Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > Date and Time Methods >

Get Current Time Method

This method returns a string that contains the current time. It returns an eight character string of the following format:



  • hh is the hour
  • mm is the minute
  • ss is the second

The hour uses a 24 hour clock in the range of 0 through 23.



For information about the dollar sign, see Usage of the Dollar Sign.

This method does not include arguments.


The following example writes data to a file if it has not been saved in the last two minutes:

Sub Button_Click
   Dim tempfile
   Dim filetime, curtime
   Dim msgtext
   Dim acctno(100) as Single
   Dim x, I
   tempfile = "c:\temp001"
   Open tempfile For Output As #1
   filetime = FileDateTime(tempfile)
   x = 1
   I = 1
   acctno(x) = 0
      curtime = Time
      acctno(x) = 44
      If acctno(x) = 99 then
         For I = 1 to x -1
            Write #1, acctno(I)
         Next I
         Exit Do
      ElseIf (Minute(filetime) + 2)< = Minute(curtime) then
         For I = I to x
            Write #1, acctno(I)
         Next I
      End If
      x = x + 1
   Close #1
   x = 1
   msgtext = "Contents of c:\temp001 is:" & Chr(10)
   Open tempfile for Input as #1
   Do While Eof(1) <> -1
      Input #1, acctno(x)
      msgtext = msgtext & Chr(10) & acctno(x)
      x = x + 1
   Close #1
      Kill "c:\temp001"
End Sub

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