Siebel VB Language Reference

What's New in This Release

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About Siebel Visual Basic

Overview of Siebel Visual Basic

About Functions and Methods

Siebel VB and Other Versions of Visual Basic Programming Languages

Differences Between Siebel VB and Earlier Versions of Visual Basic

Differences Between Siebel VB and Visual Basic

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Using Siebel VB

Guidelines for Using Siebel VB

Pass Values Through Reference

Give Each Argument a Name

Other Guidelines

About Data Types

Overview of Data Types


Numeric Data Types That Siebel VB Uses




Type Characters

How Siebel VB Converts Data Types


About Expressions

About Object Handling

Declaring Procedures and Variables

Declaring a Procedure

Declaring Variables

About Formatting Strings

Numeric Formats

Date and Time Formats

Other Formatting Options

About Error Handling

Overview of Error Handling

Handling Errors That Siebel VB Returns

Handling Custom Errors

Handling Errors That a Siebel VB Method Returns

Error Code and Error Text for Siebel VB Errors

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Methods Reference for Siebel VB

Overview of Siebel VB Language Reference

Disk and Directory Control Methods

Change Directory Method

Change Drive Method

Create Directory Method

Get Current Directory Method

Remove Directory Method

File Control Methods

Close All Files Method

Close File Method

Copy File Method

Delete File Method

Get File Attributes Method

Get File Date Method

Get File Length Method

Get File Length 2 Method

Get File Mode Method

Get File Names Method

Get Free File Number Method

Lock File Method

Open File Method

Rename File Method

Set File Attributes Method

Unlock File Method

File Input and Output Methods

End of File Method

Get Characters From File Method

Get File Contents Method

Get File Offset Method

Get File Position Method

Get Line From File Method

Parse File Contents Method

Print Spaces Method

Print Data to File Method

Set File Position Method

Set File Width Method

Set Print Position Method

Write Data to File Method

Write Variable to File Method

Code Setup and Control Methods

Call Application Method

Call Subroutine Method

Create Subroutine Method

Create Function Method

Declare Custom Data Type Method

Declare Procedure Method

Declare Symbolic Constant Method

Get Environment Setting Method

Remove Object Method

Send Keystrokes Method

Use Clipboard Methods

Code Control Statements

Do Loop Statement

Exit Statement

For Next Statement

Go To Statement

If Then Else Statement

Go To Label Statement

Me Statement

Rem Statement

Select Case Statement

Stop Statement

While Wend Statement

Variable Manipulation Methods

Assign Expression to Variable Statement

Declare Variable Statement

Declare Global Variable Statement

Declare Static Variable Statement

Modify Variable Statement

Force Explicit Declaration Statement

Get Variant Type Method

Set Variable Data Type Statement

Set Variant Variable to Null Method

String Methods

Compare Strings Method

Compare Strings Operator

Convert Number to String Method

Convert String to Lowercase Method

Convert String to Uppercase Method

Copy String Method

Get a String of Spaces Method

Get ANSI String Method

Get First Number From String Method

Get Left String Method

Get Repeated Character String Method

Get Right String Method

Get String Length Method

Get Substring Method

Get Substring Position Method

Remove Spaces From String Method

Replace String Method

Right-Justify String Method

Set String Comparison Method

Set String Format Method

Trim Spaces From String Method

Trim Trailing Spaces From String Method

Array Methods

Declare Array Method

Erase Array Method

Get Array Lower Boundary Method

Get Array Upper Boundary Method

Set Array Lower Boundary Method

Mathematical Methods

Overview of Mathematical Methods

Exponential Method

Get Absolute Value Method

Get ANSI Integer Method

Get Arctangent Method

Get Cosine Method

Get Hexadecimal Method

Get Integer Method

Get Rounded Integer Method

Get Logarithm Method

Get Octal Method

Get Number Sign Method

Get Random Number Method

Get Sine Method

Get Square Root Method

Get Tangent Method

Randomize Method

Date and Time Methods

Convert Number to Date Method

Convert Serial Number to Date Method

Convert String to Date Method

Convert String to Time Method

Extract Day From Date-Time Value Method

Extract Hour From Date-Time Value Method

Extract Minute From Date-Time Value Method

Extract Month From Date-Time Value Method

Extract Second From Date-Time Value Method

Extract Weekday From Date-Time Value Method

Extract Year From Date-Time Value Method

Get Current Date Method

Get Current Date and Time Method

Get Current Time Method

Get Current Seconds Method

Get Serial Time Method

Set Date Method

Set Time Method

ODBC Methods

Overview of ODBC Methods

ODBC Close Connection Method

ODBC Get Errors Method

ODBC Get Query Results Method

ODBC Get Schema Method

ODBC Open Connection Method

ODBC Run Query Method

ODBC Run Query and Get Results Method

ODBC Save Results to File Method

Object Querying Methods

Compare Object Expressions Operator

Is Expression a Date Method

Is Object Of Class Method

Is Optional Argument Missing Method

Is Variable Null Method

Is Variable Numeric Method

Is Variable Set Method

Financial Methods

Overview of Financial Methods

Calculate Future Value Method

Calculate Interest Method

Calculate Interest Rate Method

Calculate Internal Rate of Return Method

Calculate Net Present Value Method

Calculate Payment Method

Calculate Principal Method

Calculate Present Value Method

Conversion Methods

Convert Expression to Currency Method

Convert Expression to Double-Precision Method

Convert Expression to Integer Method

Convert Expression to Long Method

Convert Expression to Single-Precision Method

Convert Expression to String Method

Convert Expression to Variant Method

COM Methods

Assign COM Object Statement

COM Object Class

Create COM Object Method

Get COM Object Method

Initialize COM Object Method

Error Handling Methods

Get Error Code Method

Get Error Code Line Method

Get Error Message Method

On Error Method

Resume Statement

Set Error Code Method

Simulate Error Method

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Quick Reference for Siebel VB Methods

Disk and Directory Control Quick Reference

File Control Quick Reference

File Input and Output Quick Reference

Code Setup and Control Quick Reference

Code Control Statements Quick Reference

Variable Manipulation Quick Reference

Strings Quick Reference

Arrays Quick Reference

Math Operations Quick Reference

Date and Time Quick Reference

ODBC Quick Reference

Object Querying Quick Reference

Financials Quick Reference

Conversions Quick Reference

COM Object Quick Reference

Error Handling Quick Reference

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