20Migration Planning Using Siebel Migration

About Migrating with Siebel Migration z/OS

Environments: All environments.

Platforms: All platforms.

Siebel Migration is a Web-based tool for end-to-end repository and data migration. Migrating repository or data using Siebel Migration is not the same as performing a database upgrade where you migrate your custom repository and schema from one release of Siebel CRM to a higher release level. Migrating repository or data using Siebel Migration is a tool that allows you to replicate the setup (including repository, runtime repository, application workspace data, application data, application interface web artifacts, and file system artifacts) that exists on one environment (known as the source) to another environment (known as the target).

  • The source environment is the design time repository (DR), also known as the development environment.

  • The target environment is the runtime repository (RR), also known as the test environment (system integration testing or user acceptance testing) or production environment (live environment) that internal and external users access.

Caution: It is recommended that you back up your target database before starting to migrate repository or data using Siebel Migration.

Siebel Migration uses the RESTful services to export the data on the source environment, transfer the exported data to the target environment, and then import the data to the target environment. Siebel Migration orchestrates all the resources chosen in the migration plan that is being executed.

Siebel Migration is capable of synchronous and asynchronous migration of database artifacts. For example, you can use Siebel Migration for the synchronous migration of your repository, runtime repository, application workspace data, application data, application interface Web artifacts and file system artifacts from a source environment to a target environment. You can also use Siebel Migration for asynchronous migration plans, where all activities that must be completed on the source environment can be done independently of all the migration activities to be completed on the target environment. This is beneficial if you have firewall restrictions or situations where source environments and target environments are managed by different teams. Creating asynchronous migration plans on the source and target environments allows customers to separate responsibilities by assigning a team to activities on the source environment and assigning another team to activities on the target environment.

The following chapters deal with Siebel Migration:

Siebel Migration provides the following tools to prepare your data for migration:

  • Database Utilities.

  • Application Deployment Manager (ADM).

  • Migration Rules Expression Designer to create migration rules for your migration.

Use Siebel Migration to do the following:

  1. Add connections to your migration. For more information about creating connections, see Creating a Connection.

  2. Create Migration Plans. For more information about creating Migration Plans, see Creating a Migration Plan. Migration plans are segregated into two separate plans:

    • Source Only Environment Migration Plan. This migration plan exports all the required artifacts based on the resources selected as a package. If you create a Migration Plan for the Source Only environment, the plan can be used for Export only.

    • Destination Only Environment Migration Plan. This migration plan is on the target environment that imports all the required artifacts based on the same resources selected for the export migration plan on the source environment. If you create a Migration Plan for Destination Only target environment, the Migration Plan can be used for Import only.

  3. View the historical data of the migration execution and log history for migration tasks. For more information about viewing historical data of the migration execution, see Viewing Migration History and Log Files.

  4. Execute Migration Plans. When you execute an Export Only Migration Plan on a Source, Siebel Migration exports the data for all the selected resources and creates a package zip file. The package zip file will be created in the Migration Package Location if that location was configured in the Siebel Migration Console, otherwise, the package zip file will be created in the migration folder under the file system folder on the source environment. This package can be used to import data to a Destination environment. The user must take the package zip file from the source environment and place it in the Migration Package Location if that location is configured in the Siebel Management Console, otherwise, place the package zip file in the migration folder under the file System on the destination environment. Once the exported package is placed in the destination environment, the user can run the Migration Plan as Destination Only and the Siebel Migration application imports the package file.

    Note: If both the Siebel Migration application that connects to the source environment and the Siebel Migration application that connects to the target environment are using the same Migration Package Location, then you do not need to copy the package ZIP file in the migration folder under the file system on the destination environment.

    When you execute an Export Only Migration Plan, Siebel Migration creates a manifest file and exports the data for the selected resources. The manifest file contains the list of resources that were exported as part of this execution and the watermark filename.

    When you execute an Import Only Migration Plan using the package filename, Siebel Migration verifies that the resources selected in the migration plan matches the resources written in the manifest file. Siebel Migration also verifies that the watermark present in the watermark file and the manifest file matches the watermark on the connection where the user is importing. The execution proceeds only if both the resource and watermark matches. For more information about executing migration plans, see Executing a Siebel Migration Plan.

