteristics as guest sessions.

    For guidelines on setting a value for the Active Session Timeout Value parameter, see About the Active Session Timeout Value Parameter.

    Active Session Timeout Warning Value (seconds)

    Basic Information - Authentication

    Before a session times out, a session timeout warning message appears prompting users to choose whether or not to extend the session. The time at which the message appears is determined by the value specified by this parameter. The default value for this parameter is 60 seconds.

    The time at which the session timeout warning message appears is calculated by subtracting the Active Session Timeout Warning Value from the Active Session Timeout Value. For example, if Active Session Timeout Value is set to 900 seconds and Active Session Timeout Warning Value is set to 300 seconds, then the session timeout warning message appears after 600 seconds of inactivity (900 minus 300 equals 600).

    • If the user selects OK in response to the session timeout warning message, then the session timer is reset to zero and is only activated again after another 600 seconds of inactivity has elapsed.

    • If the user selects Cancel in response to the session timeout warning message, then the session is terminated once the session timeout period is reached.

    • If you do not want users to receive a session timeout warning message, then set the Active Session Timeout Warning Value to zero (0).

    Login Session (guest session) Timeout Value (seconds)

    Basic Information - Authentication

    The time, in seconds, that a connection open for anonymous browsing can remain idle before it times out. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

    Guest sessions are used for anonymous browsing. They permit users to navigate portions of the site without logging in. In contrast to anonymous sessions, guest sessions are associated with an individual Siebel Web Client. These sessions are opened when an unregistered user starts navigating the site, and they remain open until the Web client logs out or times out due to inactivity.

    When deciding the value to specify for guest user timeout, the primary consideration is whether or not anonymous browsing is being used. If it is, then set guest user timeouts to be greater than the average time users need to deliberate their next action. In other words, this is the time allowed between user actions.

    Both guest and anonymous sessions use the Anonymous User Name and Anonymous User Password parameters to log in.

    Method to Check Server Availability

    Basic Information - Authentication

    Provide the swe method name which will be used with the swe command name provided in the [Command to Check Server Availability] field to check the server availability. This must not be empty if the [Command to Check Server Availability] field is not empty.

    Command to Check Server Availability

    Basic Information - Authentication

    Provide the swe command name, which will be sent to check the server availability.

    Session Token Usage Duration (minutes)

    Basic Information - Authentication

    Provide the session token usage duration, which will make the application interface reject the token if it has been used for more than this value.

    Session Token Timeout Value (seconds)

    Basic Information - Authentication

    Provide the session token time out, which will make the application interface reject the session token if the token is inactive for more than this value.

    Configure Web Single Sign-On (Web SSO)

    Basic Information - Authentication

    The application interface operates in Web SSO mode when this parameter is TRUE. For more information, see Single Sign-On Authentication

    Trust Token

    Basic Information - Authentication

    This option appears when Web SSO is true.

    Provide the trust token string, which will be used as the password when Web SSO is enabled. The specified value is passed as the password parameter to a custom security adapter if the value corresponds to the value of the Trust Token parameter defined for the custom security adapter. This value must not be empty when Web SSO is enabled.

    In a Web SSO environment, this token string is a shared secret between the application interface and the security adapter. It is a measure to protect against spoofing attacks. This setting must be the same on both the application interface and the security adapter. For more information, see Single Sign-On Authentication

    User Specification

    Basic Information - Authentication

    In a Web SSO implementation, this variable name specifies the name of the HTTP header variable to read the user’s user name. Do not prefix with HTTP_.

    Anonymous User Name

    Basic Information - Authentication

    Provide the user name required for anonymous browsing and initial access to the login pages. For example: GUESTCST.

    The user name selected as the anonymous user must be assigned access to views intended for anonymous browsing, but to no other views.

    Anonymous User Password

    Basic Information - Authentication

    Provide the password for the anonymous user.

    For more information on setting passwords for the anonymous user, see Encrypted Passwords in Siebel Application Interface Profile Configuration.

      About the Active Session Timeout Value Parameter

      The Active Session Timeout Value parameter is the time, in seconds, from the user’s last browser request until the user’s connection times out. The following table offers guidelines for setting this parameter.

      Table Guidelines for Setting the Active Session Timeout Value

      Session Type


      Recommended Setting

      Anonymous session

      • Large numbers of users logging in within a short period of time (login spikes)

      • Frequent logins and logouts

      Greater than 30 minutes.


