17Postupgrade Tasks for Siebel Database and File System

Postupgrade Tasks for Siebel Database and File System

This chapter describes the Siebel Database and file system tasks you must perform after you upgrade to the current release of Siebel CRM on the z/OS database platform. In addition to performing these tasks, you must also perform the applicable tasks in the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes postupgrade tasks for the Siebel Database and file system. This chapter contains the following topics:

Updating File System Attachments

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

Since Siebel CRM 7.5, filenames of attachments include the attachment table name. If an upgrade migrates the records in an attachment table to a new attachment table, you must run a utility to update the file system attachment names.

Oracle provides a utility to update attachment filenames in the Siebel File System. The following table lists the input table name to use when you run the utility. The utility updates all files containing the table name you specify.

For example, if you specify the tables S_OLDTABLE_ATT and S_NEWTABLE_ATT, the utility updates the files system attachments by copying all attachment files containing the string S_OLDTABLE_ATT to attachment files containing the string S_NEWTABLE_ATT.

Table Input Arguments for the Update Utility

Upgrade Path Old Table New Table

Upgrades from: 7.5.3, 7.7.x, 7.8.x and 8.0. Siebel Insurance only.



To update file system attachments

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


  2. Run the following utility:

    Windows: chng_file_sys.bat OLD_TABLE NEW_TABLE “FILE_SYSTEM”

    UNIX: chng_file_sys.ksh -s OLD_TABLE -t NEW_TABLE -f “FILE_SYSTEM”


    • OLD_TABLE. The name of the attachment table in the release you are upgrading from. This table is obsolete in the new release.

    • NEW_TABLE. Attachment records in OLD_TABLE were migrated to NEW_TABLE in the new release. The utility copies file system attachments containing the string OLD_TABLE to attachments containing the string NEW_TABLE.

    • FILE_SYSTEM. The name of the directory where the Siebel File System attachments reside (entered inside quotation marks)

      Windows example:

      chng_file_sys.bat S_INSCLM_BL_ATT S_INVOICE_ATT“C:\siebfile\att“

      UNIX example:

      chng_file_sys.ksh -s S_INSCLM_BL_ATT -t S_INVOICE_ATT-f “/usr/siebel/siebfile/att
  3. Review renamed files carefully to verify that they can be accessed by Siebel Business Applications.

    For example, since S_INSCLM_BL_ATT is migrated to S_INVOICE_ATT, verify that files such as S_INSCLM_BL_12-1ABC.SAF are renamed toS_INVOICE_12-1ABC.SAF.

Reapplying Schema Customizations to the Siebel Database

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development environment only.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

In the current release, several tables are obsolete or have been replaced by new tables. If you added extension columns or foreign key (FK) columns to tables that are obsolete in the current release, you might want to reapply these changes to new tables that have replaced the obsolete tables.

    Reviewing Obsolete Tables

    The upgrade process generates a report that you can review for information about obsolete tables that will help you decide whether or not you have to reapply schema customizations. This report, xtndobstbl.txt, lists the following:

    • Obsolete tables in the current release

    • Custom columns in obsolete tables

    • Custom foreign key columns pointing to obsolete tables

    • EIM mappings for custom foreign key columns to obsolete tables

    • Workflow columns by custom foreign key to obsolete tables

    • Custom denormalized columns to Siebel base tables that might be obsolete

    Each obsolete table is listed with one of three codes:

    • Not Used. These tables are not required in the current release but, if you are already using them, for example, with docking or EIM, you can continue to do so and they will be supported.

    • EOL (end of life). These tables are not used in the current release, and they are not supported in future releases.

    • Inactive. These tables have been discontinued, and are not supported in the current release. You can choose to move extension columns and foreign key columns that reside on inactive tables to alternate tables.

    If no tables are listed in xtndobstbl.txt, no action is required. If this file lists any tables, you can reapply their custom extensions and foreign key columns to tables in the current release using Siebel Tools. For further information on this task, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

    The following table lists examples of previously used tables that are inactive in the current release (you can no longer use these tables) and lists the suggested new tables to which custom extensions can be reapplied. The new tables are recommendations only; the tables that you choose to apply the extensions to might vary depending on their type and use. For help with validating the reapplication of extension columns, and reviewing the steps necessary to migrate any extension column data to the new tables, create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support. You can log service requests by accessing My Oracle Support (Service Request tab), or by using your existing phone support numbers to contact Oracle Global Customer Support.

    This data must be migrated during both the development and production environment upgrades.

    Table Examples of Tables That Are Inactive in Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 or later

    Inactive Table Suggested New Table

    If you have created many custom extension columns on the tables S_EMPLOYEE or S_ORG_INT, neither of which are used in Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 or later, the joins between the tables will not be accurate. This can result in SQL errors when you launch the Siebel client.

    In such cases, using Siebel Tools, you can manually create corresponding extension columns in the new target tables, and manually move the data to the new extension column on the new table before you continue migration of the application. Then review the business component configuration to make sure that the client will operate properly. You might have to do this in one of the following instances:

    • Fields based on custom extension columns in S_EMPLOYEE or S_ORG_EXT

    • Fields based on custom extension tables from S_EMPLOYEE or S_ORG_INT with or without join

    • Custom joins to custom extension tables from S_EMPLOYEE or S_ORG_INT

    If you review the xtndobstbl.txt file after you run the business component migration utility, you will find a list of fields that require your attention.

    The following table lists examples of previously used tables that are no longer used in the current release of Siebel CRM.

    Table Examples of Tables That Are Not Used in the Current Release

    Previous Table Suggested New Table

    The following table lists examples of tables which were unused in previous releases of Siebel Business Applications, but are used in the current release.

    Table Examples of Previously Unused TablesThat Are Used in the Current Release

    Current Table Previous Table

      Regenerating the Database Template File

      Upgrades: All upgrades.

      Environments: Development environment only.

      Following the upgrade, you must regenerate your local database template file used by Siebel Remote. Use the Generate New Database Component from a New Siebel Server option to do this. For procedures on regenerating the local database template file, refer to Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.