    Note: Watermarks are only matched for Incremental Runtime Repository and File Prepare and Deploy resources.
    The migration plan execution list includes the Package Filename field. This field is populated with the package filename provided by the user. Depending on the action selected when you execute the migration plan and the resources selected, you will be prompted to enter additional information. The following table lists the migration plan action, the selected resources, and what additional information that you must provide.

    Table Migration User Prompt

    Migration Plan Action

    Resources and ADM Resources

    User Prompt

    Export Only Migration Plan

    • Schema Service

    • Design Repository Data Service

    • Runtime Repository Data Service

    • Application Workspace Data Service

    • Application Data Service

    • Application Data Service With Transformation

    • Application Deployment Manager Projects

    Package Filename

    Export Only Migration Plan

    • Incremental Runtime Repository Data Service

    • Incremental Application Workspace Data Service

    • File Prepare And Deploy

    • Package Filename

    • Watermark Filename

    Import Only Migration Plan

    • Schema Service

    • Design Repository Data Service

    • Runtime Repository Data Service

    • Application Workspace Data Service

    • Incremental Runtime Repository Data Service

    • Schema Username

    • Schema Password

    • Package Filename

    Import Only Migration Plan

    • Incremental Application Workspace Data Service

    • Application Data Service

    • Application Data Service With Transformation

    • File Prepare And Deploy

    • Application Deployment Manager Projects

    Package Filename

    Export Only Migration Plan

    Incremental Runtime Repository Data Service

    Workspace Version

    Import Only Migration Plan

    Schema Service

    Database Encoding

    Export and Import Migration Plan

    Incremental Runtime Repository Data Service

    Workspace Version

    Export and Import Migration Plan

    Schema Service

    Database Encoding

  5. You can also use REST APIs to interact with the Siebel Migration Application. You must run the repository upgrade before you use REST APIs with the Siebel Migration Application. For more information about using REST APIs with the Siebel Migration Application, see Using REST API with Siebel Migration Application.

Roadmap for Planning a Migration with Siebel Migration

Environments: All environments.

Platforms: All platforms.

This topic provides an overview of the recommended guidelines for planning and managing the data migration process.

Use the following steps to help plan your migration.

  1. Install Siebel Migration. Siebel Migration is installed with Siebel Application Interface as part of the Siebel Enterprise Server software installation. For more information about installing Siebel Application Interface, see Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

  2. Configure Siebel Migration with Siebel Management Console. Siebel Management Console is installed with Siebel Application Interface as part of the Siebel Enterprise Server software installation. Configuring Siebel Migration consists of the following tasks:

    1. Create the Siebel Migration Profile. The Siebel Migration Profile is created with the Siebel Management Console. For more information about creating the Siebel Migration profile, see Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

      Optionally, you can enter a Migration Package Location when you create a Siebel Migration Profile. You must give a network file share (NFS) path. If the Migration Package Location is configured in the Migration Profile in Siebel Management Console, the Export, Import and Generate Watermark actions use the Migration Package Location instead of using the migration folder in the file system. If the Migration Package Location field is provided, Siebel Migration copies the exported package file in the Migration Package Location and imports the specified package file from this Migration Package Location instead of the migration folder.

    2. Configure Siebel Migration. Siebel Management Console comes with a pre-seed profile. You can either edit the existing pre-seed profile, create a new profile, or create a new profile by cloning the pre-seed profile. For more information about configuring Siebel Migration, see Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

    3. Deploy the Siebel Migration Profile. The Siebel Migration Profile is deployed with the Siebel Management Console. For more information about deploying the Siebel Migration Profile, see Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

  3. Configure Authentication for Siebel Migration. Siebel Migration supports Basic and SSO authentication:

    • Basic Authentication: Siebel REST services authenticate Siebel Migration users. Basic authentication internally uses the AuthenticateUser method from the Authentication Service For Migration RESTful Service to ensure whether the user has a permission to access the application.

    • SSO Authentication: The User is authenticated by the SSO server. Once the user is successfully authenticated, the request is forwarded to Siebel Migration. Siebel Migration uses the AuthenticateUser method from Authentication Service For Migration RESTful services to ensure whether a user has a permission to access Siebel Migration.

      The authentication type can be selected during the Siebel Migration profile creation in the Siebel Management Console. For more information, see Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

      The Siebel Migration invokes Authentication Service For Migration business service to authenticate a user. You must configure the Authentication Service for Migration business service to restrict the access to the Siebel Migration application by adding responsibilities to the AuthenticateUser method. For more information about configuring responsibilities and access control for business services, see Siebel Security Guide.