      • Long intervals between user actions

      • Login view is used for logins

      • Logout occurs on a logout view

      Greater than 30 minutes.

      Less than 5 minutes.

      Less than 5 minutes.


      • Employee applications

      • Customer applications

      • High security requirements

      • High continuity (low interaction) with the browser

      • Lightly loaded system

      Greater than 30 minutes.

      1-15 minutes.

      Less than 5 minutes.

      Greater than 30 minutes.

      Greater than 30 minutes.

      The types of session timeouts mentioned in the table refer to session inactivity. That is, if session timeout is set to 3600 seconds, then it requires one hour of session inactivity for that session to time out. Session inactivity means no request is made to the Siebel Server on that session. Any act that sends a ping request to the Siebel Server, such as sending notifications, resets the session timeout period. If the update interval is less than the Active Session Timeout Value set in the Siebel Application Interface profile, then the session never times out.

      If you use the Siebel Portal Framework to implement portal views, then note that the Siebel application times out if user activity in the portal view exceeds the time that is specified by Active Session Timeout Value. Note also that, by default, portal views send a ping status request to their server every 120 seconds (2 minutes) to keep their session alive. For more information about the Siebel Portal Framework, see Siebel Portal Framework Guide.

        Application Object Manager Parameters in Siebel Application Interface Profile

        The following information lists the Application Object Manager parameters in the Siebel Application Interface profile that relate to authentication. You define these parameters in the Applications - Basic Information section under Application Interface Profiles in the Siebel Management Console.

        Table Application Object Manager Parameters in the Siebel Application Interface Profile


        Section Under Application Interface Profiles


        Application Name

        Applications - Basic Information

        Specify the application name.

        Object Manager

        Applications - Basic Information

        Specify the object manager for the application.


        Applications - Basic Information

        Specify the language for the application.

        Request Start Command

        Applications - Basic Information

        Specify the start command for the application.

        Configure HTTP Inbound Transport

        Applications - Basic Information

        Select this option to enable HTTP in-bound transport.

        Configure Anonymous Pool

        Applications - Basic Information

        This option appears if you select the Configure HTTP Inbound Transport option.

        Select this option to use the anonymous user connection pool.

        Anonymous Pool Size

        Applications - Basic Information

        This option appears if you select the Configure HTTP Inbound Transport option and the Configure Anonymous Pool option.

        Specify the pool size for anonymous user connections.

        Maximum Retry for processing EAI-SOAP request

        Applications - Basic Information

        Specify the maximum number of retries when processing EAI-SOAP requests.

        No Session Preference in EAI-SOAP

        Applications - Basic Information

        Select this option if no session preference is required in EAI-SOAP.

          SWE Parameters in Siebel Application Interface Profile

          The following information lists the SWE parameters in the Siebel Application Interface profile that relate to security and authentication. You define these parameters in the Other Information section under Application Interface Profiles in the Siebel Management Console.

          Table Authentication-Related SWE Parameters in Siebel Application Interface Profile


          Section Under Application Interface Profiles



          Other Information - SWE

          Specify the language of the Siebel application.

          HTTP-POST Request Size (byte)

          Other Information - SWE

          Specify the byte size to control the size of HTTP POST requests from the application interface. This field must not be empty.

          Seed File Location

          Other Information - SWE

          Specify the location of the seed file.

          Monitor Sessions

          Other Information - SWE

          Select this option to gather statistics on all current sessions. Results are reported in the application interface Stats page.

          Collect Application-Specific Statistics

          Other Information - SWE

          Select this option to enable the collection of application-specific statistics.

            REST Inbound Authentication Parameters in Siebel Application Interface Profile

            The following information lists the REST inbound authentication parameters in the Siebel Application Interface profile. You define these parameters in the Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication section under Application Interface Profiles in the Siebel Management Console. For information about other REST parameters that you define in the Application Interface Profile, see Siebel REST API Guide.

            Table REST Inbound Authentication Parameters in Siebel Application Interface Profile


            Section Under Application Interface Profiles


            Anonymous User Name

            Basic Information - Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication

            Specify the anonymous user to use for anonymous REST inbound requests. For example: GUESTCST.

            Anonymous User Password

            Basic Information - Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication

            Specify the password for the anonymous user for REST inbound requests.

