Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference > Configuring the List Import Function > Configuring List Import Function >

Setting List Import System Preferences

You set the system preferences for the List Import operations from the System Preferences screen as shown in the following task.

To set List Import system preferences

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then System Preferences.
  2. Perform the following query: UCM*.
  3. In the System Preference Value field choose TRUE or FALSE to set each preference.

    Table 3 lists the system preferences for List Import function.

Table 3. System Preferences for the List Import Function
System Preference

UCM Import: Enable Validation

True or False

Optional. If set to True, then the validation process is automatically run after the records are imported into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) staging (SDH) tables. The validation process checks if any required fields specified in the Import Mapping are missing in the imported records. Any record that fails the validation process has its UCM type code changed from Batch to Incomplete, and the validation status is inserted in the Error Message field.

UCM Import: Enable Launch BDM

True or False

Optional. If set to True, then the UCM Batch Process is automatically run after the records are imported into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) staging (SDH) tables. This process moves records in staging to the base tables. You can also start the UCM Batch Process as a separate server task outside of the List Import function in the Server Administration screen.

The process properties for UCM Batch Process workflow are as follows:

  • OverrideServerCompParams. Overrides the server component parameters. The default value is False. This parameter must be set to False or UCMBatchProcess server tasks will use the workflow parameters and not the server task input parameters. When UCM Import: Launch BDM is enabled, the List Import function sets it to True so the workflow parameters will be taken.
  • Pub/Sub. Enables publish and subscribe. The default value is False.
  • TurnOnCDMCleanse. If this flag is true, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) invokes Oracle Data Quality Manager to cleanse the records, standardize the record name, and verify the addresses before continuing to the next step.

    NOTE:  CDM (Customer Data Management) Cleanse is performed before the CDM Match step.

  • TurnOnCDMExactMatch. If this flag is true, then Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) invokes Exact Match to query the base table for the record. Depending on the the way it is configured Exact Match can use either a Cross Reference Table, a Query By Example, or a Query By User Key. If Exact Match does not find the match, then Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) uses DQ Match to find the record.

    NOTE:  This assumes that CDM Match is enabled. The default value of this setting is False.

UCM Import: Enable Launch BDM


True or False

  • TurnOnCDMMatch. If this flag is true, then Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) invokes DQ Match, using a third-party matching engine. The default value is False.
  • TurnOnSE. If this flag is true, then Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) invokes the Survivorship Engine when merging (or updating) records. The default value is False.
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