  4. Configure REST Inbound in Siebel Management Console. Siebel Migration uses RESTful service. REST Authentication and REST Inbound Defaults are configured in Siebel Management Console as part of the Siebel Application Interface Profile. For more information about configuring REST Inbound in Siebel Management Console, see Siebel REST API Guide and Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

  5. Setting Up the Siebel Environments. The source and target environments must have several Siebel Server component groups enabled. For more information about Siebel Server component groups, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

    The Source Siebel environment must have the following Siebel Server component groups enabled.

    • Workflow Management Component Group

    • Enterprise Application Integration Component Group

    • Siebel Remote Component Group

    The target Siebel environment must have the following Component Groups enabled.

    • Workflow Management Component Group

    • Enterprise Application Integration Component Group

  6. Set the LDR_CNTRL environment variable for AIX environments. For AIX environments, you must set the value of the LDR_CNTRL environment variable to the following:


    For more information about the LDR_CNTRL environment value, see Siebel Performance Tuning Guide.

  7. Generate the storage control file. Log into the target Siebel Server and navigate to the <Siebel Server Home>/bin directory. Execute the following command:

    trgxtrct /u <database username> /p <database password> /c <ODBC Data Source> /d <Table Owner> /o <output path>/storage.ctl /4 BP2 /7 <DB Encoding Schema>

    Once the storage control file is generated, copy the newly generated storage.ctl file to the following location:

    <Target Siebel File System path>/migration/control/storage.ctl
  8. Prepare the migration data. Siebel Migration exposes Database Utilities that you can use to prepare your data for migration. For more information about preparing data for migration, see Process of Preparing Siebel Application Data for Migration.

    1. Create Application Data Migration Rules. Use Siebel Migration Rule Expressions Designer feature to create migration rules. For more information, see Creating Migration Rules.

    2. Create Application Deployment Manager projects. Use Siebel Application Deployment Manager to create Application Deployment projects. For more information about creating Application Deployment Manager projects, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide.

      Note: In the Source environment, to export the ADM Project into a file, the EAIFileTransportFolders parameter should have the <Siebel File System>\migration folder configured. Otherwise, the export file fails due to a write permission issue. For more information about enabling write access for the EAI File Transport, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.To import the exported package on the Destination environment, the Deployment Project Name must be same as the Source Deployment Project Name or the import will fail.
    3. Use Application Deployment Manager to transform data. Use Application Deployment Manager to create data maps to transform your migration data. For more information about transforming data with Application Deployment Manager, see Process of Transforming Data with Siebel Application Deployment Manager.

    4. Customize Migration Process Orchestration. You can add new migration resources to the ResourceSequence.txt file. The Siebel Migration application reads through this file during the execution process and executes the services in a sequential order. You can customize the sequence of the migration process by modifying the ResourceSequence.txt file. For more information about customizing the migration process orchestration, see About Migration Process Orchestration During the Siebel Migration Process.

  9. Use Siebel Migration. Use Siebel Migration to add connections to a migration, create migration plans, execute migration plans, and review migration history. For more information about using Siebel Migration, see Data Migration Using Siebel Migration.

  10. Review Migration Log Files. Use Siebel Migration to review migration log files. For more information about migration log files, see About the Siebel Migration Log Files.

About Siebel Rules Expression Designer

Environments: All environments.

Platforms: All platforms.

Use Siebel Rules Expression Designer to create the following transformation rule file and input file for your migration:

  • Migration rule file. A migration rule file (.rul) contains data transformation rules that are executed during an export. On the target environment, the exported data file will contain the transformed data values.

    A rule file consists of a list of tables along with the columns for which a default value is specified. Only direct substitutions are allowed for a column. The column can be of any datatype.

    For a rule file, you can specify a WHERE clause which applies the transformation only to the records which satisfy the WHERE clause criteria. The WHERE clause can have filters only with the values.

    For Update Actions, the following are the transformation rules for rule file:

    • Supports only the equal (=) relational operator.

    • Supports only the AND logical operator.

    • You can add a WHERE clause to filter the data and apply the transformation rule only to those records matching the WHERE clause.

    • Supports multiple rules. Each rule will be delimited by the semicolon character.

    • If you use more than one field, then use an AND logical operator.

  • Input file. An input file (.inp) is an input file for the selective export of data. Only the tables mentioned in the input file are exported. Record level filters can be applied based on the columns. In addition, a single WHERE clause is supported for every table in the Input file. A WHERE clause can consist of any number of columns combined using OR or AND operators.