            Authentication Type

            Basic Information - Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication

            Specify the authentication type that the Siebel Application Interface nodes accept for REST inbound authentication. The options are:

            • Basic Authentication

            • Single Sign-On

            • OAuth

            Trust Token

            Basic Information - Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication

            This option appears if you select the Single Sign-On or OAuth (Authentication Type) option.

            Specify the trust token, which will be used as the password when Single Sign-On or OAuth is enabled.

            The specified value is passed as the Password parameter to a custom security adapter, if the value corresponds to the value of the Trust Token parameter defined for the custom security adapter.

            Authentication URL

            Basic Information - Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication

            This option appears if you select the OAuth (Authentication Type) option.

            Specify the URL to use for REST inbound authentication (OAuth). It is recommended that you specify the URL using the HTTPS format.

            User Specification

            Basic Information - Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication

            This option appears if you select the Single Sign-On (Authentication Type) option.

            Specify the user specification to user for authentication.

            Session Timeout (seconds)

            Basic Information - Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication

            Specify the time (in seconds) that a connection task will wait for a message from the client, before timing out.

            Secure Channel

            Basic Information - Authentication - REST Inbound Authentication

            This option applies only for the OAuth authentication type as follows:

            • Select this check box only when you have already imported the Authentication URL’s CA certificate into the Application Interface truststore.

            • Deselect this check box when the Authentication URL’s CA certificate is not available in the Application Interface truststore.

              In this case, the Application Interface trusts all certificates while calling the Authentication URL over HTTPS.

              Siebel Application Configuration Parameters

              A separate configuration exists for each Siebel application for each language. The parameters for each Siebel application determine how the user interacts with the Application Object Manager and with the security adapter. The application configuration that controls a particular user session depends on the client with which a user connects as follows:

              • Configuration parameters on the Siebel Server (Siebel Web Client). For users connecting with the standard Siebel Web Client, application configuration is located in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\bin\LANGUAGE subdirectory. For example, eservice.cfg is provided for Siebel eService, for implementation in U.S. English, in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\bin\ENU directory.

                Note: Most of the security-related parameters applicable to Siebel Servers (and, consequently, Siebel Web Clients) are stored in the Siebel Gateway, not in the application configuration file.

                See Server Parameters for Siebel Gateway for a description of the parameters applicable to Siebel Web Clients.

              • Configuration parameters on the Siebel Mobile Web Client or Developer Web Client. For users connecting through the Siebel Mobile Web Client or Developer Web Client, the configuration is located in the SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\bin\LANGUAGE subdirectory on the client. For example, eservice.cfg is provided for Siebel eService, for implementation in U.S. English, in the SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\bin\ENU directory.

                • The Siebel Mobile Web Client connects directly to the local database; it bypasses the Siebel Server.

                • The Siebel Developer Web Client connects directly to the server database; it bypasses the Siebel Server.

                The parameters in the following table apply to Siebel Mobile Web Clients and Developer Web Clients.

              Changes to an application configuration are not active until you restart the Siebel Server or Siebel client. For more information about working with configuration information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

              Caution: The parameter values that reference directory attributes that you provide for the Siebel LDAP security adapter are case-sensitive. The values must match the attribute names in the directory.

              Table Parameters for Siebel Mobile Clients and Developer Web Clients




              For more information about setting this parameter, see the Enterprise Security Authentication Profile (Security Adapter Mode) parameter in the table in Parameters for Configuring Security Adapter Authentication.

              Specifies the security adapter mode. The options are:

              • For database authentication, specify DB (which is the default value).

              • For LDAP authentication, specify LDAP.

              • For a custom security adapter, specify CUSTOM.

              If you implement a custom, non-Siebel security adapter, then you must configure your adapter to interpret the parameters used by the Siebel adapters if you want to use those parameters.


              For more information about setting this parameter, see the Security Adapter Name (named subsystem) parameter in the table in Parameters for Configuring Security Adapter Authentication.

              Specifies the name of the security adapter.

              • For database authentication, specify DBSecAdpt (which is the default value).

                For Mobile or Developer Web Client configuration, the DBSecAdpt is created in the configuration.

              • For LDAP authentication, specify LDAPSecAdpt (or a name of your choice).

                For Developer Web Client configuration, the LDAPSecAdpt is created by default in the configuration if you configure LDAP using the Siebel Management Console.

              • For a custom security adapter, specify a name such as SecAdpt_Custom.

                You must add the applicable section to the file yourself. For example, [SecAdpt_Custom].


