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The service handle, ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE, is implemented in the communications driver. Services are returned to the Siebel client in response to a call for the driver handle method RequestService. The service handle methods are called in order to communicate with the communications system, for example, to send commands and associated data. For more information, see RequestService.

When a call to a service handle method is successful, it returns 0 (zero). ISC_RESULT represents the API result type defined for the Siebel Adaptive Communications API.

When a call to a service method fails, the communications driver can call the client handle method HandleError to pass error data. For more information, see HandleError.


Accepts a work item.

   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE       handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING         trackingID);


Handles a queued work item.

ISCAPI ISC_RESULT   HandleQueuedWorkItem
   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE             handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING               name,
   /* in  */ const struct ISC_KVParamList*  fields,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING               trackingID);


Invokes a command by name, using parameters. A basic ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE implementation must include at least the InvokeCommand method, in order to invoke named commands.

When this method is called, a command is invoked that is to be executed, for example, placing a call, transferring a call, or setting the Not Ready state. Most commands, but not all, are passed from the communications driver to the communications system.

   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE             handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING               clntCmdTrackID,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING               name,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING               stringParam,
   /* in  */ const struct ISC_KVParamList*  datasetParam);


Invokes a command by type, using parameters. The command type is represented by the value of the SCCommandTypeEx constant. You can use this method to invoke commands on an email server or CTI middleware server. The data structure ISC_KVParamList specifies the appropriate predefined parameters, according to the command type. For more information, see SCCommandTypeEx and the description for InvokeCommand.

   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE             handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING               clntCmdTrackID,
   /* in  */ enum SCCommandTypeEx           commandType,
   /* in  */ const struct ISC_KVParamList*  datasetParam);


Notifies the communications driver that the Siebel client has finished handling the event that was sent by the communications driver to the Siebel client using a call for the client handle method HandleEvent. For more information, see HandleEvent.

ISCAPI ISC_RESULT   NotifyEventHandlingFinished
   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE      handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING        trackingID,
   /* in  */ ISC_BOOLEAN             result);


Releases the service handle that was created using RequestService, and free resources. No subsequent calls to the driver handle are made. The driver must in turn make no further calls to the client handle.

NOTE:  ReleaseISCServiceInstance is the last communication between the Communications Session Manager and the communications driver. After calling this function, Communications Session Manager no longer calls the driver, and the driver must no longer call back to the Siebel application, because the communications client and the client handle no longer exist.

ISCAPI ISC_RESULT   ReleaseISCServiceInstance
   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE    handle);


Releases a work item.

   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE      handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING        trackingID);


Resumes a work item.

   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE      handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING        trackingID);


Revokes a queued work item.

ISCAPI ISC_RESULT     RevokeQueuedWorkItem
   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE      handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING        trackingID);


Suspends a work item.

   /* in  */(ISC_SERVICE_HANDLE      handle,
   /* in  */ const ISC_STRING        trackingID);

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