    For Conditions, the following are the filter rules for input files:

    • Supports any relational operator that a database query would support. For example, = is equal, != or <> is not equal, > is for less than.

    • Only the AND logical operator is supported.

After the migration rules are created, use Siebel Rules Expression Designer to validate the new rules.

Related Topic

Creating Migration Rules

About Migration Process Orchestration During the Siebel Migration Process

Environments: All environments.

Platforms: All platforms.

During the migration process, the Siebel Migration application executes a set of business service methods for each resource. The execution sequence of these service methods is defined by an external sequence text file, the ResourceSequence.txt file. The ResourceSequence.txt file lists the names of the Business Services for each resource and the supported methods for Export, Import, and Status. The ResourceSequence.txt file defines the order of migration execution.

The Siebel Migration application reads through this file during the execution process and executes the services in a sequential order.

The migration executes a resource only if the resource is present in the ResourceSequence.txt file. If the resource is not defined in the ResourceSequence.txt file, the resource will not appear in the Siebel Migration and will not be executed.

New migration resources can be added to the ResourceSequence.txt file in the required execution order. New business services should adhere to the following standards:

  1. The business service must support methods for Import, Export, and GetStatus.

  2. Any extra methods or extra Input or Output to these methods are considered as exceptions and requires handling in the Siebel Migration code before inclusion in sequence file.

  3. If the methods are Sync methods that do not support GetStatus, then the execution will proceed based on the HTTP response and the output parameters will not be parsed. If parsing is required for the output parameters, then it should be handled in the Siebel Migration code.

  4. Oracle recommends that you do not modify the existing data in the ResourceSequence.txt.

Related Topic

Customizing Siebel Migration Execution and Resource Sequencing

About the Process Flow for Migration Resources

The orchestration.json file defines the process flow for all the migration resources available in the Siebel Server. The file has mainly two sections: Import and Export. These sections define the Resources’ Import and Export flow. Export-Import together share the same sections with Export and Import. If there is a step that is specific to Export-Import, Export or Import, it is distinguished based on the PlanType attribute.

Note: If you made any changes in ResourceSequence.txt file, those changes must be added to the orchestration.json file after you complete the upgrade process.

Each Migration resource has a section in the file that describes its process flow. Each sub-process is defined as a step.

Each step contains the following attributes:
  • Business Service. The name of the Siebel Business Service.

  • Method. The Siebel Business Service method.

  • InArg. The Siebel Business Service input arguments.

  • OutArg. The Siebel Business Service output arguments.

  • Location. The location where the Siebel Business Service will be executed. Values are either Source or Target.

  • Async. This section contains details if the method is Asynchronous.

    • Async Business Service. The Siebel Business Service Name

    • Async Method. The Siebel Business Service method.

About the Siebel Migration Log Files

Environments: All environments.

Platforms: All platforms.

Siebel Migration creates log files that provide detailed information on the migration processes, including whether the migration succeeded or failed.

The Siebel Migration creates the following types of log files:

  • Migration log file. The migration log file contains all the migration events, such as errors and warnings, for the migration application.

    The Siebel Migration Log file is located in the following directory:

    <Application Interface Install Home>\applicationcontainer\logs\migration.log
  • Business Service log file. The Business Service log file is created in the EAI Object Manager log file when a Business Service is executed.

    How to Locate Siebel Migration Resource Log Files

    Siebel Migration resource files are stored in the following location:

    Windows: SIEBEL_FILESYSTEM/migration/<migration id>


    • SIEBEL_FILESYSTEM: Indicates the location of the Siebel file system.

      • migration: Indicates the location of all the Siebel Migration files.

      • inp: Indicates the input file generated by the Rule Expression Designer

      • rul: Indicates the rule file generated by the Rule Expression Designer.

      • <migration id>: The ID generated by the Siebel Migration application when the user executes the migration plan.
        • inp: Contains a copy of the input file used for a migration execution.

        • rul: Contains a copy of the rule file used for a migration execution.

        • dat: Contains all the data files generated by the export or moved from the source to target for import.

        • log: Contains the schema file generated schema export or moved from source for import log file generated by the export or import.

        • schema: Contains the schema file generated schema export or moved from source for import.

        • other: Contains the Web artifacts or file system artifacts for export and moved from the source for import.

      About REST API Used for Migration Discovery and Execution

      Environments: All environments.