              This parameter applies only to the Siebel Developer Web Client, and is not available in the Siebel Management Console.

              Specifies the path to a configuration file that contains only parameters for a security adapter, that is, it contains parameters as they would be formatted if they were included in a section such as [LDAPSecAdpt] in an application’s configuration file.

              You must provide the path in universal naming convention (UNC) format, that is, for example, in a form like \\server\vol\path\ldap_remote.cfg.

              For detailed information about using this parameter, see Security Adapters and the Siebel Developer Web Client.

                Parameters for Database Security Adapter (DBSecAdpt)

                You define database authentication parameters for the following named subsystems:

                • InfraSecAdpt_DB. That is, for the DBSecAdpt named subsystem or a similar security adapter with a nondefault name.

                • InfraDataSource. That is, for the ServerDataSrc named subsystem or another data source.

                The named subsystem is specified as the value for the data source Security Adapter Name parameter for the database security adapter.

                The following parameters apply when defining a database security adapter:

                • Name

                • Type

                • Host Name

                • Port

                • SQL Style of Database

                • Database Service Name

                • Table Owner

                • Enterprise Security Authentication Profile (Security Adapter Mode)

                • Security Adapter Name (named subsystem)

                • Database Security Adapter Data Source

                • Database Security Adapter Propagate Changes

                For more information about these parameters, see Parameters for Configuring Security Adapter Authentication.

                Note: Starting from Java 8, the odbc-jdbc driver is not supported. Because of this limitation, you must specify raw database connection details (like server host, port, database service name, and so on) instead of ODBC details when defining a database security profile.

                  Parameters for LDAP Security Adapter (LDAPSecAdpt)

                  You define LDAP authentication parameters for the following named subsystems:

                  • InfraSecAdpt_LDAP. That is, for the LDAPSecAdpt named subsystem or a similar security adapter with a nondefault name.

                  The named subsystem is specified as the value for the data source Security Adapter Name parameter for the LDAP security adapter.

                  The following parameters apply when defining an LDAP security adapter:

                  • Name

                  • Type

                  • Host Name

                  • Port

                  • Enterprise Security Authentication Profile (Security Adapter Mode)

                  • Security Adapter Name (named subsystem)

                  • Application User Distinguished Name (DN)

                  • Application Password

                  • Base Distinguished Name (DN)

                  • Credentials Attribute

                  • Hash Algorithm

                  • Hash DB Password

                  • Hash User Password

                  • Password Attribute Type

                  • Propagate Change

                  • Roles Attribute (optional)

                  • Shared Databases Account Distinguished Name (fully qualified domain name)

                  • Shared DB User Name

                  • Shared DB Password

                  • Security Adapter Mapped User Name

                  • Siebel Username Attribute

                  • SSL

                  • Enable SSL

                  • Configure Web Single Sign-On

                  • Trust Token

                  • Wallet Password

                  • Salt Attribute Type

                  • Salt User Password

                  • User Name Attribute Type

                  For more information about these parameters, see Parameters for Configuring Security Adapter Authentication.

                    Parameters for Custom Security Adapter (CustSecAdpt)

                    You define custom authentication parameters for the following named subsystems:

                    • InfraSecAdpt_Custom. That is, for the CustSecAdpt named subsystem or a similar security adapter with a nondefault name.

                    The named subsystem is specified as the value for the data source Security Adapter Name parameter for the custom security adapter.

                    The following parameters apply when defining an Custom security adapter:

                    • Enterprise Security Authentication Profile (Security Adapter Mode)

                    • Security Adapter Name (named subsystem)

                    • Application User Distinguished Name (DN)

                    • Application Password

                    • Base Distinguished Name (DN)

                    • Custom Library

                    • SQL Style of Database

                    • CRC Checksum

                    • Credentials Attribute

                    • Hash Algorithm

                    • Hash DB Password

                    • Hash User Password

                    • Password Attribute Type

                    • Propagate Change

                    • Roles Attribute

                    • Shared Databases Account Distinguished Name

                    • Shared DB User Name

                    • Shared DB Password

                    • Security Adapter Mapped User Name

                    • Siebel Username Attribute

                    • SSL

                    • Enable SSL

                    • Configure Web Single Sign-On

                    • Trust Token

                    • Wallet Password

                    • Salt Attribute Type

                    • Salt User Password

                    • User Name Attribute Type

                    For more information about these parameters, see Parameters for Configuring Security Adapter Authentication.