      Platforms: All platforms.

      REST API requests are used for migration resource discovery and for migrating data from the source environment by exporting the data, transferring the data to the target environment, and importing the data into the target environment.

      Siebel Migration includes the migration discovery service that is available to assist with discovering resources available for migration. The discovered services are listed in the Siebel Migration in the sequence in which they are executed during the migration process.

      While creating a Siebel Migration plan, you can choose one or more services that are available. When you execute the Siebel Migration plan, those services are invoked to migrate the data.

      The following table lists the migration resources that are available in the Siebel Migration.

      Table Migration Services

      Migration Service Description Supported Methods

      Schema Service

      Migrates the physical Siebel schema from the source environment to the target environment.

      When you use this service, the Siebel Migration prompts you to enter the Table Owner User Name, the Table Owner Password, and Database Encoding.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • Export

      • Import
      • GetWatermark
      • IsSchemaChanged
      • GetStatus

      Design Repository Data Service

      Migrates the design time repository and the runtime repository from the source environment to the target environment.

      In the target environment, the migrated repository is named Migrated Repository.

      The Schema Service and Application Workspace Data Service are run along with the Design Repository Data Service.

      After the Siebel Migration is complete, you must change the Migrated Repository to Siebel Repository in the S_REPOSITORY table.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • Export

      • Import
      • DBChck
      • GetStatus

      Runtime Repository Data Service

      Migrates only the runtime repository from the source environment to the target environment.

      The migrated repository is named Migration Repository in the target environment.

      The user must select the name and version of the Workspace Branch. The default version will be the latest version.

      The Schema Service and Application Workspace Data Service are run along with the Design Repository Data Service.

      After the Siebel Migration is complete, you must change the Migrated Repository to Siebel Repository in the S_REPOSITORY table.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • GetRRInfo

      • GetWatermark
      • Export
      • Import
      • DBCheck
      • GetStatus

      Application Workspace Data Service

      Migrates the seed records from the source environment to the target environment.

      You must run the Schema Service and the Runtime Repository Service along with the Application Workspace Data Service.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • GetSeedCopyWatermark

      • GetFullSeedWatermark
      • SeedCopyExport
      • GetStatus
      • SeedCopyImport
      • FullSeedExport
      • FullSeedImport

      Incremental Runtime Repository Data Service

      Identifies the version of the repository data that was previously migrated.

      This service takes all the changes from the previously migrated version and the latest version and migrates the data to the target environment.

      You must run the Schema Service along with the Incremental Runtime Repository Data Service. The Schema Service only runs if there is a change detected as part of the incremental migration. Otherwise, the Schema Service will not run even though it is part of the selection.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • Export

      • Import
      • GetWatermark
      • DBCheck
      • GetStatus

      Incremental Application Workspace Data Service

      Identifies the version that was previously migrated. This service takes all the changes from the previously migrated version to the latest version and migrates them to the target environment.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • GetWatermark

      • Export
      • Import
      • GetStatus

      Application Data Service

      This service migrates the data from the source environment to the target environment based on the tables listed in datamig.inp file on the source environment.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • Export

      • Import
      • GetStatus

      Application Data Service With Transformation

      Migrates the data from the source environment to the target environment based on the tables listed in the datamig.inp on the source environment.

      While exporting the data, this service uses the rule defined in the datamig.rul file and performs the transformation. The transformed data will be migrated to the target environment.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • Export

      • Import
      • GetStatus

      File Prepare And Deploy Service

      Identifies all the new or modified files and migrates the files to the target environment.

      On the Target environment, the File Prepare And Deploy Service transfers the modified or new files to each Siebel Application Interface node defined in Siebel Management Console (SMC).

      This service keeps track of the files that are migrated for each target environment. The next time that the user runs this service, the service will check the modified files or newly created files from the previous migration.

      This service migrates the file artifacts from Siebel Application Interface and the file system.

      The File Prepare and Deploy Service reads the checksum values for all the web artifact files from the watermark file. The File Prepare and Deploy Service compares the checksum of the files present in the source web artifacts path. The File Prepare and Deploy Service takes files whose checksum does not match and generates an export package. The files that are not included in the watermark file are included in the export package. While importing the export package on the target environment, the existing files will be overwritten.

      The supported methods for the Schema Service include:

      • Prepare

      • Deploy
      • GetStatus

      Related Topic

      REST API References for Migration Services